View Full Version : Question for Joseph

10-30-2001, 06:42 PM
First of all this is not an attack in any way. I have a two part quation.

First, I was reading an article for a 1976 Real Kung Fu magazine about Choi Chueng, the father of Hong Kong CLF Sifu Choi Kwong Yuen, who is probably around your age which I thought I read was 60. The article stated that Choi Chueng past away in 1996 and was a student of Tong Shek as well as Tam Sam.

If your are 60 then you would have been about 25 at the time of Choi Chueng's passing. You said you studied with Tong Shek, so I was wondering were you real young at the time or was he real old? How old were you? Maybe Tong Shek outlived his student, Choi Chueng? Were Choi Cheung and Tong Shek contemporaries (similar age)?

The 2nd part relates to people from my lineage. I was wondering if you new anything about Leung Gwai, Wong Fook, So Gam Fook and Poon Dik.


10-30-2001, 07:23 PM
hey clfnole,

while in fut san i had to chance to meet poon sing, and take a photo with him and talk to him for a short time. check my website hungsing.com for any photo's

i took a photo of him while he dotted the lion's eyes.


"graceful staff flies above like a dragon wiggling it's tail-strong fist releases out like a tiger raising its head"

10-30-2001, 08:13 PM

I have meet him before and had dinner with him. He seemed like a pretty nice guy. I have seen him perform on tape a couple of times and he still moves pretty good with good power for an older guy.


10-30-2001, 09:12 PM
hey you know who still gets a lot of respect and love? master lai hung. when he performed with us on stage he got a standing ovation. he also looked as if he was having fun on stage. and he is 65 years old.

oh yeah, i feel the same way about joseph and tong sek. joseph must have been really young. from my records tong sek died in 1959.

it is a possibility joseph learned from tong sek, either joseph was really young or tong sek was pretty old.

but lets have joseph tell us. i am interested in what he has to say on this.

and for him to say he was invited to the fut san celebration and not go because it was sponsored by the tourism board is full of crap. if it is true, then that was his sifu's kwoon and joseph would have learned there and would have made it his ultimate goal to return to re-open his sifu's original kwoon.

but hey, joseph could be my sigung if he wanted to!
oh yeah, poon sing was a nice man. all full of smiles. very up to meeting many people. i was blessed with meeting this man.

"graceful staff flies above like a dragon wiggling it's tail-strong fist releases out like a tiger raising its head

10-30-2001, 11:21 PM
The main point of my participation in this forum is to discredit guys like Frank McCarthy, not to draw attention on myself. My background makes not difference to the debate, so I am not going to answer your question except to say I was very young and I was just going to the gwoon with my father to look around. Frank has no idea about dates and history. I spoke to people in China who were in Futshan to keep an eye on him. He was an embarrassment to say the least. Frank, you were notorious if that makes you feel good and the Chinese girls gigled very time they saw you coming!


10-30-2001, 11:51 PM
Do you know what they called your sifu Dino? "Little Sweet Potato". With affection, of course!


10-31-2001, 12:23 AM
Joseph, I am not connected with Yik-Wah-Tik, I am from a different school entirely. I come from the Lee Koon Hung lineage.

From looking at your posts you sound like you know what you are taling about. I mean you rattle dates and names few could match. I was just wondering about your relationship with Tong Shek. To say you only contribute to this forum to discredit others is rather pathetic. I thought the whole idea of this was to discuss CLF with fellow practioners.

What is the big secret with who you trained with?

You also didn't respond to my second question regarding if you knew of the people I mentioned. You sound like you know alot and since you are part of the older generaion of CLF practioners I thought you might be able to give me some insight on them.


10-31-2001, 12:45 AM
Joseph, would you like to correct him, or shall I?

10-31-2001, 12:58 AM
This kind of forum with guys like Frank in it is not a good place for any sort of meaningful exchange. I normally stay away from places like this except to get some relief from boredom. But Frank really gives me the ****s, so I have said more than I want to say already. Why don't we all go back to the gwoon and spend our time trainging instead of getting hot under the collar calling each other names.

With respect and Peace.


10-31-2001, 01:03 AM
The trouble is when you give Frank the correct date or information he says, "Ahh..I know that already!". It is his way of doing his research for the American Hung Sing Branch, the greatest CLF school in the world. You can correct him if you like, but I am going to let him swim in his ignorance.


