View Full Version : Chi sim chi kung

10-05-2002, 11:28 AM
Hoffman sifu- did the hei gung set of the Weng chun system come directly from shaolin?
There are 5 main postures?
Each posture corisponds to a different of the 5 elements?
Is each posture held while a specific breathing pattern is used for each posture?
What are the names of the 5 postures?
Is the Weng chung Hei gung set anything like Pan nam sigungs hei gung set? or is it totaly differant?

Thank you Sifu
Now the Kind god

Andreas Hoffman
10-06-2002, 09:13 AM
Dear bloodgod,

In our 10 wisdoms from Shaolin one wisdom is "Hei/Qi". In all Weng Chun Kuen sets we teach special Qi programmes from the shaolin temple.
Our 5 posture Qigong set is a Zhuang/Jong Qigong set.
You learn breathing-visualisation-position etc.

Andreas Hoffmann