View Full Version : Book On Kuen Kuits

09-12-2002, 09:08 AM
Hi Tom,

Wasn't there at one point a book on the Kuen Kuits by Moy Yat.?
If there was,do you guys plan on republishing it .?
Also have the Kuits found a permanent home yet?,last I heard it was mentioned about putting them in a musuem in NY.?


Tom Kagan
09-13-2002, 07:28 AM
The book, Ving Tsun Kuen Kuit, by Moy Yat, is out of print. A used book service might be able to help you.

Before my Sifu's untimely passing, he was putting finishing touches on a reprint of the book. There is no word yet as to when the Moy family will go through the ordeal of releasing a revised edition.


09-16-2002, 05:13 AM
Thanks for the reply,about the book.

Also have the Kuits found a permanent home yet?,last I heard it was mentioned about putting them in a musuem in NY.?

Have they found a place to call home yet, and is it open to the public.?


09-16-2002, 08:43 AM

If its something major for you, a few years back I think the VTM still had some in stock. Might well be gone now, but might still be worth a check. And even if they are sold out, you might be able to sweet talk a peek at it anyway.


Tom Kagan
09-16-2002, 09:55 AM

I might be wrong, but I get the feeling it's not a major thing for Geezer. I think he's just trying to rattle some chains to see how I or others react. :D

Geezer (Sheldon),

If I am wrong, my apologies. ;)

Two weeks before Sifu passed away, He and I were at The New York Metropolitan Museum of Art because they expressed an initial interest. With all that has happened since then and all of the current projects in progress, the Moy family seems to have lowered the priority of the physical stones for the time being.

Still, the seals were recently viewed in a private showing and were individually photographed by a Brazilian Group for possible inclusion in an upcoming art book project.