View Full Version : was lost but now i'm found

10-10-2002, 05:03 PM
hey guys, just wanted to say hi really since i haven't been around much lately :) loads of nasty stuff has happened to me recently, but now i have found a faith, a great gal, finally sorted out things for uni and am starting to train again (got the thirst back recently)... so i found a direction again.

a lot has gone on since i last posted properly methinks:

shadow dragon is leaving - keep in touch by email if you like? :)
rogue is having a crisis of faith - i know u will do the right thing... for you and urs :)
ralek is leaving! :eek:
there are no threads about kung fu anymore :D
and most importantly where the heck did those got qi? gals come from? :cool:

uuuum... that's about it :p

david (dawood)

10-10-2002, 05:04 PM
forgot the topless pic of wushu chik as well - how could i? :eek:


10-10-2002, 06:39 PM
Hi Dez, long time no hear. Sorry to hear life has been nasty to you lately.

Just curious, and you don't have to answer, but what is your new faith?

Mr Punch
10-10-2002, 07:16 PM
Hi DZ, welcome back!

I here ya with the nasty nonsense... a lot of that's gone down in my life recently - you're younger: don't dwell on it, don't do anything dumb you'll regret later (or if you, you may as well make it really dumb!! :D :eek: ) , and move on, train on and train for the moment and your future.

Look at it this way: in a few years you could be like me! About five weeks ago, I'd had a really devastating split from my girlfriend and in the rather brutal twists of fate (and I don't even believe in fate!) that followed I was jobless homeless and penniless. And this city can be hellalonely at times.

With the help of some good friends and of course, kungfu and budo, it's already just another chapter.

Anyway, now I've got the platitudes out the way, I gotta ask:

Is "dawood" like, a new name, like, er, from your new faith, or is it, er, like a title, er, like you know "Da Wood", like, er, you know, cos you got a really big like, you know, thing... uh-huh uh-huhuh, uh-huhuhuh uh-huhuhuhuhuh...? shut up ********...


Mr Punch
10-10-2002, 07:24 PM
Mate, you're not a Branch Davidian are you?!

Aum Shinryo...?!

If it's Krishnamurti, good luck... that must be the hardest faith: I could cope with giving up booze and drugs, but to have to cook without garlic, onion and mushroom is above and beyond devotion to any kind of higher being!

Sorry mate, won't rag you so much when you tell what it is...! ;) :p You did offer the info!

Chang Style Novice
10-10-2002, 07:29 PM

White Minority
10-10-2002, 07:50 PM

10-10-2002, 09:03 PM
lol guys! :D

joe: good to hear from you man :) i hope all is well on that side of the pond...

well CSN i'm DEFiNATELY not a genius... does that make me a SUBgenius? ;)

Actually to cut a long story short Dawood is arabic for David... so it should be pretty clear what my new faith is (Islam). But mat's reasoning is pretty good as well ;)

mat: sometimes the world just decides to take a big smelly sh|t and recently it was on me as well... but eventually things seem to sort themselves out. The hardest thing is to keep going. That's when you really find out who cares about u the most. As well as what ur made of :)
hey btw - r u back in the UK? if so i'm back at university in the w. midlands :p

WM: hi... hope u like kfo. take it easy :)


Chang Style Novice
10-10-2002, 09:07 PM
You're a converted moslem?


GET HIM!!!!!!!!!!

or better yet, don't.

btw, for an explanation of "Subgenius" try http://www.subgenius.com

No other religion offers eternal salvation or triple your money back.

10-10-2002, 09:09 PM
Hey Dez, glad you found a faith that suits you.

10-10-2002, 09:12 PM
CSN interesting fact: 1 of the original British guys who went to join the Taliban was from the city i am in now :D

joe: actually i think i just realised everything i already thought was there, i just didn;t have a direciton :) All the main things i have found in buddhism etc. are all there as well as other htings i already knew...

hey i'm in the fighterschat room with wen, xebs and some others if anyone wants ot chat? :p


10-10-2002, 10:04 PM
Ok I'm gonna ask for Ryu and a couple of others on this one. I s she asian?:D ;)

Mr Punch
10-10-2002, 10:54 PM
Asalaam alaikam.

Sorry, DZ, but I'm still a long way away.

Where are you in the WM? I come from Birmingham (did I tell you already??).

Who are you training with? You were with Tse weren't you? He has schools in Brum. Why am I saying all this? Arrrgh, ramble alert!!!

