View Full Version : Sum Chien

09-27-2002, 05:06 AM
just pondering if anyone knows or has heard aout the form Sum Chien (hokkien) ive heard that a karate style uses it, and was obtained when shaolin moved to japan. this form is the first form taught where i learn (tiger-crane combination) but is also the most important. the sum chien was the only form my master learned from his teacher for six years before he was taught anything else. i was just curious as to wether any other practicioners of southeren styles use this form? any response would be gratefull.

09-27-2002, 09:12 AM
Sam Jien Kuen="three Battles Fist" is a Fukienese form practiced in many variations in many systems. Known as Sanchin Kata in Uechi-Ryu, and Goju-Ryu in Okinawa, and then spread to Japan. Ngo Cho Kun has it too. It teaches basic iron body skills, segmented striking,vital point striking,trapping, infighting,chi-sao,etc.

09-28-2002, 09:04 PM
The Sum Chien form, when used properly, has all the moves one needs to be a very tough effective freestyle fighter - including grappling and groundfighting.

09-29-2002, 05:15 PM
It is one of two original White Crane Katas : Ba Bu Lien I Lu (the kata Sanchim in Goju-Ryu) and Ba Bu Lien Er Lu (the kata Tensho of Goju-Ryu).

09-29-2002, 08:20 PM
Ron, how close are the goju-ryu katas to yours? Also, I was under the impression that Chojun Miyagi created tensho. Was it a combination of other sets? Also how close is it to your form?

10-01-2002, 01:44 PM
Thank you all very much for the imput, it is much appreciated;) i find the form very satisfying both internally and externally, i am told also that it is a very effective form for developing "springy strength" which i wont argue with as after only ayears study of the form i have noiced differences when i strike. thanx again all

Royal Dragon
10-02-2002, 07:21 PM
We have it in Southern Tai Tzu. The Ngo Chor guys supposedly got it from us, but it ultimatley may come form White Crane.

South Tai Tzu goes back to the late Sung dynasty. Ours is simpler that the Ngo Chor guys, and not done wiht the extremen tension I've seen video of the Karate guys doing. The moves are different, but the concepts are the same.