View Full Version : San Shou & Sport Jiu Jitsu - Anyone here compete in both?

09-21-2002, 01:09 AM
Just curious but how many here train for & compete in both San Shou & Sport Jiu Jitsu? Friend here that runs a Wushu Kung Fu school said he is starting to train a team to compete in both San Shou / Da events & Sport Jiu Jitsu events. I don't know too much about the rules of Sport Jiu Jitsu outside of no more then a minute on the ground. Does anyone out there do both & is there much crossover or difference in training strategy (outside of no ground fighting for San Shou)?

09-23-2002, 08:12 AM
talk to brad sounders. I think he does both. talk to Monkey Slap too also.

09-25-2002, 05:37 PM
no more than a minute on the ground in Sport JJ??? I dont think thats right at all...??????

09-26-2002, 06:42 AM
sport jj = judo!:)

09-26-2002, 10:39 AM
This sounds interesting... :)

In Scandinavia we have a new system called Sport Ju-Jutsu (http://www.sportju-jutsu.com) . It was founded a couple of years ago and has been rapidly growing, now being the second biggest JJ organisation in Sweden and growing in Norway too. The katas and the traditional not very well functioning self defence moves has been thrown out and instead the focus is on moves that works in sport competition with a lot of randori (randori is also part of what is graded on).

The whole Sport thing is adapted to the Ju-Jitsu International Federations (http://www.jjifweb.com/) rules: 2x2 minutes, both standing fight, throws and ground fighting. The fighters have to be active on the ground or they will have to rise and start over on their feet.