View Full Version : Anime

10-02-2002, 06:20 PM
Do any of you watch anime?

10-02-2002, 06:32 PM
I first saw anime on the cartoon network with Sailor Moon. Then i saw Dragon Ball Z on the cartoon network.

Dragon Ball Z is acutally a very good fighting style and Carlos Newton who fights in the UFC and Pride does Dragon Ball Jiujitsu. He prepared for his fights by watching Dragon Ball Z anime just like i prepared for my fight with shaolin Tiger by playing streetfighter 2 turbo. Carlos Newton used his Dragon Ball Jiujitsu to defeat Pat Militech(the UFC champion at the time) and he aslo defeated Pele and a whole bunch of other people.

Carlos Newton has inspired me to go deeper into the world of anime. I am now in an anime club and we watch anime. I like Hellsing.

10-02-2002, 06:33 PM
LA BLUE GIRL is my favorite...she's a ninja.

10-02-2002, 06:42 PM
Auwsome. LEGEND you watch anime!!! All the MMA fighters are wathcing anime now.

I like Battle Athletes, Hellsing, Dragon BallZ, Sailor Moon, Karo Kano, FLCL, etc.

I havn't seen la blue girl yet.

10-02-2002, 06:47 PM
you're not old enough..... stop perverting the poor lad, LEGEND. ;)

Ralek...... your sig is looking good, my friend.


10-02-2002, 06:47 PM
I don't understand why some of the more expericed anime watchers make fun of Dragon Ball Z. DBZ is arguably one of the best fighting styels ever as shown by Carlos Newton in the UFC and Pride. DBZ is taking anime watching to a new level. But for some reason some of the old timer anime watchers seem to dismiss Dragon Ball.

Anybody have in info about that?

Shadow Dragon
10-02-2002, 06:49 PM

La Blue Girl - might give him a new and healthy interest in Life.

:D :D :D


10-02-2002, 06:51 PM
DOOD get LA BLUE GIRL...and before ask your family to watch it with u for the 1st time!!! They'll be HOOKED...it's the latest and greatest anime from Japan...

10-02-2002, 06:51 PM
"New" maybe :D I dunno about "healthy"......... although anything to stop the Royce fetish might be good right? ;)


10-02-2002, 06:51 PM
Ryu. You must be into anime too if you know all about blue girl. I knew it. All BJJ and MMA fighters are watching anime and your a BJJ person.

I know that la blue girl has a sex and stuff in it. I just havn't seen it.

10-02-2002, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by LEGEND
DOOD get LA BLUE GIRL...and before ask your family to watch it with u for the 1st time!!! They'll be HOOKED...it's the latest and greatest anime from Japan...

BWAHAHAHA! :D Yes, please do so. Get your grandma to watch too. :D


Shadow Dragon
10-02-2002, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by LEGEND
it's the latest and greatest anime from Japan...

15 yr old, ain't exactly the latest and greatest.


10-02-2002, 06:57 PM
Well my name isn't "Ryu" by accident.... I'm not really "into" anime at all because most of the popular stuff now is just pop culture crap in my opinion. I did watch a lot of the more respectable stories though. Liked Mononoke, Akira, Sazan eyes, and..... that's about it. :) I'm kinda too old for that stuff now.

And I stay away from "hentai" ..... not good for the soul....

Well most of it anyway. :D


10-02-2002, 06:57 PM
Yuki nakai!!!!! BANZAI!!!!!!

10-02-2002, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by Shadow Dragon

15 yr old, ain't exactly the latest and greatest.


He was kidding, Shadow. :)

LOL, well I'm outta here before this thread turns into something Ryu's "virgin ears" can't hear. :D



Shadow Dragon
10-02-2002, 06:59 PM
Same here.

Gotta rip some Episodes of Anime onto Cd's for distribution.


10-02-2002, 07:00 PM
I have hentai wall paper on my computer. My roomate thinks i'm wierd. I just say that all anime including Hentai is a part of MMA and if you want to be a good figther then you will have to evolve and study anime and hentai just like the pros in the UFC and Pride are doing.

10-02-2002, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
Yuki nakai!!!!! BANZAI!!!!!!

Awesome little fighter! Good call on that one.



10-02-2002, 07:06 PM
Yes. Nakai rocks

10-02-2002, 07:14 PM
I think Hellsing is really good.

Hellsing rules becuase we all know there aren't enough vampires in anime. And there isn't enough anime in public schools. I think they should make all people watch anime to increase thier thinking skills and increase their physical dexterity.

Shadow Dragon
10-02-2002, 07:15 PM
Ralek ditch DBZ.

Watch Kinniku-Man, A****a no Joe, Fist of the North Star and Yawara-Chan for starters.

DBZ is aimed at little tots aged 5 & 6, plus most of the overseas Versions are heavily edited and cut to shreds.

Chang Style Novice
10-02-2002, 07:19 PM
Most anime is cheaply produced infantile garbage, definitely including DBZ.

