View Full Version : Info Request?

Sage Creative
10-08-2002, 10:06 AM
Does anyone know of any person teaching Southern Praying Mantis in the Dallas Texas area? I am new to the kung fu world and i saw these guys preform at the Chinn Woo this year and they blew my mind. I have never seen anything like it. if anyone could give me any information it would be great. thank you all


10-11-2002, 05:49 PM
Those guys where from Houston,Tx.

You can contact Sifu Henry Poo Yee at; (713) 779-1089

This is a good time to call as he is presently taking students.

Sage Creative
10-12-2002, 04:44 PM
Thands Redfist I will give him a call. Are you one of his students? if so where you one of them at the chin woo comp? Thanks again. I think one of their names was Rondel (sp) or something like that.

10-14-2002, 08:20 AM
I was not at Tai Chi Legacy,

Blondel is an asst. instructor at Sifu Yee`s school,

The annual student reunion will be held from
November 11th to 16th,2002 at Sifu Yee`s school,
in Houston,Tx.

All styles,all levels,from beginner to advanced are welcome in
the spirit of friendship and brotherhood to partake in the tradition of Southern Praying Mantis training.

If you have the time,this is a good place to start,
you can put down a good foundation,firmly rooted in the
fundamentals of SPM and,make arrangements for future
The phone number is the same as previously listed.

11-05-2002, 05:14 PM
Jeff Hughes at the Central Texas Kung Fu Exchange in Austin has very good kung fu (7 Star Mantis) and some great students, You can find him online and see if he knows anyone in DFW area

11-05-2002, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by Sage Creative
Does anyone know of any person teaching Southern Praying Mantis in the Dallas Texas area? I am new to the kung fu world and i saw these guys preform at the Chinn Woo this year and they blew my mind. I have never seen anything like it. if anyone could give me any information it would be great. thank you all


Aah Sage - you'll love the world of SPM. Stick with it - it is a very rewarding system.