View Full Version : My Final Post on these Forums

Flattop Monk
09-08-2002, 03:38 PM
I really stirred up a hornet's nest. I did expect some backlash, not that much. It's pretty obvious I wore out my welcome here, so I leave you with a few parting thoughts. I want to set the record straight on a few things and say goodbye.

I really did enjoy the posts on training, on different styles, on how effective some techniques are, etc. I really wish you people the best of luck in your training, and in general, the times ahead will be a lot tougher than most of you imagine.

I was extremely upset the last few days and ready to jump down anyones throat. I lost some great friends last 9/11, and my own Govt has yet to take any real action. What we did in Afghanistan was a joke. In case you have not figured it out, Bil Laded is just a pawn, reporting to higher ups. Killing him will not stop the future attacks that will kill hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Americans. Those attacks are coming whether you believe me or not. Next time, it will be worse. This was the first place I vented. This is a Kung Fu forum, not a political forum, and for that I do apologize.

What is really killing me is not so much last 911, but the behavior of certain people since then. Some of you are upset at the derogatory term "diaper head" and rightly so. It is insulting. But since 911, the Saudi's have run a telethon on Al Jazeera, literally paying for Arab families to strap bombs on their children to blow up Jews. If it was a "few extremists", why haven't the Saudi people been so outraged at this telethon. Why haven't they demanded it's removal. How sick is it to raise money to reward people into brainwashing their own children into strapping bombs on themselves to murder Jews. Israel is about the size of Connecticut, the Arabs have 600 times the land, why can't the Jews be allowed to live peacefully there?

Why is Osama Bin Laden portrayed as a hero on Al Jazeera? If it was a few extremists responsible, Al Jazeera would be condemning him. The Saudi's would have frozen his personal bank accounts, which they still refuse to do.

BOTH of my parents grew up under Nazi occupation, and know the horrors the Jews have been through. A blood relative of mine was a partisan and died being tortured by the Nazi's. No sane person would condone Hitler's Germany. Yet in the Arab world, the second biggest selling book is Mein Kampf. They are totally dedicated to the complete annihilation of the Jewish people. No matter how much Jews give to Arab charities, no matter what technology they give them, it is never enough. Back at the Camp David Agreemants, Moshe Dayan turned over 3 quarters of Israel to the Arabs for a peace agreement. Then why doesn't the Arab community condemn the daily murder of Jews in Isreal? What country, after being attacked on it's most holy day, gives back land it took from the attackers who were trying to exterminate them? And why did they give back the land? In the name of peace. Why can't Israel live in peace then?

As for some of the hate responses I recieved, I will not name login names, just answers to the whole group.

One of you said I claim to be from some organization. I do NOT claim to be part of any organization, and am not. Those views are my own, and I do back up my big mouth. I heard a lot of references along the lines of "we don't judge all white people by the Ku Klux Klan", or something along those lines. The KKK or other hateful whackos don't have telethons raising money for Suicide bombers. They don't crash planes into buildings, and they don't murder people every single day. They are an "extremist few". An extremist few can not murder people in acts of terrorism every single day. Can any of you imagine a WHOLE WEEK going by where someone on this planet is not murdered by muslim terrorists. I don't hate Arabs, I hate what too many of them have been brainwashed into becoming. I really wish them well, but untill they lose this insane hatred, they are the most likely to start WW3. If Iran, (not Iraq) finishes building atom bombs, WW3 is a certainty. They brag on Iranian tv and radio that they will use Nukes to destroy the Great Satan- (the US), and the Little Satan- ( Israel). Don't believe me, go to www.memri.org and check out their broadcasts translated into English. Also check out http://www.hinduunity.org and http://www.jtf.org. Some of it is very disturbing, to say the least.

As for the d*ckbrain remarks and such from a few punks, it is very easy to insult someone at a distance. When you look eyeball to eyeball with a p*ssed off gorilla, you tend to watch your language more.

Best of luck in your training, and be safe in the dangerous times ahead. I am truly sorry for stirring up such a hornts nest. I know this will make some of you very happy, I won't be posting or replying anymore.

09-08-2002, 05:36 PM
Niskor FTM, Niskor.