When you get some hair on your tickly parts, try watching some stuff by Jan Svankmeyer, or the Fleischer brothers.

10-02-2002, 07:26 PM
There it goes again!!! The experienced anime watchers all seem to dismiss DBZ. Hey. DBZ has tested it self and passed. It has choked out the UFC champion Pat Militch.

What has "fist of the north star" done? Either put up or shut up. Your like all the kung fu guys whoul talk about how you could win a UFC. Stop talking and start doing. Dragon Ball Jiujitsu has won the UFC. What has Fist of the north star done? nothing.

Give some credit where credit is due. Don't dismiss DBZ.

Shadow Dragon
10-02-2002, 07:32 PM

It is easy.

DBZ is ring/competition fighting, same as Sokemon.

Fist of the Northstar is for the REAL HARDCORE Fighters.
Ooops forgot, can't say " You are already dead" in a ring fight.

We don't roll & hug in the ring with the Guys and call it fighting.
We roll and hug the babes and fight other REAL men in the street.


P.S.: I guess BERSERK would also be too HARDCORE for thisyoung one.

10-02-2002, 07:32 PM
I think this is one of the very reasons why kung fu people can't fight. All the harcore BJJ fighters are watching Dragon Ball and they are kicking kung fu's ass.

Kung fu people refuse to watch dragon ball becuase they think they can't be takedn down or they don't like getting dirty or bloody like in Dragon Ball.

Dragon Ball is the king. It's easy to sit back in your arm chair and say DBZ sucks. DBZ is not sitting in the armchair. DBZ is going out there kicking ass and taking names right alongside the bad boys in the UFC and Pride.

Shadow Dragon
10-02-2002, 07:34 PM
DBZ gets is arse whooped everytime it steps into a K1 or shootfighting ring.

Have fun little insect.

Chang Style Novice
10-02-2002, 08:32 PM
Anybody here ever consider watching, like, GOOD movies? Sure, they don't have flying greenhaired hydrocephalics exploding planets in looped 3 frame animations, but you might find something rewarding in

Cape Fear (Mitchum/Peck version)
Godfather I and II (there is no Godfather III - sticks fingers in ears, shouts LALALALALA!)
Shichinin No Samurai
Lawrence of Arabia
Il Buono, Il Bruto, Il Cavito
The Searchers
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Point Blank
Sunset Blvd.
Double Indemnity
In a Lonely Place

I promise all of these are plenty macho enough you won't feel like a wuss for watching them.

Shadow Dragon
10-02-2002, 08:35 PM

Seen most of those.

Not sure if Spaghetti westerns count as good Movies, though.


10-02-2002, 08:36 PM
Rolls, I'm a die-hard JMA practitioner and I watch anime. I guess your little theory that only BJJ folks watch anime is like all your other pet theories; full of puke slime from the lower intestines of a anthrax-infected pig.

I have to admit you made me smile in a grim sort of way when you mentioned your roomate thinks you're weird. Watch your back, Rolls. He may be planning an "accident" to rid your puerile existence from his life.

Chang Style Novice
10-02-2002, 08:38 PM
Good spaghetti westerns count. I didn't list "Lust in the Dust" you'll notice.

If you don't mind feeling like a wuss, I also recommend

Hannah and Her Sisters
Annie Hall
The Philadelphia Story
Some Like It Hot
Brief Encounter
The Graduate
Singin' In the Rain

and for French films that aren't wussy

Bob Le Flambeur

10-02-2002, 08:38 PM
Good list, Chang Style Novice.:)

Chang Style Novice
10-02-2002, 08:48 PM
I can't help myself. I'm artsy f@rtsy to the core.

Recently I've been renting a lot of pictures that are biographies of famous painters.

"Vincent and Theo" is way better than "Lust for Life." "Basquiat" is pretty good (and directed by a famous painter, to boot) and so is "Pollock" but stay away from "The Agony and the Ecstacy." If you really need to see Charlton Heston that badly, you're better off with "Ben Hur" "El Cid" "Planet of the Apes" or even "Soylent Green."

10-02-2002, 09:10 PM
Don't watch LA blue girl with your familly. I've seen one episode a la morpheous. Its pretty good, the ninja sex, but the demon tentacle rape is too much for me.

Miyake's "Spirited Away" is a must see, steeped in some of the worlds great myths, that movie is still playing through my brain.

then there was another one with us celeb voice overs with wolfs and boars and the forest spirit vs. iron town and a princess mononoke? with the wolves....great one.

I saw one when I was little about a girl in the valley of the wind with big glass eyed beasts.

Chang Style Novice
10-02-2002, 09:12 PM
That's "Nausicaa," Stacey

(some anime is good. Tough to go wrong with Studio Ghibli)

Shadow Dragon
10-02-2002, 09:18 PM

Check this site:



10-02-2002, 09:28 PM
LA BLUE GIRL is the utimate NINJA movie...it contains drama...comedy...action...and action...and action...and all sorts of long weapons...long tools...it's cum full!

