View Full Version : weng chun vs wing chun

10-02-2002, 07:18 PM
In his book 'Roots and Braches' Leung Ting makes a big deal about Weng Chun being different from Wing Chun. What's the differences between the two?

Martial Joe
10-02-2002, 07:26 PM
Time for smart ass remark...

One has an e I guess.

10-02-2002, 10:14 PM

10-02-2002, 11:23 PM
Weng chun or wing chun are written differently in Chinese character. One means "Forever springtime or Always springtime"; the other means "Singing songs in praise of Spring". Aside from that, there are many different kinds of WC practiced all over the world. There is also Ving Tsun, Wing Tsun, Yong chun, etc...:)

10-03-2002, 06:53 AM
There is no clear answer to this. In some case, it distingishes the Weng Chun Kuen of Dai Fa Min Kam (Fung Siu-Ching lineage) from the Wing Chun Kuen of Wong Wah-Bo (Leung Jan and Fok Bo-Chuen lineages) and Yik Kam.

But, because the sounds are so similar and literacy was not always high, there has been some back and forth. For example, Chan Yiu-Min, the son of Chan Wah-Shun and the sihing of Yip Man, insisted the proper term was, and used exclusively for himself, Weng Chun Kuen. Likewise, Pao Fa Lien, which is not as similar to Wong/Yik Wing Chun, still uses Wing Chun Kuen.

Weng Chun also, as a name, is sort of like Hung Kuen as a name, it was popular, symbolic, and attached to several different systems over the years. So you have Fujian Weng Chun Bak Hok Kuen, Fung Siu-Ching Weng Chun, Weng Chun Hung Kuen, etc.