10-31-2001, 01:19 AM
no don't give up joe,as you know i don't do clf,however i been reading your post and i believe you.if an outsider can listen then it will grow inwards.i too am here to open up the con artists,and believe me you got him thinking.
i erge you as an outsider to carry on exposing him,give nothing away.you'll be fine and you'll find your saving alot of ppl from making bad mistakes.if he wants to fight you,great i'll come along,believe me he'll have the ****s,
in the past year i've visited 7 schools and shut down 4,the other 3 were cocha,don't give up your doing fine and clf noble wants to know too,so talk to him. :)

10-31-2001, 01:33 AM
the dates i got for the death of tong sek is coming straight from fut san hung sing kwoon. they do not know when he was born and claim he died in 1959.

if serpent or this loser joseph wants to contact sifu leung wai wing at the fut san hung sing kwoon, you may do so. and if you have that much muscle, then correct them.

joseph's lineage is still shrouded in mystery. that is a sign of his being embarrassed of not being able to claim a lineage. it is clear that i am much more to joseph than a good laugh. he is always trying to discredit me and for what reason? why am i such a focus for him? if i mean nothing then why does he attack so much? it goes back to his sexual attraction to me.

he claims to have spoken to people in fut san and ask about me.......i am an embarrassment he said, and he backs out of his original claim that he studied with tong sek down to he only looked around with his father. he claims he can be my si-gung, but yet he has no direct lineage.

then he attacks my sifu for no reason. joseph, pray we never meet. regardless of your age or your non-existant lineage you will get an ass whoopin' like never before. i encourage to keep up your practice, because if we ever meet, you will change your mind about me real quick.

joseph, if you have contact with the sifu's of fut san hung sing, then what name did fut san give me?
come on, that should be easy.

joseph, you must be a very lonely man. i am sorry for that. a 60 year old man still starting **** from the shadows of his basement where he most likely lures little girls or boys there to molest them. i am actually worried about you.

but on the clf side, i will put up my clf to yours anyday, skill wise and fighting wise. you need a real good ass kicking!

i am happy you still think i don't know anything.
meet with me one day, you will see differently.

******* joke


"graceful staff flies above like a dragon wiggling it's tail-strong fist releases out like a tiger raising its head"

10-31-2001, 01:41 AM
Frank - why are you such a prepubescent juvenile? How does resorting to name calling and schoolyard sexual references help your cause at all? It says a lot more about you than it does about Joseph.

10-31-2001, 01:46 AM
you too are full of ****. if you came to our school i don't think you will leave walking.
i have a jr classmate i can have you sparr with. he needs a lightweight sparring partner to knock the **** out of. then, if you still have the time, i will make you beg my jr classmate to accept you as his student.

you are another who hides from the shadows and preys on innocent people. tell me, how come i have never heard of your terrific feats of closing down schools? are they played on your sony playstation?

you too have issues, and need to hang out with my sister josephina. together you can talk all the **** you want. hopefully you two will make a good couple.

joseph, you are full of bitterness, and my sifu was most likely right lastnight, he had a good laugh at your posts, and said that maybe i beat you to the punch with the history. but for all the people who reads this posting, my story of the hung sing branch will never be told on this open forum, and once it comes out there is nothing you can do to retract it.

you have already lost this fight, at which i only ***** slapped you a few times to wake you up. from this point on you will always remember me. and you state my name "frank mccarthy" as if you have found so secret or something. for one, i am not afraid to reveal myself as i have already done many times so far. although privately, i have been contacted by some who have revealed themselves, i will respect who they are, you joseph and serpent live on this forum because they have nothing better to do with their lives. i use this forum during my breaks at work, and never take this with me. joseph and serpent, you both are jokes.

reveal something about me that might have me wondering?

and no joseph, you can't suck my dick

i am sorry for jilting you

fran :D

"graceful staff flies above like a dragon wiggling it's tail-strong fist releases out like a tiger raising its head"

10-31-2001, 01:56 AM
Frank - every time you are asked to back up your "facts", you just attack those who are asking.

You talk about winning "this fight" - what fight? You're the only one being argumentative becasue your "facts" are so shaky and you have no real information.

You attack Joseph's sexuality for no reason - he doesn't agree with you, so he must be gay and want your body. I see your logical thinking extends beyond your "skills" as a historian, into every aspect of your life.

If I was your student, I would be so embarrassed to be reading your posts here - or is everyone in your school as misinformed and juvenile as you are?

You embarrass your style and your teachers, fool.

10-31-2001, 01:57 AM
I am sorry but the Chinese didn't give you a name, they just watched you as you broke every protocol there is to break. Where did you learned your manners?

BTW, there were more illustrous elders there that Saturday than you could ever imagined, (what a pity, you could have done some really good research that day), they just watched your group and quietly shaked their heads. They said nothing for they were much more polite than me.

You have a lot more to learn about CLF, my friend.