10-02-2002, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
I have hentai wall paper on my computer. My roomate thinks i'm wierd. I just say that all anime including Hentai is a part of MMA and if you want to be a good figther then you will have to evolve and study anime and hentai just like the pros in the UFC and Pride are doing.

Yes, Pokemon has a VERY good martial arts influence. Then again there WAS that episode with the Ninjas, plus the fighting Pokemon...

Edit: What is with this UFC Dragonball crap? People are entering UFC now saying they are doing Dragonball martial arts? There is hardly any martial arts fighting on the show, and what martial arts thre is tends to be impossible stuff such as throwing 50 kicks in a second while flying. Most of it is just people shooting one another with beams.

10-02-2002, 09:46 PM
How in the living hell is this thread still in existence??

LOL, thanks guys, I am now dumber for having read through this thing! :D

Though some of Chang's movie pics are pretty good. :)
And Mononoke and Nausicaa are also great stories.

The rest of the garbage leave in the garbage bin.

10-02-2002, 09:57 PM
Chang Style Novice,

Those aren't movies. These are MOVIES-

You can count on me
Prince of Tides
Terms of Endearment
American Movie
Scent of a Woman
Thelma and Louise
Reality Bites
Good Will Hunting

'nuff said

10-02-2002, 10:02 PM
I hate to see people knocking DBZ. It's a fun and entertaining show, quit trying to be some sort of "anime purist" or whatever.
The best anime ever is Neon Genesis Evangelion. Ninja Scroll and Ghost in the Shell are also great. I'm currently watching Oh My Goddess and although it isn't exactly exciting, it's still quite good.

Shadow Dragon
10-02-2002, 10:08 PM
KungFu Guy.

We are NOT knocking DBZ, just stating facts about it.
Ever seen Gasaraaki or Votoms?

Other great ones are:
Tenshi no Tamago
Jin Roh
Hotaru no haka
Patlabor I & II (III should be soon on DVD)
Avalon (Not an Anime, but great)
Zeiram (Both Anime and Life action)


Chang Style Novice
10-02-2002, 10:22 PM
Streisand? Ew....

"Thelma and Louise" and "Terms of Endearment" are pretty good, but "Scent of a Woman" has probably the worst performance of Pacino's career. Seriously, he's so hammy in that he may as well be a bacon sammich. I haven't seen the others, but as to "Good Will Hunting," the only 1/2way decent picture I've seen with Matt Damon was "The Talented Mr. Ripley." Okay, I guess "Dogma" was about 1/3 decent. And the last good flick Robin Williams made was "The Fisher King," since then it's been just flat, flavorless mush as far as I can tell.

But, that's just strokes and folks, really

To return to my picks, I'm not kidding, "In a Lonely Place" is just brilliant. I relate WAY too strongly to the Bogart character in that one for my own comfort. If only I had Bogie's effect on women.

Shadow Dragon
10-02-2002, 10:24 PM
Some good Movies that some of the older
members might remember:

Love Story
Ice Castles
Brians Song


10-02-2002, 10:25 PM
Evangelion seems weird to me, too complicated.

Now for some strange reason I'm into gundam 0083 ,cowboybebop ( the ending sucks), and outlaw star (of course I watch adult swim,anime only though).

Well I wanna see sit of the north star but I heard it's way too bloody.

Shadow Dragon
10-02-2002, 10:27 PM

A lot of Anime is bloody, in the USA they removed plenty of blood from DBZ to show it on TV.

They also to some funny other changes b4 showing Anime on TV.


Chang Style Novice
10-02-2002, 10:28 PM
Some more great love stories (I like the ones that have a little something extra in them, myself)

Something Wild
Harold and Maud (especially if you spot Maud's tattoo, and understand the significance thereof)
Sullivan's Travels
McCabe and Mrs. Miller (well, sorta)


How did I forget La Dolce Vita!

another edit

OOH! And Black Orpheus!

10-02-2002, 10:49 PM
I thought DBZ was bloody as it was. Dang I wish I could see some DBZ in Japanese that hasnt been edited. Even the subbed tapes that come to the US are edited. I watched the episode when Gotenks first fights Majin Buu in the Room of Space and Time in both Japanese with English subs and English, same episode.

Shadow Dragon
10-02-2002, 10:54 PM

The stuff for TV is edited heavily.

Imported Tapes and Satelite broadcasts are not. AFAIK

I know that some Sailor Moon episodes were never shown on American TV due to questionable content.

The TV-stuff had:
Episodes rewritten.
Charactes changed sex to make them more mainstream.
Dialog changed
Episodes shortened


10-02-2002, 11:14 PM
Shadow Dragon, the thing is, the video I watched was NOT on TV. It was the Japanese episode, and like I said I watched the English version after it, same episode. It was edited from what I saw, but it might of been just because they got it from Funimation and it got chopped but left the Japanese voices.