09-08-2002, 06:09 PM
Flattop Monk, don't let the differences of opinion drive you away.

If you run away from here because of that, you'll be allowing those folks to claim victory over you.

Stay. You have good stuff to post.

Shadow Dragon
09-08-2002, 06:12 PM
I agree don't go.

I kinda liked some of your Posts.

Many people don't like mine, because I also often hit too close to the thruth for their comfort.

If you stay here long enough you will see that everybody gets disagreed with.


09-08-2002, 07:52 PM
Don't go. Because of the rage involved, it was very hard to support your words in a constructive way. Behind them were harsh truths, many of which we don't want to hear, because we too lost much on 911.

Just add a new tagline on your profile, like, "sorry I mouthed off, diaperhead" hehehe Well, you get the point.

09-08-2002, 11:38 PM
u shouldn't go just because different people have different experiences and viewpoints.. that's what maks the forum interesting and helps us all learn more :)

As fot 'that' thread - everyone was just standing up for what they believe in and have experienced... also hatred and emotion sometimes clouds judgements...

hope to see some of your other posts on the forum
if not good luck and c ya around :)


Former castleva
09-09-2002, 06:01 AM
Best of luck to you.

psycho monk
10-23-2002, 09:37 PM
Best of luck to you flat top im sure your future lies ahead great things and please continue working on tiger 1 and make your time productive instead of arguing with armchair warriors.

stay safe

10-23-2002, 10:28 PM
Who are you?

Chang Style Novice
10-23-2002, 10:31 PM
Check the datestamp, Ryu. This is a golden oldie.

10-24-2002, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by Ryu
Who are you?

i'm glad you asked that, ryu. i was a bit confused myself.

stuart b.

10-24-2002, 07:35 AM

Chang Style Novice
10-24-2002, 07:59 AM
hello? hello? 1, 2...testing 1, 2, 1, 2.

Is this thing on?

10-24-2002, 08:49 AM
i hear ya, chang. :)

it's history. so i pondered it for the 40 seconds it took me to respond. and then promptly forgot all about it.

stuart b.

10-24-2002, 09:14 AM
on to more important things ...

how 'bout them angels?

10-24-2002, 09:59 AM
...another one bites the dust.:(

You know, I think people get way too emotionally involved in the forum here sometimes. I mean after all, it's just a place where I can plug www.MartialArtsMart.com. But seriously, when you have so much ego involvement that you feel you must make some kind of exit statement, some kind of parting shot as you leave, you really don't understand the forum. Next week, it'll creep down the list off the front page and no one will remember or care. It's a lot like walking out on a movie you don't like. Just walk away. You don't have to lecture the other viewers on your personal reasons for not liking the movie. If it's a really bad movie, well, maybe we all like really bad movies. Personally, I sat through some serious stinkers just to get to the fight scenes...;)

10-24-2002, 10:08 AM
good point gene.

10-24-2002, 10:24 AM
I've sat through some serious stinkers because a member of the opposite sex really wanted to see it.

10-24-2002, 02:54 PM
Don't leave, then the only other black guy will be blacktaoist, and he's a token black guy....besides your post convinced me tht we need to kill them all, now, and quickly.


really, don't leave, stay.

10-24-2002, 03:14 PM
Remember the Nez Perce?

They just wanted peace too. They gave up lots and lots of land in the name of peace. In the end, they even tried to run away to Canada to attain peace.

We eventually caught these criminals from their rogue evil state, and killed them off. The whole while, we called them prarie ******s, only good injun is a dead one and have successfully exterminted them.

Up untill the late 70's it was illegal in America for them to practice their own religion.

Sure there are a few here and there, but they have been bred out like the other blue eyed indian tribes on the East Coast.

Who are we to talk. We still do things to native americans in South Dakota that peaks the repeated interest of Amnesty international. People don't forget when their grandparents whole generation was killed for no reason.

People NOW remember kids breaking curfew, getting sent to bootcamps and being run to death just like their anscestors on the trail of tears.

10-24-2002, 03:27 PM
Running away from a problem never solved them. If you believe in something you should stay and fight for those beliefs, even if everyone else in the universe believes differently. If you do that it'll set you far above the other gutless wonders who make up 99.99% of the population.