10-31-2001, 02:16 AM
you are full of **** because fut san did give me a name and if you were to ask them then they would know.

just because you seem to have a few dates, don't presume i don't. this goes for slurpent as well.

josephina were are no one! a nobody. a wannabe. why did your story change about studying with tong sek and then change to only look around with your father?

who is talking ****.

remember the fut san sifu had a name for me since they could not say my american name. everyone there in fut san new who i was, and yet you still don't know me.

the sifu from buk sing and hung sing were waiting to meet me and my sifu.

josephina, you're losing here. you are starting to dig real deep but still coming up with nothing.

you are big into names and dates, so what are the names of the current sifu that are teaching at fut san hung sing?

goodnite sweetheart

"graceful staff flies above like a dragon wiggling it's tail-strong fist releases out like a tiger raising its head"

10-31-2001, 03:37 AM
I was not there, I was only telling what my contacts in China saw that day. Is it really that important to know what they called you? I have a few names for you myself that I can not repeat them here.


Ginger Fist
10-31-2001, 03:45 AM
u might just want to ignore that hakka (p)ussy boy troll sui-fuw, he's no one, readily admits his k.f. sucks, and says he has no balls. i believe him on these accounts :) lying sack of shi*t can't even name his system yet claims to have shut down schools. his mother squeezed out a bucket of after birth and named it sui-fuw, i like to refer to the troll as susie foo, much more fitting :)

10-31-2001, 05:27 AM
Frank...you know I got no beef with you right?

But man you are acting like a bully (and i am being nice!) Although I agree that Joseph does seem to hide his history and swear a little too much...but that is his choice. He my have tried to discredit you but that choice of words you tried to attack him with is very childish, even you must agree. Like i said before, resulting to fights and attacks will get us no where.

If you are such a joke then Joseph and the rest of Futshan shall be laughing at you.

BUT if you are as serious about your history and finally will be bringing it out then why not just let them talk as much as they want to prove it when you have it published? (The magazine of which the forum we are using, is a good start)

i remember one time you mention you didn't care what was real only that you wanted your history told. That is not a historian...historians are based on facts regardless of their own beliefs. But i am sure you are being as unbias as possible.

And i dug out an old issue of Inside kungfu with an article about master Fu Hang Ng, and in it he only mentioned 138 forms and not all was taught outside.

although everyone got good point the fact that you think Chan Yui Chi changed the birthdate of his grandfather 10 years does seem far fetch considering how big Chan Heung was. And Joseph got good points about records and burial site. Why don't you(Frank) spend more time proving his points wrong rather than attacking him with shameless insults?

does anyone know who Chan Wan Fa is? is that the same as Chan Yong Fa? and what about Chan Wun Hon, and Chan Sun Chu boths sons of Chan Yui Chi?

Just curious. and no offense intended ok guys?

10-31-2001, 05:38 AM
You sounded pretty genuine to me. So I will try to answer your question the best way I could.

Cho Cheung was 23 when he first went to study with Chan Ngou-Sing in Futshan. That was in 1918 and Chan was already 54. He had young Tong Shek assisting him in the gwoon, so we can say Cho learned a lot from Tong even though he was Chan's student by name. Tong was a little bit older and he died before Cho.

My father also studied with him and I called him my Uncle Tong. He has known to correct quite a bit of my Kung Fu in my younger days in Hong Kong so I like to think he was my Sifu too.

Chan Kum-Fai from South America was a student of Cho, he was in Futshan with Frank's group this year. They all talked this non-sense about Cheung Ah-Yim being the co-founder of CLF to put themselves ahead of the other branches.

We know it is a lot of rubbish. The Association In Memory of Chan Heung was formed in Hong Kong in 1972 to put things in perspective. These trouble makers went underground for a while. Unfortunately, most of the elders that formed the association are now either too old or dead. Young punks like Frank are trying to repeat what they have failed to do 30 years ago. But we are ready, so history will repeat itself and the struggle will go on.


11-01-2001, 12:27 AM
Iron Silk

Chan Win Fa is Chen Yong Fa, different dialect I think, Idon´t know Chinese languages.
And Chan Wan Hon is the father of master Chen Yong Fa.

11-01-2001, 12:41 AM
Chan Win Fa - Cantonese

Chen Yong Fa - Mandarin

Same thing.

As Mandarin is recognised as the official language of China, then no doubt when Master Chen arrived in a western country and got his papers, he would need to use the official pinyin of his name from the Mandarin, not his local "dialect". Therefore, the world would know him as Chen Yong Fa.

11-01-2001, 02:54 AM
joes doing a fine job :) chick-with-dik i would pose as a student of yours,you don't think i'd come and see you face to face do you?you wouldn't know where i was coming from?have a good nights sleep,its hard to see when you dream. ;)

11-01-2001, 05:16 AM
Thanks guys!

Actually i do know Cantonese and even know a little pinyin...and I actually thought Chen Yong Fa was Cantonese...ha stupid me!

Thanks again!

11-01-2001, 09:28 AM
joseph why didn’t you say any of this earlier. As for CLFNole you only had to search some of his past posts and replies to see he was genuine.

Fear not the man who has learned one thousand kicks, fear the man who has practiced one kick a thousand times.