View Full Version : Monks Defend Temple Name

09-27-2002, 05:12 PM

So the monks want to register "Shaolin Temple" so that anyone who uses the name can and will be sued.

Do we see a problem here?

I understand from a marketing point of view. I just read an article in the same paper a few weeks back about how some Yoga school instructor is trademarking his favorite moves and their names.

What about all the Kung-Fu schools who have Shaolin in their name, or products for that matter.

See scanned article here:


Stone Monkey
09-27-2002, 05:18 PM
Check out this thread in the Shaolin Forum:

Shaolin Trademark (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16438)


09-27-2002, 05:28 PM
...my paper...one day late to deliver the news has made me a fool.


Stone Monkey
09-27-2002, 05:29 PM
Things tend to dissappear pretty quickly when not on the main forum...

09-27-2002, 06:18 PM
as far as legality, getting the name copyrighted may be simple, but having any teeth behind it might be hard. the term is common and accepted enough that even the anti-cigarette thing will be difficult.

take these examples -- words like escalator and elevator are actual copyrighted brand names, but they're so common that if i copyright my own "sup-r-lift" brand escalator and call it the most bestest escalator ever, the company that owns the copyright to escalator is s.o.l.

regardless, if he's doing this just to keep bad things like the "shaolin burger" or whatever from being marketed, then more power to him, and i'll rubmybuddhas for his good fortune.