View Full Version : I wonder if it's doable...

Zhuge Liang
09-25-2002, 11:12 AM
...to have a website with movie clips of various lineages doing their wing chun. For instance, the site might have a collection of people doing SLT from different lineages. There might be additional written commentary on the SLT from the respective sources.

How can this be done? Well, there are a few clips here and there of SLT on the net, but I want more. Perhaps it would be possible for us to submit clips representing our lineages (or not representing). You know, kind of like a Wing Chun video exchange program, only they'd be personal videos, and everyone has access to them through a website. I, for one, am terribly interested in how other people practice wing chun, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

So I guess my question is, can this be done? How many people are willing to participate? How many people are willing to film themselves doing SLT and submit the clip for everyone to see? If you were the only one to do it, I can understand how you might have apprehension. But if 10, 20, or 30 other people do it, then it's a relatively small price to pay to get all that information.

It doesn't have to be to complicated in the beginning. At first it may just be a collection of people doing SLT. Further down the line, we may have CK comparisons, concept technique discussions, etc.

Or perhaps this is just a pipe dream...

Zhuge Liang

09-25-2002, 02:47 PM
One of the guys I train with shot a video of me doing SNT and CK, and JUST put them up on the internet today. While I would be hesitant to share it with the public, it probably isn't all that hard to find, anway :P

So, my interpretation of Sifu Lo Man Kam's Siu Nin Tao. And CK. And two people doing chi sao (note that neither of them have practiced much over the last year, and just restarted training)


Before I hear crap about how the form is all wrong and what not, I will mention in advance some of the differences from a "standard" SNT:

1. I have a sprained right ankle, so the foot isn't turned in as much as it should be.

2. Section 1: Instead of doing a full huen sao, we do a half huen sao into a jum sao.

3. Section 2: Instead of lifting directly up into a lan sao, we exagerate and use an outside-to-inside pull (nat sao).

4. Our double jum sao is done either with a drop of the elbow where the arm is parallel, OR with a rising to dropping motion which ends pointing downward.

5. Section 3: Our tan sao is high in the tan-jum-tan-gang-tan section, and the elbow moves. Gang sao ends at the side instead of front at the side.

6. Our bong sao crosses the face with a forward motion that one might see in the dummy form instead of a lifting motion seen in other familes. Our tan sao is low after the bong sao, and ends with a low hit instead of a high one.


09-25-2002, 03:00 PM
Thank you, aelward, for the link. It's unfortunate that you have to include a "caveat" about your form. There should be no need for you to have to explain. You've shown what you've learned and you're proud of it. Nothing wrong with that. That's what this forum is supposed to be about.

I hope the ankle's better now!! I hurt my shoulder a while back and it drove me crazy becaue I wanted to play kung fu so bad but had to take it easy.


Zhuge Liang
09-25-2002, 04:43 PM
Hi John,

Thanks for the link.

So no other takers? Do you guys feel it is too much trouble or are you guys simply not interested in seeing each other's wing chun? Or are you concerned about possible criticism of your wing chun? Honest question. If I were to set up a lineage neutral website to host these clips, would anyone be interested in submitting clips? I can't be the only curious one.

Zhuge Liang

09-25-2002, 04:52 PM
patience, big guy. this has only been up for five hours.

i can spot you some links, but i have no clips to volunteer of my own. and the links on other sites -- i don't have authority over them, and putting them on your own site, i think, isn't legal.

i'm curious where you recommend putting these files up -- it can cost a bit to store all these clips. whatcha thinkin?

Zhuge Liang
09-25-2002, 05:01 PM
Hello rtb,

"patience, big guy. this has only been up for five hours."

*hangs head* sorry... I just got up from a nap and it seemed longer.

"i'm curious where you recommend putting these files up -- it can cost a bit to store all these clips. whatcha thinkin?"

Well, I've been thinking to signing up for a web hosting service anyway. The cost isn't too bad. Around 5 gig of bandwidth per month for $7 or so per month (around 150~200 MB storage space). So I didn't think it would be too much trouble partition some of the web space for some wing chun clips. Besides, it's not like I plan to have thousands of clips of everyone doing everything. And if storage becomes a problem, I can probably just rotate the clips or something.

Not commited to doing it yet. I just wanted to see what the level of interest was.

Zhuge Liang

09-25-2002, 05:54 PM

I'll bring my DV to class tomorrow and how about if I video you doing SLT?

I'll then put it up on the website after compression and all.:D

These files get rather large. :(

Zhuge Liang
09-25-2002, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by planetwc

I'll bring my DV to class tomorrow and how about if I video you doing SLT?

I'll then put it up on the website after compression and all.:D

These files get rather large. :(

BWA HA HA! Remember Dave, we're from the same lineage. So if I happen to look like crap (which I will), it will partially reflect on you.

Actually, I wouldn't mind doing it, as long as other people are willing to do it too. The whole point is info exchange. Why submit myself to ridicule when I'm not going to get anything out of it? Anyway, hope more people are interested.

Zhuge Liang

09-25-2002, 06:37 PM
Kong Ming,

You probably know these already, but I'll post them just the same:

TST: http://hk.geocities.com/wingchunos/tsui.asf
WSL: http://hk.geocities.com/wingchunos/wong_slt.asf

They are taken from the WC VCD and WSL's tape respectively, so there may be copyright issues.

There are SLT clips of William Cheung and Leung Ting floating around, but I am too lazy to dig it up.

Incidentally this was one of the ideas of my website which I am still working on.

09-25-2002, 10:18 PM

those links no workie. got others?

09-26-2002, 04:30 AM
I'd post a clip of me doing the first two aswell if i can work out how

Mr Punch
09-30-2002, 12:07 AM
Excellent idea. My sifu is a pain in the ass for taping everything... I'll ask him if he knows how to/is interested in digitising it and posting it somewhere...

Privately, I'm currently doing three lineage's variations of slt, and hopefully will be taught another this week... how's that for cross-training!!?

10-01-2002, 01:29 PM
I'd be interested in seeing other WC too. I edit digital video. You can send me things to digitze if you would like, at no charge, of course. I'll film myself doing some forms. I would suggest .mpg format to you. I've got some interesting forms from the Taiji Legacy 2002!! I'll see if I can blur out faces on Premiere; I should be able to. ZL send me a PM.