By the way, Angels in 6, I say. :D

10-24-2002, 04:41 PM
ap: Thanks. I'll take the points when I can get them

7star: oohh, I know that feeling. Seen more movies without fight scenes that way. What the point of that?

stacey: I thought tampons absorbed blood, so I missed your point entirely.

budokan: I don't know that the forum is something to really fight about or run away from. I guess that's my point. And speaking of points, Giants in 6.

10-24-2002, 06:49 PM
yes, but with a heavy excess, plus the impact of hitting the Earth....use your imagination.

10-24-2002, 11:02 PM
um, stumble, and everyone else?

flattop has made like a baby and headed out. he's gone to different things. all that's left to do is say giants in 7, talk about fight scenes and make fun of gene's backside.

oh wait, that last one goes on margie's thread. my bad.


OH, and gene, if you're short on backside, i have ample. not sure euro skin tone would match, so your wife might not approve. but hey, it's an offer.

Chang Style Novice
10-24-2002, 11:09 PM
I really like the one in "The Wedding Banquet" where the gay lovers are fighting in front of the Chinese dude's parents, because there wasn't supposed to be any sex between the Chinese one and his wife (the whole thing was a sham so she could get citizenship and he could make his parents happy,) but on their wedding night the Chinese girl took advantage of the gay Chinese guy because he was so drunk and got pregnant. So anyway, the gay couple is arguing, and the Chinese girl is moody and feeling sick 'cause she's pregnant, and unwanted because the marraige is a sham, and the white gay guy is going out and dating other men 'cause he feels betrayed, and all this is happening right in front of the gay Chinese guy's parents and they don't understand any of it because they don't speak english!

Very dramatic. That Ang Lee sure knows how to direct a fight scene! It's obvious from watching that scene that he was going to be brilliant for "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon." And he was.

10-25-2002, 01:21 AM
Well, I certainly never expected the Angels to stumble this badly, so Gene's prediction of Giants in 6 is looking better and better. Too, I wouldn't be surprised if this went to game 7....

David Jamieson
10-25-2002, 04:05 AM
I find the original post offensive, narrow minded and biased to a limited and subjective view of the world.


Kay k
10-25-2002, 04:48 AM
why do people do this! Im sure ive read this post before and as i was reading it i thought i knew the replies before i seen them! it just gets repetitive! have we had this happen b4? maybe with some other "monk"? seriously. or is this a case of dejavu?

ps: i have no idea what all the fuss is about. where is this nightmare thread?

10-25-2002, 10:10 AM
Kay k: Good question. I think we've turned it around into something positive and entertaining. It just takes a little effort from all of us and we can turn this stuff around.

rtb: That backside comment made me choke on my doughnut. Score one point for you.

David Jamieson
10-25-2002, 12:24 PM
i've conferred with my neighbour, my cat and a guy I once knew and they are also offended deeply by gene's backside...I mean the original topic which was not genes backside.


wushu chik
10-25-2002, 02:32 PM
Kay K,
You don't wanna see the original thread. Hopefully it's been deleted and gone into the recess of the KFO black hole. It's better off there, dead....kinda like Elvis's memory! It needs not be brought back up, and whoever brought this thread back to the top should be shot. Flattop Monk just was mad, that's all....no biggy, tis just needs to die.

Gene~ Sometimes you really crack me up with the stuff you come up with!! ;)


10-25-2002, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
I find the original post offensive, narrow minded and biased to a limited and subjective view of the world.

you're just saying that cause he's not here to defend himself. :mad:


oh, and gene? was it a good donut? like a jelly?

mmmnmnmn, jelly.

10-25-2002, 05:06 PM
Gene, RTB and all the others - i still have no idea what u guys r talking about, but good hijacking of the thread anyway :D

wen - im just waiting on another thread like that because *shock horror* the sniper could be a convert like i am... :(

Anyway, back to the regualarly scheduled programme... what was the final score u guys? :D


10-25-2002, 05:07 PM
mmmmm.... jelly... :confused:


10-25-2002, 05:44 PM
You all are mad. Giants in 6...if Darren Baker is at the game.