View Full Version : Fujian Weng Chun Kuen ?

10-02-2002, 11:14 PM
Hi does anybody know anything about Fujian Wing Chun Kuen according to the book complete Wing chun by authors Robert Chu and Rene Ritchie.Fujian Wing Chun represents a group of similar styles said to descend from the Fujian Siu Lam Jee(SHAOLINSI or YOUNG FOREST TEMPLE)Legends hold that JEE SHIM taught the martial arts in the Wing Chun Dien(ALWAYS SPRING HALL)of the temple.Following Siu Lam s destrction ,several of his disciples were said to have spread his teachings includeing FONG SAI YUK,and HU HUI GAN who brought the art to Guangdong.The basic curriculum includes FA KUEN (VARIEGATED FIST),MUI FA BAAT GWA (PLUM BLOSSOM EIGHT TRIGRAMS),PING YAO KUEN(LEVEL SMOOTH BOXING),FUT JEUNG (BUDDHAs PALM),BAAT SIK DAN DA (EIGHT FORM SINGLE HIT),LIEN WAN KAO DA (CONTINUOUS CAPTURE HIT),JONG KUEN (DUMMY BOXING),and LUK DIM BOON GWUN (SIX AND A HALF POINT POLE)This seems to be a very strange style of Wing Chun from FUJIAN PROVINCE does anybody know anything about this style. And is BAAT SIK DANDA(EIGHT FORM SINGLE HIT)a san sao separate techniques style like GUO LAO wing chun . And this is what Sifu hoffman of Chi Sim Weng Chun told me. Hi Robert, we have in Jhee Shim Wing Chun/Weng Chun Baat Siong Da Sau and Baat Dan Da Sau. It is a San Sau exercise. One partner strikes from 8 direction, the other partner defends with one hand and attack with the other hand (siong). Or he controll one hand with Lap Sau and defend and attack with the other hand (Dan).
Andreas Hoffmann

10-03-2002, 06:54 AM
In legend this system was spread into Guangdong from Fujian by folk hero Fong Sei-Yuk and/or his classmate Hu. In practice, it seems like a variation on Fung Siu-Ching Weng Chun Kuen.