View Full Version : Push Hands Workshop in Queens, NY

09-30-2002, 03:16 PM
Hello KFO friends!
I am holding on-going monthly workshops at my home in East Elmhurst and would like to let everyone know the next one is focused on the different styles of push hands and proper applicatons. Improve your own methods while learning new ones, test yourself against different stylists, make new friends, and have fun. I am the lineage holder for both Dachengquan and Northern Hao style Plum Blossom Mantis, and a certified tournament judge. You can check out my info on my website from my member profile. This push hands workshop will take place Sunday, October 13 from 4-7PM. Cost is $50 per person. Leave me your EMail address in a private message and I'll give you the address and directions, or give me your # and I'll call.
Hope some of you can make it out!
Grandmaster Wang Rengang

10-01-2002, 06:10 AM
Mantis will be taught there?

10-01-2002, 08:45 AM
I teach my students to internalize the arts, whether they are studying Mantis or a related style. Push hands is so important as a way to self test your energy level and to learn to read the energy of your oponent. This is more effective than having people test their mantis in a full contact manner, especially for beginers who may be seriously hurt. My students are exposed to various kung fu styles and techniques because this will enhance their self-defense capabilities. I studied mantis many years before learning dachengquan. In a short time I couldn't believe how explosive my mantis became and how well I could anticipate moves from an oponent well in advance. Dachengquan has a unique style of push hands which I found to be complementary to mantis. All of my mantis students study dachengquan as well. As for this particular workshop, any stylist can benefit from it but of course mostly mantis practitioners come out to my workshops and seminars so I put my posting here this time.
:cool: I do appreciate the question because this gave me the opportunity to speak about something people may not have thought about before. Even if people can't come out to my workshops, I am happy if I can help give new ideas to improve their training or teaching. We are truly a brotherhood and by helping each other we raise the art of mantis to a higher level.

10-01-2002, 11:19 AM
I appreciate your reply as well,..it helped me to decide to place in in a place where more people of the types you are looking for will see it. Thanks,

wiz cool c
10-02-2002, 07:31 AM
is the push hands like what is done in tai chi?

10-03-2002, 08:31 AM
Hi! Thanks for your question. Yes, Tai Chi has different styles of push hands as does Dachengquan. Many styles of Kungfu don't utilize push hands but I have found it very helpful as a way to gage your energy level as well as to read your oponent. Regardless of your martial arts background or skill level, push hands is a good technique to have and practice on a regular basis.

wiz cool c
10-03-2002, 04:59 PM