View Full Version : Starting your own school

10-07-2002, 12:38 PM
What do you guys think it takes?

My instructor asked me if this is something that I want to do in the future. He has offered to help me down that road if it is one I choose to take. I know that I would be teaching more classes, learning more about runninig business, and getting more of an inside look at being a full time martial arts instructor (I already teach now but it only when my instructor can't make it).

The way I see it, I would have to do this for a while longer and it would take a good investment of time on my part. Martial arts is a passion of mine though and as difficult as running a "non-McDojo" school might be, I think it could be worth the effort. Especially to get out of the corporate grind.

I'm in sales and marketing now and could use those skills. Now its fine tuning my technical skills in MAs, and teaching skills.

What are some of the drawbacks and problems you see? What are the benefits? If you own a school and can remember back to this point in your life, what pushed you to go for it?


10-07-2002, 01:50 PM
I have to interview an enterpreneur for one of my school projects in the near future. I've chosen to interview my instructor and will be asking exactly those types of questions, plus a few others. If I come up with anything useful, I'll let you know.


10-07-2002, 01:50 PM
Thanks Lisa, that would be great.

10-07-2002, 06:57 PM
Just believe in yourself - and don't listen TOO MUCH to the advice of others.

10-07-2002, 07:22 PM
You need to find a location that is marketable! I plan to start up a part time teaching MIXED MARTIAL ART program( a. boxing concept b. grapping concepts ) within the CHANTILLY area pretty soon. So far the only competition I have is thru KHUN KAO who teaches muy thai in RESTON. So scout out who u're comps are! Cost to forsee is RENT of the facility...equipment purchase( focus pads, heavy bags etc... )...your personal bills...all these will determine how much money u should charge a student and how many students u need MINIMUM. Many FT instructors offer many martial art programs...kids...teenagers...adults...cardio emphasis...etc...some of these programs you can create to add additional income. You can keep it real by emphasising certain programs for the REAL FIGHTERs. While others u can just give them what they want...many just want to do it for physical and mental enjoyment.

10-08-2002, 01:18 AM
I started my school about a year ago,

I went into it with a fellow student and I must say it's the best thing I've ever done,I absolutely love to teach and look foreward to my lessons all the time.

We went into it for the love and not the money and I think that makes a big difference in the attitude we portray when we teach.

The school has grown nicely,we try to keep the school as true to our arts as possible and this means hard training,so allthough we have alot of people that come and look or maybe take a few lessons,it's not for everyone.

Good luck , and if you go into it for the right reasons it will be a pleasure.