I remember watching one episode once where the old Kai (purple guy with the Hitler mustache) was telling Goku he wanted to engage in sexual relations with a woman in exchange for power. Goku asked his son if he could borrow his girlfriend, then he suggested Bulma since she was single after Vegeta blew himself up. In English no such conversation took place.

Another thing I find funny is the episodes are almost the same length, I.E. a Japanese episode and an English episode but the English is edited. I do recall though one part in an episode it had to be edited. It was in the Future Trunks movie, when Gohan (missing an arm) confronts the Android 17 & 18, and 18 laughs because this was the first time they see Gohan with one arm. Well, the camera pauses for several seconds behind (and at a small distance away from) the characters and 18 says something like "He destroyed your shirt 17!" and 17 says "This is my favorite shirt." and it lasts like 6 or 7 seconds. I think 18 was making fun of Gohan loosing an arm and it was edited.

And Im gonna ask again, what is the Dragonball stuff appearing in the UFC that Ralek is saying? He cant be serious, who the hell would go into a match saying they study DBZ fighting...except Ralek.

Shadow Dragon
10-02-2002, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by PHILBERT
And Im gonna ask again, what is the Dragonball stuff appearing in the UFC that Ralek is saying? He cant be serious, who the hell would go into a match saying they study DBZ fighting...except Ralek.

Not sure what he is rambling about.

But I guess he smocked something bad.


Shadow Dragon
10-02-2002, 11:25 PM
Historical side-note:

Both Devilman and Cutey Honey were nearly banned on japanese TV.

Devilman for it's violence and blood.

Cutey Honey for depicting her in the nude when changing costumes.


P.S.; If you want to see real Anime OVA is the way to go.

10-03-2002, 07:09 AM
Yes Dragon Ball jiujitsu is in the UFC.

Carlos Newton uses it. Carlos Newton has listed his style as Dragon Ball Jiujitsu. And he beat the UFC champion Pat Militech. There are pictures of him doing the Kamehameha technique after he beat Pat militech and he actually said the magic words of the Kamehameha.

And he even looks like Goku. He has the wierd messed up hair and everything.

10-03-2002, 07:13 AM

Your getting all defensive and want to make sure the shotokan guys get recognized as anime watchers too. Stop trying to ride the Anime wave. Leave that to the BJJ and UFC fighters. Lot's of people try to ride it but if you don't know BJJ then you will just wipe out.

10-03-2002, 07:18 AM
You don't know anything.
This is how it is:
All the original UFC were shot in Japan.
You can tell by the bad dubbing of the judge.
When he appears to be saying -"lets get it on"
He's relly saying -"HAMURO BATTOSAIO"
So now you know

10-03-2002, 07:24 AM
Anybody here ever consider watching, like, GOOD movies? Sure, they don't have flying greenhaired hydrocephalics exploding planets in looped 3 frame animations, but you might find something rewarding in...


the only anime movies i like are ghost in the shell and akira. wicked city was decent.
i do remember enjoying gatchaman and the robotech series when i was little.

KC Elbows
10-03-2002, 07:42 AM
I'm with CSN here, and, in order to clear up the mystery of why the "old timers" diss DBZ, perhaps it's because the art isn't as good, the stories are Saturday morning cartoons, and WE ARE ADULTS. i.e. it's an OK kids show, but that's it.

BTW Ralek, kung fu people were watching anime years before the UFC was able to get their punch drunk lips to pronounce it. We've moved on. The UFC needs to get with the times.

I'm in agreement on a lot of those movies, although I am not particularly fond of Double Indemnity, as it just seems average to me, though my wife and I are always quoting it. "End of the line, baby.":D

Some other real movies to check out:

The Sand Pebbles
Tora! Tora! Tora! (The reason they shouldn't have bothered with that Pearl Harbor crap they made a couple years back)
Notorious(She's a hotty!)
The Ordeal of Joan of Arc(perfectly preserved silent, really disturbing, and I mean really, wouldn't have a kid watch it disturbing-the bleeding scene is frightening)
A Little Romance
A Grave of Fireflies
Naked Lunch
The Cup
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

Chang Style Novice
10-03-2002, 08:08 AM
A Grave of Fireflies! Man, what a feel-good movie that is! If watching war orphans die of starvation and radiation poisoning makes you feel good, anyway.

I'll have to check out that Joan of Ark movie. The one Besson made a couple of years ago was pretty much like something you'd scold your dog for if he put it on the rug.

I'm also a big Coen brothers fan, and can't think of a single real stinker they've done (although there was that (SPOILER ALERT) UFO scene in "The Man Who Wasn't There" that I didn't get at all.)

"Atlantic City" is another flick that's really great for grown folks. I'd have to say it's Burt Lancaster's greatest acting job ever, and that's saying something. Y'know, come to think of it, I'll bet if Burt Lancaster had been in a Coen Bros. picture that would just about overload my cinematic artistry circuits.

