View Full Version : Choy Gar teachers

09-25-2002, 10:15 AM
Is Choy Gar taught anywhere in the world except from Stockholm, Sweden?

It seems almost impossible to get info about this style... it's mentioned often but always in reference to either The Five Families or as a parent style to another, younger style (Choy Li Fut, Jow Gar)...

This is what all the material on the net sums up to:

It is a style with low foot positions and a footwork like the swift rat. The body and the arms is like the swift snake’s movements for attack. The low body position and the power in hand techniques develop in time an inner strenght, and make the condition for an effective movemement and action.

I've also learned that the focus is on powerful fist techniques (long fist - I guess most of you know what that means - I don't). In some short reference I read a style to "incorporate the complex kicking techniques from Choy Gar" which somewhat surprises me.

If you have anything to add, I'm very grateful! :)