View Full Version : Anybody know what the names of the forms are in Dr. Yangs White Crane book ?

09-28-2002, 10:06 PM
I was wondering if anybody knows what the names of the three forms are in Dr. Yangs Fukien White Crane book these three forms are the chi Kung forms that are called The Fist Set, The Palm Set , and the Soft Chi kung Palm set , could these sets be forms like Sam Chien or other Forms from White Crane ?

09-29-2002, 04:58 PM
Are you talking about his book "Shaolin White Crane: Martial Power & Qigong"???

If so the "forms" depicted are for the purpose of manifesting various types of Jin or energy.

They are not representative of the original White Crane Katas: Ba Bu Lien I Lu (the kata Sanchin in Goju-Ryu) and Ba Bu Lien Er Lu (the kata Tensho of Goju-Ryu).

09-29-2002, 05:11 PM
Fire Hawk: To the best of my knowledge these are the main forms as taught by Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming:

* Shang Xia Zhi (Up-Down Limbs) (White Crane Barehand Matching.
* Qi Mei Gun (Equal Eyebrow Staff) (White Crane Staff)
Qi Mei Dui Gun (Eyebrow Staff Matching Set) (White Crane Staff Matching).
* Kong Shou Dui Gun (The Barehand Matches the Staff) (White Crane Barehand-Staff Matching).
* Shi Zi Tang (The Crossing Sequence) (Long Fist Barehand).
* Qi Xing (Seven Star) (White Crane Barehand).
* Chai Shou (Long Fist and White Crane Barehand Against Barehand Matching).
* Sha Shou Jian (Killing Hand Jian) (White Crane Two Short Rods).
* Gun Dui Shuang Jian (White Crane Staff Against Two Short Rods).
* Kong Shou Dui Dan Dao (Long Fist and White Crane Barehand Against Saber).
* Bai He (White Crane Barehand).
* Yao Gu (Shake the Drum) (White Crane Barehand).
* Gun Dui Dan Dao (Long Fist and White Crane Staff Against Saber Matching).
* Ba Mei Shou (White Crane Barehand) The Hand of Eight Plums.

09-29-2002, 08:11 PM
Yes the forms in Dr. Yangs White Crane book those are the forms i was talking about . Thanks for the information .

Crimson Phoenix
09-30-2002, 01:08 AM
Yang know much more WC forms than those listed in the YMAA curriculum. Speaking of these forms in the curriculum, some are combinations of individual forms. Indeed, some WC forms are VERY short and/or specialized (a couple of moves or jings), and he combined them to add a little challenge or to require a deeper understanding when people test, instead of analyzing them individually.
The double short rod "sha shou jian" is a combination of sha shou jian, chuan xin jian and qi xing jian. In barehand, qi xing is an individual sequence, but bai he is constructed with qi xing, shan he (which is also very short like a dozen of moves, and 4-5 different jings), gong he and ba mei shou. Yao gu is an individual sequence (said to be coming from Taizuquan), and finally ba mei shou is constructed with ba mei shou, da yao and ti gua. This is stated in the training manual.

On a side note, Chai Shou, Gun Dui Shuang Jian, Kong Shou Dui Dan Dao and Gun Dui Dan Dao are NOT traditional sequences: they are sequences Dr Yang requires you to invent with a partner based on your understanding of what you learned. Hence, each person (and the partner) testing the level where such a form is required has a unique form, since it was made up. They are not forms you learn, they are forms you have to invent on a them (example: staff against two short rods) based on your understanding of that theme.

Firehawk, if you have the WC book, in chapter 3 (at the end) there is a list of the WC forms he knows, you'll see, the list is longer than what is in the curriculum. He knows more than what he says or wrote...
And I don't think the sets in the books have names, as Tsuruken stated, they are qigong sets which are an integral part of WC training (for the jings) but are not sequences per se.