10-03-2002, 08:28 AM
ooops! time for my favorite anime!

Ninja Scroll
Fist of the North Star

I also liked Grappler baki

My most absoulute favorite animes are
Street fighter alpha and Street fighter 2 the anime movie

As you can see i don't need allot of sotries with depth. I just watch for fun.

Oh yeah I watch DB and DBZ but it's just in fun not looking for anything profound in my cartoons.

KC Elbows
10-03-2002, 08:29 AM
The Ordeal of Joan of Arc was a silent that was lost for a long time. However, it turned up in some vault, and it was perfectly preserved.

It's main interest, aside from the artistry of it, is that it is so perfectly preserved that it looks new. People forget that when old movies were new, they didn't look like they look now, they weren't grainy, weren't missing frames or damaged. The Ordeal of Joan of Arc is probably about as close as you can get to how they looked new without remaking the film and movies of old.

However, the bleeding scene is frightening. Apparently, the director was horrible to his thespians, especially the leading lady. There is a scene where doctors bleed Saint Joan in an attempt to stop her visions. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the actress was actually bled for that scene.

Funny story about Grave of Fireflies(I know, everyone's got a funny story about THAT movie):
It was movie night, me and some friends were going to rent some movies, my best friend and I went to the video place to do the renting, the only instructions were "maybe get some anime".

We came back with Grave of Fireflies, one called, if I recall right, When the Wind Blows(cartoon black comedy about an old british couple unsuccessfuly trying to survive nuclear war using a government pamphlet), and Ollie Stone's Heaven and Earth.

We managed to find the context under which Heaven and Earth is a feel good movie.:D

10-03-2002, 08:55 AM
I also liked Grappler baki


You have to watch Grappler baki. How can a person aspire to BJJ greatness without watching Grappler baki? Grappler baki shows all infantile strikers that their anime fighting styles suck and that a white belt grappler can defeat them all. Grappler baki is as good as Joyce, maybe better, and he definitely could kick any kung fu strikers arse because he is a white belt in grappling.

All hail Grappler baki.

10-03-2002, 10:09 AM
umm. This thread isn't about imaginary fighters in anime. It's about REAL fighters such as Carlos Newton who use anime fighting styles in real life.

Just clearing that up. Just like I am a real person who used Street Figther 2 turbo to prepare for my fight with Shaolin Tiger.

I'm not interested in what anime characters have done. I'm interested in what real people such as BJJ fighters are doing with anime.

10-03-2002, 10:12 AM
If Newton watched Grappler Baki, then Carlos would be using Baki style.


Grappler Baki is superior.

10-03-2002, 10:19 AM
Carlos does do Dragon Ball Jiujitsu. That is what he lists as his style and for every victory he says the kamehameha. That's straight of of Dragon Ball.

And Dragon Ball Z is not desinged for children. What gave you that idea? There are all sorts or poeple like Videl, Bulma, chi chi, #18 and stuff that are way for adults.

old jong
10-03-2002, 10:20 AM
I often used the Fred Flinstone's bowling tip toing feint in fantasy fights!...You should have tried this one in your own fantasy fights you want us to believe are real.

KC Elbows
10-03-2002, 10:26 AM
I often used the "uh oh Chongoooooooooo" coconut drop from Banana Splits in my bloody challenge matches with former champions.

That was before anime. Now I do the uh oh chongo, but I then say cryptic things in an inexplicably high voice while opening my eyes real wide open. It's both hanna barbera and anime. That usually ends the fight.

Chang Style Novice
10-03-2002, 10:41 AM
Like Dale Gribble, I fight with a combination of Martial Tai Chi, Ba Gua, and Krav Maga. Also like Dale Gribble, I have studied the principles of Aikido and have mastered Monkey style. In a further commonality with Dale Gribble, I am undefeated in hand to hand combat. The fact that I always flee from hand to hand combat like Dale Gribble is utterly irrelevant. I will destroy Carlos Newton with his DBZJJ. He is utterly unprepared for the likes of me.

Yours truly,
Rusty Shackelford

10-03-2002, 11:55 AM
lol true American dbz is crap.

10-03-2002, 12:14 PM
Oh and ralek dbz is based on kempo. Master Roshi's master also said it when goku wne t back in time in db.

10-03-2002, 12:18 PM

10-03-2002, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by NorthernMantis
Oh and ralek dbz is based on kempo. Master Roshi's master also said it when goku wne t back in time in db.

I don't think all of it is.... remember tenshinhan - the three eyed guy? Remebmer when his teacher was still around? his name was tsurusennin - crane master.

I thought I was the only one who had heard of grappler baki - I've got that on tape. I'll have to send a copy to ralek. his new hero will be baki hanma - after all, the guy he beat knew the death touch. this proves the inferiority of dim mak.

