View Full Version : Sinking elbow Chum -Jiang and finding the uses of the Tan sao

09-20-2002, 07:23 PM
I mean the movement we train in Chum Kil. So how do you like this bad-boy? I find it useful to force the opponents arms dowm, in order to take the center. Often times I slide right into a punch from there.
Another tool I've used is the double fook sao, especially against my Taichi friend. Lan sao is nice too. Basically anything that occupies the center and forces his arms down. Other than that, pak sao, pak sao. And punches from all angles. So why am I not so adept at using the Tan Sao? To tell the truth, I don't focus on it much. Strangely, I do use the Jom sao, the chopping block. I use the roll-off bon sao, but not the high bon sao that is created off of a Tan Sao.
A product of not enough Chi-sao, perhaps?

09-20-2002, 07:51 PM
Perhaps what I am saying is that I prefer to trap the opponent's arms towards my center, pulling my elbows and forearms in towards the centerline. This is a major thing WCK trains. What I'm not so good at is spreading their hands apart or making it to the outside. How about tan sao sliding up under your lead arm (asking hand)? That would open things up for me. Maybe it's the gloves, but all the same I think I could put some more tans in there.

09-21-2002, 08:46 AM
another way i use it is to drop my elbow onto incoming low strikes :) hurts like hell if you hit em right with it (esp on their elbow) then the tan sau just springs forward into whatever i want.

while it seems hard in theory, the elbow just drops for me and it works surprisingly well - its not something ive trained per se, but something i've noticed that happens