View Full Version : New video clip

10-05-2002, 11:52 PM

for anyone who cares or who's interested, we've just uploaded a new video clip:


Hope you like it! :)


10-06-2002, 01:58 AM
Always enjoy videos thanks for posting.

Thought I'd post this capture from the Chi-Sao vid for fun.

Try looking at the first part of the Chi-Sao vid in slow motion. In the first 'attack' by the player on the left (Sifu?) he actually moves off the line with his right Tan - not sure why. The player on the right (student?) - actually does the right thing when the Sifu goes off the line - he Jow Saos - Runs inside back to the line and has total control for a split second - the Sifu is totally jammed and out of position (should have hit him) but the student disengages to comply with the Sifu's follow up attack - done from a dead position. In the attached pic you can see his Deem (palm) right in the Centerline and perhaps an inch off the Sifu's chest.

Gotta use that forward energy.

old jong
10-06-2002, 08:10 AM
This is the ''danger'' of demontrating something! The mind is more on the talk than on the doing!;)

10-06-2002, 01:43 PM
Although interested do not think anything of it...:(
