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10-15-2002, 06:14 PM
CSN - It's natural for things to go sour. Sort of like entropy. Except for Cherry Jello. That red dye keeps it fresh. Now the question is can we turn it around to be postivie once again. That's the true test of tai chi, taking negative energy and turning it back to positive. The key lies in jello. Cherry jello. Trust me on this one.

Johnny - chill dude. You get to work right next to all the got qi girls and all I have is Design Sifu and Siletn Assassin. What's up with that?:mad:

Chang Style Novice
10-15-2002, 06:17 PM
Some things do get better with age, Gene. I'd like to treat everyone here to some 30 year old single malt scotch.

10-15-2002, 06:20 PM
I'll take some of that scotch, thanks!

Gene, that was quite the compliment. Thank you!

Speaking of entropy, I was reading Scientific American the other day because it was a special issue regarding time travel and potential possibilites, and they made quite a few mentions of entropy.

Creepy, huh? :eek:

xie li wong
10-15-2002, 06:23 PM

:confused: obviously i was judged as the bad guy not JOHNNY !!

Chang Style Novice
10-15-2002, 06:23 PM
Help yourself. I'm here to heal rifts and make peace.

But I SWEAR, if I catch anyone drinking my 30 y.o. scotch with diet pepsi, I'm going to flip out and kill you!!!!!!!

10-15-2002, 06:29 PM
You know I REALLLLY hate the KFO abbreviation when it should really be KFM!!! Grrr Grrr ARRRRGGGGGHHH!!!

and another THING!!! BANNN the RED JELLO!!!
Green is where it's at!!!

And another THING!!! My Gf showed up at her accupressure class waring a Got Qi T-shirt. The teacher, who happens to also be a founder of the Accupresure Institute took one look at it & desided he was going to produce similar t-shirts to promote his school!!!

I guess immitation is STILL a form of flatery:rolleyes:

Oh and ANOTHER other thing!!!
Johnny, if your numbers called and you do ship out to the Mid-east... Just be careful Man, keep your head down & come back in one peace!!!

10-15-2002, 07:07 PM
We need body rockin, not perfection!
Let me get some action, from the back section!!

David Jamieson
10-15-2002, 07:40 PM
hey, this thread is really interesting. Anyone taking notes?

we gots, got qi girls, marines, jello, half the staff at KFQG(that's what I like to call it DS :D ), hijackers, threadjackers, Kwan Do's, videos, kc elbows, banned, then unbanned folks, issues other than the magazine and of course the thread is about the girls.

So, having said that...how about them bears? You think they'll jello wrestle their way to the superbowl this year?


p.s - I am not a marine and I don't get the "sand in a jar" line either. :(

please explain this to me so I can stump my local DJ

KC Elbows
10-16-2002, 07:15 AM
You need to focus.

Do not look at the jello, or you will miss all the heavenly gotqi girls.:eek:

10-16-2002, 09:18 AM
Hopefully our forum antics won't scare them off like timid deer. It would be ironic to end up with a got qi thread and no got qi girls. This is a martial arts forum after all. What we need is more of these : http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/tshirgotqi99.html
and less of these : http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/marartshirku.html (Sorry Johnny, I couldn't resist the shot :p ) Anyway, this has been wild ride and I would expect no less from the got qi posse.

CSN- 30 year single malt?! You are on, brother! Let me grab my cup!:D

SLK- It always comes down to entropy. Entropy is sort of the ace card of any cahin of events. Hey when are we going to do lunch again?

XLW- It takes two to tango. I think both you and Johnny behaved poorly. But shake hands and it's all cool. Just like sparring, eh? That's an important lesson for any warrior - keep the stuff in the ring that needs to stay in the ring.

DS- Now before you get possessive of "got qi?" remember we are imitating with it. No one can really claim to own it but the dairy industry. The rest of us are the imitators. Actually, I conceived of the ad spin after seeing a succession of got rice? shirts on the streets, which promote an asian american mag called Yolk. So we are actually second generation imitators.

XB- I'm not even going to go there... yet.

KL- got bears? http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/75-13w.html

KC- gelatinous content, not anger.

KC Elbows
10-16-2002, 10:26 AM
You just made it to the big time.:D

10-16-2002, 11:51 AM
Me Possessive???

10-16-2002, 12:13 PM
is there any purpose to this thread?
I mean, I really dont want to sift through it if there isnt.....

someone please tell me


KC Elbows
10-16-2002, 12:20 PM
The gotqi girls are the models from www.martialartsmart.com

They are coming on here.

People are trying to organize events with gelatin.

Any more questions?

10-16-2002, 12:34 PM
what and u guys are all excited about them coming?

lol..... the poor girls!

KC Elbows
10-16-2002, 12:38 PM
Nah, Gene and Johnny are doing the gelatin thing. The GotQi girls are just reffing.:D

And don't scoff. Gene's known for his gams.:eek: :eek:

wushu chik
10-16-2002, 12:45 PM
Just for your information, there is NO point to this thread. Does this really surprise you?? :D Hey Gene, is Margie ok?? I hope the guys didn't scare her off!!!


10-16-2002, 01:28 PM
if a guy tugging her dodge ram with his john thomas didn't scare her off, i'd say she's tough enough to handle us.

besides, all she has to do is type "ke ke ke" and everyone will stop, scratch their heads and try to figure out what the hell she is saying.

except me. i laugh like that sometimes, too :D

10-16-2002, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by GeneChing
Hopefully our forum antics won't scare them off like timid deer. It would be ironic to end up with a got qi thread and no got qi girls. This is a martial arts forum after all. What we need is more of these : http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/tshirgotqi99.html
and less of these : http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/marartshirku.html (Sorry Johnny, I couldn't resist the shot :p ) Anyway, this has been wild ride and I would expect no less from the got qi posse.

