View Full Version : What Bench to Buy

09-30-2002, 11:37 AM
I'm looking to by an olympic weight bench, but I have no clue as to what's good and what isn't. I am looking at a couple here:http://www.thesportsauthority.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=1170136

These are the ones I like:
- Extreme Performance XT 1500 Powerlifting Bench

- Powerhouse Olympic PWR5 Power Rack With Weight Bench***

- Cap Barbell FM-3141 Olympic Bench

*** I really like this one because of the pulldown.

Do any of these look good or can someone point me to something better. Preferably in the $250 range.


09-30-2002, 01:11 PM
i'd say go with the powerhouse. lat/back exercises are hard to do if you don't have a bar or such to work with.

09-30-2002, 01:14 PM
That's what I'm thinking too. I am going to head over to Oshman's sporting goods sometime soon to check it out. It's only $225 dollars and I can avoid the $99 shipping since it's a few miles from where I'm at. Throw in a $99 300lb set from NY barbells and I should be pretty much good to go as far as home equipment.

09-30-2002, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by ewallace
I'm looking to by an olympic weight bench, but I have no clue as to what's good and what isn't. I am looking at a couple here:http://www.thesportsauthority.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=1170136

I tell you what, dude, I've been thinking abou this for a year or two, too, because it'd be cheaper than paying for a gym membership in the long run.

I was thinking, all I would need would be a squat cage and a bench to put inside it. I could use the racking pins on the squat rack to rack the bar for benching, which would eliminate the need for a bench that includes those vertical rack support things. And I could do pullups on the squat cage top cross bar thing.

These are the ones I like:
- Extreme Performance XT 1500 Powerlifting Bench

This one looks ok. The rack looks heavy duty. Do you really need all the other stuff it comes with?

- Powerhouse Olympic PWR5 Power Rack With Weight Bench***

Looks ok. Also comes with other stuff.

- Cap Barbell FM-3141 Olympic Bench

This one is rad because it's yellow :) It says it comes with a squat rack, which is awesome, but it's on the back of it and there's no safety pin feature (unlike on the cages where you have those safety bars).

*** I really like this one because of the pulldown.

Do you do pullups? If so a pulldown machine isn't that important.

If I you are the squatting type, you might want to look into an actual squat cage. I have no idea how much they run, but it's probably a bit more than $250 . That plus a bench and you'd be set. And you could build a DL platform.

But I don't know what you want. If you don't squat, then one of the ones above would be fine.

If you want to pay a bit more, IronMind (http://www.ironmind.com) will most likely have the best quality stuff.


09-30-2002, 05:47 PM
Well, honestly, I hate squats because as I've said before I have my right tibula removed. But I will/need to do them anyway. The PWR5 does have a squat cage, which is all I will really need. And I do like doing the lat pulldown, especially with free weights. It just feels good. I also like the leg extensions and curls, since they are easier on my legs.

I also have a gym membership...Balley's...don't ask. It runs out at the end of the year. And since I am getting divorced, I have an extra bedroom to put the contraption in, and the fitness center at my apartment is about 50 feet from my apartment, and there is a decent elliptical machine that's easy on my leg too. That and dumbell swings/snatches and my skip rope will take care of my cardio needs. I really don't want to go over $250 for the actual bench. + $100 for a 300 lb weight set.

I am going to go take a look at it first to see if it's good and stable. And I really am not that big on yellow. It reminds me of a lot of the Hondas I see around here! :)

09-30-2002, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by ewallace
Well, honestly, I hate squats because as I've said before I have my right tibula removed.

As you've said before? Dude, where have I been? I didn't know that.


10-01-2002, 03:37 AM
I broke my clavicle years ago playing football and about an inch just blew out. It wouldn't grow back together so I had a vascular bone grapht in which they took out most of my tibula along with a vein which they connected to an artery in my neck. Then they put a big ass plate in since I had bent the last one when they did a regular bone grapht from my left hip.

10-01-2002, 02:59 PM
I say dont get any of those, but get a membership to a gym. I once bought a olympic bench and hardly used it. it was a waste of money. You'r going to be way more motivated by going to the gym belive me, and plus there is all those girls to look at. youll wana keep going back for more. :)

...oops forget everything i wrote..i see you have a membership. but i still would nt get one

10-01-2002, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Anon
I say dont get any of those, but get a membership to a gym. I once bought a olympic bench and hardly used it. it was a waste of money. You'r going to be way more motivated by going to the gym belive me, and plus there is all those girls to look at. youll wana keep going back for more. :)

...oops forget everything i wrote..i see you have a membership. but i still would nt get one

Yeah, gyms are fun! People doing curls in the squat rack, punks seeing how much weight they can bounce off their chest and calling it bench pressing, people doing biceps curls with their back, 4" squatters, etc.

I'm usually laughing so hard I can't concentrate on my workout :)


10-01-2002, 03:44 PM
You see, you can even have fun laughing at ****s.. Personally I dont give a heck what the next guy is doing, id much rather watch the girls. yummy ! L8r

Qi dup
10-04-2002, 01:01 PM
The yellow one is awsome looking!

10-04-2002, 01:30 PM

but think of the ab workout you get from laughing at all the bozos. that alone can give almost anyone abs good enough to show up john basedow.

and clean out your frickin pm box for a change, will ya?

10-12-2002, 07:27 AM
I have a power cage-with spotting bars, so you can do bench press,squats, etc,(without a spotter) a good adjustable bench which can be fitted with a preacher stand, leg attatchment, the power cage has high and low pulleys so you can do lats, and tris, and the lower pulleys for seated rows, There are also numerous exercises with pulleys that work the muscles therough specific ranges of motion for cumulative power. Add to this, free weights, and a two teired rack of solid dumbells and you are set. Always get olympic weights, you will eventually outgrow the 'starter sets" and never buy adjustable dumbells-they will come apart and drop on your face. At this point, I would love to add a seated calf raise-maybe later as my pocketbook increases.

10-12-2002, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha

and clean out your frickin pm box for a change, will ya?

Done and done.


10-12-2002, 07:05 PM
I went and checked out that bench that had the lat pulldown. No way. Very flimsy leg extension and although it says it's an olmpic bench it really isn't. I will probably go with the yellow one (they didn't have it in stock to look at) if I decide to go that route.

TenTigers, if you don't mind me asking, how much did your cage and bench set you back?

10-13-2002, 12:33 AM
thanks iron. now if i can remember why i wanted to pm you. ah hell. just im me on aol if you're bored.

10-13-2002, 02:06 AM
What's your screenname?