10-11-2002, 03:26 AM
walakum asalam mat :)

i'm in wolves lol so pretty close to Brum. Take care out there and let us know when ur back (if u like?)... Also still have the same sifu, just been a bit of a lazy burger recently. Finally getting back in to things after around 4/5 months of depression and lazing around...

NM: pretty close, she's arabic :p i'm leaving all the Asian chiks for u and ryu :p


10-11-2002, 06:20 AM
I hear you David. Same thing happened to me early last week. My wife was wanting a divorce and was going to take my child to California. I was not handling it very well. I was getting absolutely hammered every night after work. Sometimes at the bar, sometimes by myself at home, and sometimes by myself at the bar. To make things worse I would drive.

I woke up about 3 in the morning one day and realized that I had hit rock bottom. If I kept it up I would probably be dead in a few days. I walked into the church we had been to a few times and asked to speak to the pastor. I just looked him in the eye and said "Man, I'm in big trouble". I cannot begin to explain how much this has helped me.

Even though we are turning to different faiths I am glad you found something that can bring more meaning and fulfillment to your life. But I guess I am an evil crusader and you are a terrorist huh? We shall have to fight one day. :)

10-11-2002, 06:28 AM
maybe we could have a food fight... but such a waste of food :(

i hope things get better for ya, they always do but sometimes it's hard just to hold on and ride the storm. thankfully i had someone who was there for me and really helped me a lot. i think ur a lot stronger than you think :)

hey i'm not a terrorist, but i do scare some people lol
no need to be so secular, it's all good :)


Former castleva
10-11-2002, 06:30 AM
Good to hear you´re back on your feet again,practice in arts which emphasized falling paid off,eh? ;)
Best regards+ganbatte.

BTW,roam at those fighterschat rooms.


10-11-2002, 07:15 AM
You were gone from the forum? Never noticed.

Nah, just kidding. Welcome back! ;)

10-11-2002, 07:18 AM
i don't think many ppl read my posts anyway so no big deal - but just wanted to say hi :D


10-11-2002, 08:53 AM
I hate to pry, but - do you plan to have multiple wives? Is your girlfriend cool with that? I'm just curious as to the mind of someone from a western/Euro upbringing who follows that kind of faith. Don't feel obligated to answer.

10-11-2002, 10:50 AM
no i'm not cool with that! lmao, only joking. :D

hi dez, so the first thing u do when u get yourself off ur ass is come back on kfo!?! more willpower man, willpower! kekeke. ah, i'll just go to sleep now... signing out, 3.50am!

10-11-2002, 04:17 PM
LMAO tri! :D:D:D But ur right i think we both know the answer for that 1 :p 3.50am? Did i chat to ya before or after then? hehehe

fa jing: as far as i know the qur'an and sunnah basically states that you CAN have multiple wives if you can provide for them all EQUALLY. As in if u buy clothes for 1 u have to make it equal for the others... no favouratism. if you can't provide for yourself and 1 wife 1st, then no way in heck should ya be thinking about any others... theres a difference between lusting/wanting to sow ur oats than marriage and partnership... this is all i know, but really i am starting to learn now.

But of course marriage is a partnership where everyone is equal... doesn't matter where you are from.

Anyway, i think 1 is MORE than enuff trouble don't ya agree? ;)


10-12-2002, 02:08 AM
The Old Testament contains many examples of exemplary figures having multiple wives, and the New Testament never says anything specifically against it. So, one can presume that polygamy is not inherently non-Christian.

It is illegal, however. So practice saying "She's our, uh, houseguest."

10-12-2002, 09:45 AM
lol but true father dog... :D

personally i couldn't see myself with any more than 1 person, but who can judge another? :)


Tae Li
10-13-2002, 04:50 AM
Actually its been a while since ive been on kfo as well, as the last thread i posted on did not end very well im afraid:( but nevermind...we all move on from silly quarrels right? to answer my own question.......indeed we do.

HEY 'dAWOOD', lol, whats all this talk about more than one wife hmmm? I thought we TALKED about this.....and i clearly remember TELLING u it was ME or nothing....! lol. and u made the right decision by sticking with Tae Li and only Tae Li, well done:D

well, seeing as this is my guys thread, does that give me permission to say atleast ONE thing about Jet??? :D

move over Jet, here comes Dezhen;) lol.

good to hear from everyone.


Tae Li;) Dawood's-Miss...for those bright ones who missed it, lol. :)

10-13-2002, 04:53 AM
