View Full Version : Most annoying "non-serious" injuries from training.

09-18-2002, 09:18 AM
What are your most annoying little injuries from training? Nothing serious, but just the nagging fat lips, sprained toes, etc. that seem to take forever to heal?

Right now I have the seriously annoying "cut inner lip." which makes it annoying to brush teeth, drink acidic drinks, and other such things. :D

Anyone have any others?


Water Dragon
09-18-2002, 09:22 AM
Is sciatica serious? It sure is annoying.

09-18-2002, 09:23 AM
I'll agree with the "Bitten inner lip", get those a lot from when people slap on rear naked chokes but dont have it on the neck. Matburn sucks too, on knees and sometimes my foot if i've been doing double legs sloppy :P

Hau Tien
09-18-2002, 09:38 AM
Jammed fingers suck a bunch... if you jam it good enough it can hurt for a couple weeks. Since we do a lot of things that require fingers (grabs, etc) that can suck a great deal:)

My worst, though, would have to be when I pulled a groin muscle. I had no idea I used those muscles in EVERYTHING I did, Kung Fu or not.

09-18-2002, 09:45 AM
hmm... nearly bit my tongue off in sparring. every time i go to the dentist, his assistant asks about the scar tissue.

but the most annoying (i.e., embarrassing) has to be when i broke my foot in taekwondo. i was only on crutches for a day (i chipped the bone) so it qualifies as not serious, i think.

spinning kick, i managed to get one foot shoved up the other pant leg, spun like a top, and fell down, chipping my foot in the process.


i'm an idiot.

09-18-2002, 10:04 AM
The worst toe stubbing ever. I was bringing my foot back after a kick, lost my balance a little and managed to jam my second toe straight into the floor. The whole toe bruised and swelled up and the top of my foot in an area of about a square inch at the base of the toe was bruised. For about a month after that it hurt to walk in shoes. Not horribly, but just enough that I was aware of it.

09-18-2002, 10:12 AM
I tore cartilage between a couple of my ribs last year. It was sucky and painful for a few weeks, and even now it still pops when I move certain ways.

09-18-2002, 10:54 AM
Constantly taking all the skin off my knuckles really gets me!!!

Also the bruse/rough skin on my arm near my armpit due to constantly getting armlocked there makes me mad.

The other main one thats not really an injury but anyway.....waking up in the morning and not being strong enough to hold my head up after a hard night of guys trying to twist my head off!!!

KC Elbows
09-18-2002, 10:57 AM
When I was in chung moo, they used to pack us in 50 to a class, and one time we were all practicing front snap kicks in rows, and there was barely enough room in between each row to keep from kicking the person in front of you(there were too many people to stagger).

Anyway, I felt something hit my finger, and looked back at this poor guy who was holding his foot. Somehow, he kicked, hit me on the middle finger, and broke two toes. I wouldn't be surprised if he switched to boxing after that.

For me, the most annoying is sciatica as well, though I've been strengthening my back for a while now, and that seems to have minimized any problems I have with that.

Former castleva
09-18-2002, 11:13 AM
This is a home training "injury" and a lesson.
Got enraged and kicked the bottom (hard part) of my heavy bag with an uncontrolled snap kick hitting with the top of my foot (instep)..
Was in extreme pain for a while and could hardly move,thinking I broke those fragile bones (never,ever hit strong areas with your weak areas which shall be targeted...)
Could hardly walk for the rest of the day,had pain in it at times for many days afterwards.

"The other main one thats not really an injury but anyway.....waking up in the morning and not being strong enough to hold my head up after a hard night of guys trying to twist my head off!!!"

What the heck do you do at night? :D

KC Elbows,hit you on the middle finger and broke two toes,thatīs unbelievable,yet bad.

KC Elbows
09-18-2002, 11:24 AM
He didn't so much as jam my finger. I felt bad for him.

09-18-2002, 11:47 AM
Swollen lip from the inside is really annoying, which causes difficulities with eating and drinking and in addition to that, it looks so silly. :eek:

09-18-2002, 04:08 PM
busted toe - jammed in mat at bjj
hyperextended thumbs - incorrect striking in kung fu
twisted ankle - attacked by escalator (affects training)
popped shoulder - using too much strength in strikes before knowing technique.