10-03-2002, 01:00 PM
back to dbz, let's not forget yamcha's made up style - rouga fu fu ken - the wolf fang fist.

it was never said what styles any of the others knew.

in yu yu hakusho, yusuke beat a grappler....does that mean that his style is superior to grappling? I think it may be...

goku used beat a demon in wrestling while he was in hfil.... his system must also be superior to grappling.

Ranma knows kempo also and he kicks everyone's butt....

Kempo is superior

10-03-2002, 02:56 PM
There are different characters in Dragon Ball wiht different styles.

The main character Goku does not do Kenpo or Kung fu. In episode #23 of Dragon Ball Z when Goku is killed by Piccolo, he goes to the spirit world at snake way. He talks to the janitor of the snake road. The janitor asks "Do you think i can learn kung fu too?". Then Goku replies "It's not kung fu, it's the Kamehameha style of martial arts".

When Goku reaches King Kai in the spirit world he then learns the Kayoken style.

Goku's style is not kenpo or kung fu.

And the characters who do kung fu lose. In the old dragon Ball's there was a tournament and the 6 year old version of Goku smashed a kung fu monk through the wall.

Master Roshi does the Kamehameha style.

Carlos Newton has used the Kamehameha style to enhance his BJJ thus allowing him to defeat the champion of the UFC Pat Militech.

KC Elbows
10-03-2002, 03:05 PM
So, what you're saying is, in the fifteenth episode of Star Trek, Spock's left ear is the wrong color, and that one scene has Captain Kirk with a phaser in his right hand, but the next scene has a different phaser in his left hand?:D

Shadow Dragon
10-03-2002, 04:17 PM
Anime trivia.

During one series of Yamato the ran out of the color for the Yamato and had to remix it, result wrong color.

They nearly ahd to scrap the series due to the viewers being upset.

Does not exist in Japan. The Series is a mix of:
and Southern Cross

Transformers is based on a line of japanese Toys and an American Company was hired by the Toy-Maker to produce the show.
The Toy series was pretty much of a flop until the show was shown on Japanese TV and than became a major

Have fun and share your anime Trivia.

Ralek too.

Shadow Dragon
10-03-2002, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by KC Elbows
So, what you're saying is, in the fifteenth episode of Star Trek, Spock's left ear is the wrong color, and that one scene has Captain Kirk with a phaser in his right hand, but the next scene has a different phaser in his left hand?:D

And why does spock ususally have his hands behind his Back.

'cause he is holding a Lollipop in them.Sometimes he didn't have time to put it down and he had to do the scene without showing it.


10-03-2002, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
There are different characters in Dragon Ball wiht different styles.

The main character Goku does not do Kenpo or Kung fu. In episode #23 of Dragon Ball Z when Goku is killed by Piccolo, he goes to the spirit world at snake way. He talks to the janitor of the snake road. The janitor asks "Do you think i can learn kung fu too?". Then Goku replies "It's not kung fu, it's the Kamehameha style of martial arts".

When Goku reaches King Kai in the spirit world he then learns the Kayoken style.

Goku's style is not kenpo or kung fu.

And the characters who do kung fu lose. In the old dragon Ball's there was a tournament and the 6 year old version of Goku smashed a kung fu monk through the wall.

Master Roshi does the Kamehameha style.

Carlos Newton has used the Kamehameha style to enhance his BJJ thus allowing him to defeat the champion of the UFC Pat Militech.

get your quotes right.... this is what he said: "Actually, it's the Kamesennin style of martial arts."

Master Roshi in American DBZ = Kamesennin in JDBZ.
Kamesennin = turtle master. so actually, he does the turtle master style. Kamehameha is merely the energy technique that kamesennin spent 50 years learning.

10-03-2002, 04:59 PM
now I'm just nitpicking, but goku was 10 at that time. kuririn was 13. I read on the net somewhere that he was 6 also, but I remember an episode where they said he was 10. At first they thought kuririn was younger than goku, then goku corrected kuririn about his age.

Chang Style Novice
10-03-2002, 06:46 PM
I guess this thread answers the question "What's worse than a Trekkie, a Dr. Who obsessive, and a Buffista combined?"

Anyway, while Bob Mitchum is scarier, Burt Lancaster could probably beat him up.

Royal Dragon
10-03-2002, 06:47 PM
Can't you see I'm trying to dominate the page here???

Chang Style Novice
10-03-2002, 06:55 PM
I have just as much no life as you!

Royal Dragon
10-03-2002, 07:06 PM

Chang Style Novice
10-03-2002, 07:08 PM
Looks like I'm gonna have to stand corrected about my last post. I'm getting hungry and bored.

Royal Dragon
10-03-2002, 07:34 PM
I'm tired and board, but I can't go to sleep till my daughter's homework is done, hence I've decided to dominate the forum tonight, even if i have no relative thing to say. Atleast my name will be totally on the first page.

