View Full Version : Taiji Abs? (same as main forum)

Chang Style Novice
09-09-2002, 07:39 AM
While working a qigong to develop internal strength this weekend, I talked a bit to my shifu about belly power. We reported to me that Chen Ching Zou (sp?) has used the Taiji Iron Ball technique to develop his abdominal power to the point that he can do a number of amazing things:

1 If he has stomach contact with an opponent, he can deliver a not-inconsiderable strike with his dantien. For example, about as hard as a slap to the face that reddens the cheek.

2 With this kind of belly fajing, he can lie on his back and toss small stones six feet into the air.

3 His abs don't resemble a six pack, but rather a taiji (yin-yang) symbol, which he can rotate in either direction!

Has anybody else seen or experienced this kind of thing? It seems incredibly cool to me, and I'd like to develop my abilities in this direction. Other excercises besides Taiji Iron Ball for cultivating this variety of muscle and jing would be appreciated.

Ford Prefect
09-09-2002, 10:10 AM
lol @ the ying-yang symbol. I don't think that is physiologically possible.

Don't have any experience with the rest, but that struck me as funny.

09-13-2002, 09:29 AM
"Cloud Hands", alot.

09-13-2002, 08:11 PM
<goes the the fridge, gets out some milk, some cereal from the cupboard, a bowl and a spoon>

<starts to eat his Frosted FLAKES in honor of the post>

09-14-2002, 09:03 AM
It's not just belly power.

The whole body has to be involved for this to work, even if the belly is the only part that makes contact.

chen zhen
09-14-2002, 10:48 AM
Does that mean that his belly is partially black?
