View Full Version : Trolling hands

09-24-2002, 08:03 AM
One can try to have some compassion for alienated and isolated
and non informative trolls. Not easy.They burn themselves up eventually.
The persistent attacks on Rene however are uncalled for. Rene and I have had major differences of opinions and major agreements too. But he is civil, informative in a major way and is dedicated to the art. I cant say that for the trolls. They are also beyond shame- so pointless to say shame. A matter of the moderators judgement calls on these things. Not a tear either way.

black and blue
09-24-2002, 08:10 AM
I wasn't aware anyone was flipping out at Rene Ritchie...

Is there another Wing Chun board on this site I've missed out on?

09-24-2002, 08:15 AM
I must have missed it. Eh, whatever.

(thanks for the kind words though, Joy, and back at you.)


09-24-2002, 09:42 AM
Joy's right. few people have been as helpful here or elsewhere as Rene, and the big guy catches crap for when he is. Something's wrong with that.

Anyhoo, Rene AND Joy -- thanks for all your help. :)