View Full Version : Another "street encounter" thread

10-05-2002, 05:17 PM
Last night I was at the local bar in the college town I live and work in with a friend. I'm standing on the patio outside as the weather is nice these days. I hear a glass breaking and turn to see people looking through the window to the inside of the bar, so I do the same thing and I see my buddy George who is in his mid-forties and an ex-naval officer on top of some guy just controlling him. I noticed he had one leg wrapped around this guys' leg (BJJ) stlye. I later found out that the guy he was controlling smashed one of the bartenders with the glass that I heard breaking. Luckily, he wasn't cut. The bouncers break it up and everyone is standing. I go inside a few minutes later to see if my friend wants a beer and he's talking to my ex-roomate and his girlfriend. We say hi and I go back out to get drinks because there was a shorter line. I come back in to give him his drink, chat with Monica for a moment and then play darts. As I was putting my drink on the ledge, I got pushed into the wall by several people hitting the floor. I turn around to find out WTF is going on and I see the guy from the first fight right in front of me. All three of my friends hit the floor as a result of this same guy in a blue shirt and his friend attacking the bartender again. So, I grab him with a bearhug and pull him off the pile and hold him. I could have choked him and kicked the back of his knee to control him but nobody was attacking me so I opted to just hold him. I see my other friend grab a beer bottle after he got away from the pile ready to strike somebody. Then there was yelling for him to put the bottle down. The guy I had a hold of didn't resist too hard but my restraint changed into holding both of his elbows/arms behind his back. The fight broke up and J.C. and I and a bouncer escort the guys outside. The bouncer follows them to their car and they leave. Nobody was seriuosly hurt. The bartender got pucnhed in the face several times. He may have been talking some sh*t though. Monica had some minor cuts from the broken glass but was alright.
So, two more fights that hit the ground. Some would say because they had no stances. In the 1 on 1 fight, a dominant position by George kept things from escalating. The multiple attacker (about 8 people)scenario also hit the ground. This only lasted for about 20 seconds. The worst thing was that after the adrenalin rush we lost our buzz:mad: ;)

10-06-2002, 04:58 PM
whats your point??

10-08-2002, 10:30 AM
Didn't have a point really. Just more stats about real fights.

joy chaudhuri
10-08-2002, 11:28 AM
The bartender got pucnhed in the face several times. He may have been talking some sh*t though. Monica had some minor cuts from the broken glass but was alright.

I am glad that real damage didnt occur. Much trouble comes from being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Denton as you say is more of a college town--and times have changed with hiring of bouncers, law enforcement, civil rights and law suits.

LOOOOONG time ago I tended bar in a pretty tough tavern in a tough
part of Oklahoma City- you never knew what you would get--
steer wrestlers,military personnel, oil rustabouts, farm hands, cowboys- hardly any real college students---no community colleges in dem days. Norman was 15 miles away. IF I talked
xxxx or if there was a chance of my being attacked---there were things behind the bar that could be used and the owner "Slim"
(true) had a gun if needed as he watched the proceedings from the owners perch half a floor above the action.The beat cop -was more interested in "favors" rather than preventing fights unless his supervisor was around. But times change- and location.
Still- a good rule of self defense-avoid trouble spots. As in Vegas-the house more often than not wins.

10-08-2002, 01:53 PM
Joy, I agree. Avoiding trouble spots and awareness are key. I've been in Denton for 12 years. I know many people that go out around here for a few beers or lots of beers and I know most if not all of the bartenders, they are my friends. Should I ever really get into something serious I know many people would have my back, so to speak. The bartender in question had been drinking for quite a while and his co-workers cut him off at 10 PM. There really are not many fights at the places I hang out. Occasionally, there are your typical "frat-boy" fights but they tend to frequent their own spots. There were some altercations with some skinheads a few years ago but I guess they left town or something. For the most part it's good times.

10-08-2002, 04:57 PM
Shadowboxer-I understand the scene- been thru Denton a long time ago. I was once an adopted Okie- to misappropriate a passage from Huxley's Brave New World.:What shall we do with Oklahoma- so far from heaven and so close to Texas!

10-08-2002, 06:49 PM
Shadowboxer - I like hearing these stories.

If I were you, I'd feel a bit put out that red5angel hasn't come on the thread to accuse you of lying :rolleyes:

10-08-2002, 07:05 PM
Give him time!

10-08-2002, 07:15 PM
Anerlich and Shadow boxer- a short story---form a long time ago.
In a place in Oklahoma City a group of 5-6 folks came after me.,,,
a half hour after I had taken care of their leader. I had made the mistake of sticking around, wanting to finish my beer. No matter- it came out quite allright for me..
but I need a key block at one point. My relatively quiet girl friend of that time provided it witha beer bottle against the back of the head of one poor soul. Luckily no permanent damages.
The broken telephone in the neighborhood was that Joy and his "gang" had been upto something. No gang.....

10-11-2002, 02:25 AM
I was born in Denton. :D