View Full Version : Beijing

09-23-2002, 08:07 AM
Hi there!

I have just moved to Beijing (as one does) and am looking for an instructor who teaches combat / full contact tai chi. I am a bit skeptical of shifus who advertise in the expat press. I push hands with the aul lads in the park down the road, but I am used to training tai chi to use for fightin' and not for prancing about a park all bloody day.

Also, does anyone know of a good (cheap) martial arts store in central Beijing (I am living near Bei SAn Huan - I have not found one so far. I want to get stuff like baggy trousers, a broad sword, mouth guard etc.

Can anyone help me?

09-23-2002, 09:29 AM
Typically, to find what you want you will need an introduction from someone that the instructor knows. Such teachers are not out looking for foreign students...except for taking their money....and definitely won't go into teaching the use of things to a new student - no matter how much talent or experience they have unless there is a level of familiarity - like an introduction from a friend vouching for the student's character and such.

Humility and manners are a key thing here. If you go in pressing to learn what YOU want to learn, many good teachers will either ask you to leave, teach you watered down, or take your money and teach you poorly. Similarly, if you go in to do push hands or other things with people you meet and thrash them...you have not given them any level of face. They may say nice words to you but they will typically NOT introduce you to the quality of teacher you are looking for.

The best way to do this is to get an introduction letter from someone BEFORE you get there...and if possible, have that person introduce you.

If you can't do this, you will have to do the road of developing friendships and connections with the hope that they will lead you to the teacher you want. No guarantees...but it has been known to work.

09-23-2002, 11:28 AM
Try Chen Yu, the grandson of Chen Fake. Take GLW's advice - be humble and respectful.