Chang Style Novice
10-03-2002, 09:13 PM
Three rentals to choose from tonight:

Asoka (an Indian historical epic, ala Ben Hur and stuff)
Abre Los Ojos (a reputedly mindtwisting Spanish psychological thriller)
Training Day (Denzel Washington wins an Oscar as a corrupt cop)

Not a single greenhaired hydrocephalic superhero in the lot!

10-03-2002, 09:19 PM
turn on DBZ. it's on now. you can learn something and join in on our discussion.

Chang Style Novice
10-03-2002, 09:22 PM
I've tried to watch it to see what people get out of it. I can go about 5 minutes before clicking the remote in dismay and confusion.

Shadow Dragon
10-03-2002, 09:35 PM
I once tried to get into the whole Dragon Ball series, but failed to find a good story line to keep me interested.

Do you Guys get any Dragon Ball besides the Z-Series??

Not sure if you know of Dragonball & Dragonball GT

Z & GT IMO are very weak compared to the original Dragonball.


10-03-2002, 09:49 PM
DBZ focuses a lot of fighting and less on a storyline. I have seen a few episodes of DBGT and see why it failed so badly. Mainly because Akira whats-his-name did not want GT to be made, but they did it anyway.

And Krillen did Kung Fu guys until he met Roshi. Why did he quit? The other Kung Fu monks were kicking his ass around.

10-03-2002, 10:07 PM
GT was definitely weak. the original and Z were both okay. I like Z better for the action it had. The ending of the series was what DBZ was all about. Also, I like one of the main ideas behind it....Train and get stronger.

10-03-2002, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
I've tried to watch it to see what people get out of it. I can go about 5 minutes before clicking the remote in dismay and confusion.


10-03-2002, 10:08 PM
Anybody seen "The Hakkenden"?

Chang Style Novice
10-03-2002, 11:52 PM
Confused because everybody looks and sounds the same, and I'm walking in on a soap opera in the middle, and characters change names and appearances all the time, and there's this science fiction universe with all kinds of weird incomprehensible rules and...

that's enough, I figure.

10-04-2002, 01:00 AM
takes some getting used to, I guess. They all look different to me. and I follow the story perfectly. My 4 year old can tell them apart....he can even look at their shoes and tell you who the person is.

10-04-2002, 01:10 AM
... when i was younger i've seen a few:

liked: Fist of the North Star... and 2 Parts of Urizodokitoshi (dont know how to spell it correct) - both are extremly brutal...

Chang Style Novice
10-04-2002, 01:26 AM
I guess. I'm sure the fact that I don't much care has a lot to do with my inability to tell one DBer from another.

10-04-2002, 01:39 AM
lol, most likely. I can't tell the care bears apart, even though they have the insignia's on their stomachs

Chang Style Novice
10-04-2002, 08:35 AM
This sounds like a really good movie. (http://www.suntimes.com/output/ebert1/wkp-news-invincible04f.html)

10-04-2002, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by SevenStar
GT was definitely weak. the original and Z were both okay. I like Z better for the action it had. The ending of the series was what DBZ was all about. Also, I like one of the main ideas behind it....Train and get stronger.

Well db was more for kids anyways and was intended to be more about comedy than seirious fighting. hehe man when goku fought the purple ninja I laghed my head off.

Is it me or I get the idea that general blue is a h0m0seXual pedophile?

My favorite fights int db were:

The fight between master Roshi in the tankaichi budokai (aka Jackie Chun)

The fight with Tien Shin Han (in the tenkaichi budokai of course). lol when I saw goku hit that truck first at 100mph I could't stop laughing for a good 30 minutes:D Well I wanted Tien to win.

The fight with Tao Pai Pai,the first time becuase I think goku is a f@g, well his younger version is not so bad. It's the adult one that makes me wanna smack him.

The fight with Picolo jr. near the end of db.

10-04-2002, 10:13 AM
NorthernMantis, yeah General Blue is a ***. As for pedophile I don't think so. I remember reading somewhere though that General Blue was gay in both Japan and America.

Chang Style Novice
10-04-2002, 10:30 AM
In depth review of Miyazaki's "Spirited Away" by an acquaintance of mine. (http://mag.awn.com/index.php3?ltype=pageone&article_no=1543)

10-04-2002, 10:58 AM
adult goku just had good wu de, that's all. yeah, blue is gay. tenshinhan is one of my favorite characters in the series. He was always intent on training hard. he knew he had to in order to compete with the other species that were stronger than him. he had a pretty good fight with trunks later, but of course trunks won.

10-04-2002, 11:20 AM
Hmm if I rember correctly didn't general blue fall in love with this kid that ran really fast in this small town? I saw it in spanish though,with the kid havindg a boys voice, but nothing is edited and the translations are done almost perfectly even up to the point of using the japanese names for moves like kienzan,ma fu ba, ki ko kou [sp] and stuff.

Oh and if your a real dragon ball fanatic then you can tell me wha't the strongest move. Hint: It's not the kamehameha

10-04-2002, 11:27 AM

10-04-2002, 11:47 AM
i think it's ki ko hou, not ki ko hou. he used his modified shin ki ko hou on cell - with the improved one, he could use it without killing himself.