I'm a walking disaster area. lol. :D

Kempo Guy
09-18-2002, 04:58 PM
Three weeks ago I had a grade one tear of my AC joint (the connector between the collarbone and the shoulder) while grappling. Really irritating as I can't grapple (ground nor standing) much right now.

Other common injuries that are a real nag are hyperextended elbows and ankles. I've also seperated my shoulder a couple of times, which puts a quick stop to training. :(


09-18-2002, 08:11 PM

09-19-2002, 01:07 AM
I'm another walking disaster area. A year ago, i partially ruptured my hamstring origin. As many people said at the time, 'That's a pain in the....', It took 9 months to heal to the point that I could kick again. Nine months i tell you. As soon as it healed, I torn my other hamstring and was out again for a month and still don't have all the flexibility back.

Six weeks ago I bruised my left second knuckle breaking a board and it still hasn't healed. It goes purple everytime I do anything physical. My wife thinks I cracked a bone.

The martial arts business is just too dangerous. I'm going to take up tidlywinks.

09-19-2002, 02:24 AM
For the least serious and most annoying I'd say:

Cut your d@mn fingernails!!

I some lass's manicured fingernail sliced long the bottom of my nostril and into my nose the another night. I had to keep checking with my fingers to see if there was any blood, but luckily there wasn't actually any real damage.

Mr Punch
09-19-2002, 03:39 AM
I'm with Helicopter. Doesn't really hurt but when I go into work at 38 degrees C and 80 humidity, it'd be nice to be able to wear short sleeves, without looking like a victim of a food-mixer attack.

Also, the third time I got my nose broken, I was demonstrating how to always come in with a palm heel atemi in a particular aiki throw, and to always guard against it... my kohai got it: didn't think he would... and didn't guard against it... SPLAT!

Two days before an Yip Chun seminar, my partner sprained two of my fingers on my right hand in chi sao: fortunately didn't stop me.

The worst was my taichi master hitting me with a chi-blasting pressure point chinna that caused all of my pubic hair to fall out! And worse yet: it grew back ginger!

09-19-2002, 04:50 AM
the worst i've had was just a very sore mabe broken index finger from gettin kicked in the hand. it hurt for a couple of weeks but didn't cause too much probs for training.

I usually find i get more injuries outside of class then i do in them

09-19-2002, 05:16 AM
Dealing with the end of this right now: "tibial compartmentalization syndrome" kind of like sciatica beginning in the calf and ankle region. Check sportsinjuryclinic.net

We do deep stances for extended periods, and it's just my luck- it means that the muscles within the tibia area (within the area of the bones themselves) are expanding with blood but not expanding outwards far enough, so they choke themselves/each other out. Your legs fall asleep then you have sharp pains for weeks, if you ignore it (that's what I did. I thought it was temporary/expected & I didn't wanna be a wuss). Could be the ole heat loss vs. heat generated thing, or pronation or both.

Anyhow, I wore an ace bandage for 3 days, took aspirin and diuretics, and it cleared up. Time to get back on that horse!

09-19-2002, 06:27 AM
Does impetigo count??? I got a impetigo infection from my BJJ class a couple of months ago. That wasn't nice and I had to eat penicilin for 10 days. I always look for open wounds on my trainig partners after that.


09-19-2002, 06:29 AM
One time I was in the bathroom watching myself do front snap-kicks in the mirror. Needless to say I wasn't looking where my foot was going.. Booted the pointy bit of the old fashioned door catch at full force. It got me right in the ball of my foot just under my toes. Just managed to hop over to the bathtub before the blood started pouring out all over the place. The bruising was terrible the next day. :eek:

I think you're probably the first people I've ever told about this one.

09-19-2002, 07:47 AM
Pink-eye from BJJ.....

Former castleva
09-19-2002, 02:05 PM
Have to mention this because this is another showdown of would be injury,another lesson in technique and bad technique...
Talking about mirrors reminds me when I was just loosely practicing in front of a big mirror when I threw a wild,uncontrolled back kick only to notice a TV crashing down on the floor...
was not injured luckily,the equipment.
:) That shows that one should have good focus in his/her ushiro-geri and remember to look over shoulder if possible to aim enough.