I don't think genki dama is the strongest. My guess would be (i can't think of the name right now) but the attack buu used to kill everyone on earth.

10-04-2002, 12:09 PM
lol I forgot about the genki dama but I'm pretty sure it's the ki ko hou.

When I watched dragon ball I rembered master Roshi (that funny little pervert makes me laugh) mentioning it's superiority over the kamehame ha due tot he fact that it useds your life energy (jing I suppose) making it stronger while the kamehame ha uses the energy around you (chi).

Oh by the way anyone catch the dragon ball movie with real life actors? I twas kind of corny but cool at the same time.

10-04-2002, 12:32 PM
the drawback to ki ko hou though was the fact that you die when you use it. I'm glad he was able to train hard and change that.

I haven't seen the live dragon ball, but I heard it was corny.

10-04-2002, 12:33 PM
anyone here taken one of those "what's your power level?" tests?

10-04-2002, 04:46 PM
I still think its the Genki Dama, since its mistery is only exceeded by its power.

Cos you take power from every live thing all around the universe, its pretty much endless infinite power, you just need time to load it all up.

10-04-2002, 05:24 PM
nah, it was definitely buu's attack- Jin Rui Zetsu Metsu Kou Keki - that attack that killed everyone on earth.

here's my picks:

Jin Rui Zetsu Metsu Kou Keki
Genki Dama
Final Flash
Shin Kiko Hou
Burning Attack
Hell's Flash
Eraser Cannon
I guess Kaioken should be on here somewhere, so:

and of course the Satan Special Ultra Super Megaton Punch :D:D

10-04-2002, 11:32 PM
Well you can look at this on different levels. Freiza could fire that ball that destroye entire planets, when Goku dropped the Genki Dama on Freiza, all it did was bruise him and take off part of his tail. Freiza blew up planets with his finger.

Another one is destructo disk. The disk if used correctly could of sliced Freiza in half (after all his own disk attack did) and it almost cut Nappa in 2 if not for Vegeta.

But my money would be on Genki Dama providing you have the time to prepare for the attack. That was the attack *spoiler* that defeated Kid Buu.*end spoiler*

Oh yeah for a BadMovies.org review for Dragonball, go here.

I had the opportunity to buy that movie once for $20, it was either that or Prodigal Son. By the time I got back to the store with the $20 it was sold.

10-05-2002, 12:06 AM
I don't think we're looking at potential though, but actual events. genki dama has the potential to be the most powerful attack, but the most powerful tech used was the one of buu blowing up the planet. frieza was a planet destroyer, but if I'm not mistaken, Namek is a lot smaller than earth, so buu had to put out more power to destroy earth than frieza did to destroy namek.

10-05-2002, 03:49 AM
He destroyed the Saiyan homeworld too.

10-05-2002, 04:39 AM
So far out of all the anime that i've ever watched(admittedly not alot) i'd have to say my favorite would be 3x3Eyes. Unfortunately not enough fighting but thats not exactly what its about. When they do fight its light years ahead of the DBZ "so fast you cant see 'em" arm flailing (which is just an excuse for not wanting to put in the time and draw fight sequences). All things considered, Gigantor still holds a special place in my heart. Its like the first Anime that i ever watched. Remember when it used to come on the Sci Fi channel on Saturday mornings?

I absolutely hate Sailor Moon :mad: and since where on the subject i dont much like Dragonball, too kiddy for my taste. I still watch DBZ but alot of the show is just annoying and unentertaining filler between the fight scenes. Never seen GT but by the comments im guessing im not missing much.

10-05-2002, 04:54 AM
Dameoyaji is the ultimate in MA anime.

10-05-2002, 08:15 AM
Don't forget Crying Freeman.

Anyone here seen Ushio and Tora? Action packed and hilarious.

10-05-2002, 05:25 PM
hehe took this from that websit about the dragon ball movie
************************************************** **
Thing's I learned from the movie:
Buddhist monks, when threatened, will form a protective circle. (Just like musk oxen!)
Crocodiles are a species of fish.
Boys who touch girls are called "rapists."
Arguing with a parrot is useless.
Turtles are bowlegged.
Masters of kung fu can shoot lasers or particle beams out of their hands.
Never hide something that expands into a huge dragon in your stomach.

THings towatch for
7 mins - I believe that it would be correct to say he possesses "the" four-star dragon pearl.
8 mins - Forget the grammar lesson. This movie has bigger issues.
24 mins - They have big guns and armored personnel carriers. You have a jeep and a wooden stick. Can you say, "forgone conclusion?" Good, I knew you could!
35 mins - Nope, no rubber sword here.
48 mins - What gave him away? The big freaking turtle shell on his back?
58 mins - Piggy should change those socks.
66 mins - Notice the cameraman's reflection in Turtle Man's glasses.
73 mins - There is a flaw in the logic here...