CSN- 30 year single malt?! You are on, brother! Let me grab my cup!:D

SLK- It always comes down to entropy. Entropy is sort of the ace card of any cahin of events. Hey when are we going to do lunch again?

XLW- It takes two to tango. I think both you and Johnny behaved poorly. But shake hands and it's all cool. Just like sparring, eh? That's an important lesson for any warrior - keep the stuff in the ring that needs to stay in the ring.

DS- Now before you get possessive of "got qi?" remember we are imitating with it. No one can really claim to own it but the dairy industry. The rest of us are the imitators. Actually, I conceived of the ad spin after seeing a succession of got rice? shirts on the streets, which promote an asian american mag called Yolk. So we are actually second generation imitators.

XB- I'm not even going to go there... yet.

KL- got bears? http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/75-13w.html

KC- gelatinous content, not anger.
Cant believe you showed that pick gene. That thing is funny looking. Looks like my hands are huge. They are big but not that big. And to xi le wong I am man enough to admit that I went overboard and could of handled it differently and I appologize for that . IF you want to keep my quote on your sig thats fine it up to you. I am over it and I hope that someday youll have respect for the MIlitary but hey I cant change everyone. Just hope that war does not break out on our soil..... If I do get deployed patrick aka design sifu ill try to get back in one piece.:eek: AND TO THE FORUM I APPOLOGIZE FOR MY OVEREACTING AND MY ACTIONS. But its a big part of my life that I can die for. :cool: Oooooooooh gelatin. I like that. And wushu chick Margie will be on. She is a busy girl and sometimes her computer sucks.

10-16-2002, 02:43 PM
KC- I'm honored by your foot note. Or your foot post on the other got qi thread. As long as your foot stays out of your mouth and away from my butt, we're cool. :p

DS- Qi is everywhere. We can't own qi. But man, if we could bottle that stuff ans sell it on www.MartialArtsMart.com, we wouldn't have to be plugged it so hard on this forum.

SJ- The purpose of this thread is the same as the purpose of this forum. 1st. To foster the CMA community. 2nd. To sell stuff at www.MartialArtsMart.com so I can afford to put my kid through college... or at least get her some kungfu lessons.

WC- I haven't talked to Margie since the Xie/Johnny incident. They are on the other side of the building and I haven't had a reason to go over. I imagine her arm is pretty tired now from disciplining John.;) But doesn't it always happen that way? A couple of guys start banging hard and the girls run away.

RTB- You know, I was right next to master Tu when he whipped it out (read http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=230) and I almost ran away. Let's just say the man is hefty.

J- Glad you came around. I know how devoted you are as a soldier - it's a quality I've always admired in you. But remember that you are an american soldier and we americans boast the right to freedom of speech. I think Voltaire put it best “I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.”

David Jamieson
10-16-2002, 02:52 PM
I'm selling bottles of my own p....

oh, QI!



hyuk yuk (legally obligated to end this note with this because of questionable content and general goofiness)


KC Elbows
10-16-2002, 02:56 PM
Kung Lek- I'd like a bottle of pudding.

Gene- Too bad you aren't Scottish like me. You wouldn't have a butt to worry about.

10-16-2002, 03:05 PM
KL- Haven't they taught you about qi/pee retention yet? :rolleyes:

KC- What? Asians got back? Dont' think so. Here's an exception (you gotta move that bag out of the way in your imagination) http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/extigclawpac.html

10-16-2002, 03:11 PM
I will never surrender just attack in a different direction.:D You know I am keeping an eye on it thought. Hey got to be professional and I was not doing that when I exploded. If I was at home then it would be a different story. Hey Gene I propose that we do a wet got qi tshirt contest:D That would sell i gurantee;)

David Jamieson
10-16-2002, 03:14 PM
I dunno, I look terrible in wet clothes.

still...a contest is a contest.

pudding kc? Is there proof in it?

Gene- I'm up to three days! After that I have to breath out.


10-16-2002, 03:15 PM
XB- I'm not even going to go there... yet.

Why? Something wrong with the back section :confused:


10-16-2002, 03:55 PM
How did we get from Jello to Pudding?

just deserts? (http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?martialartsmart+T8JppP+higfandv.html)

10-16-2002, 03:59 PM

well, he has to have SOMETHING to tie the rope to.

or did he even use a rope? :confused:

now that running reflex -- was it because of what you saw, or the fear that he might use it on you and you're not sure you could do much about it? :eek:


10-16-2002, 06:21 PM
To All****I was seriously thinking of deleting this thread. And to know the purpose......well.....use your imagination. Since Got Qi girls were in demand, I figure it would be fun to have a thread for the got qi girls.

RTB****my truck is actually a 2000 black chevy silverado, extra cab, king bed. Margie does not do dodges(no offense to those who drive them, just prefer chevy's)

Johnny****:D No wet t-shirts for you.

Wushu Chik****Thank you for your concern. I am ok. I was a little disappointed becuase that is not what i wanted this thread to be like. But you cant keep it like that. As you said, people are people. I am sure this kind of thing is normal for all forums.

***As far as me and Gene's first getting into it, no. I dont think so. I have far too much respect for Gene, Genes first, as well as all of you guys.

Gene***Thanks for making it all better. You Go Boy!!!!!
****DESSERTS......OOOOOH, SOUNDS SO GOOD. I am a big, big chocolate eater. So I say anything with chocolate, I can eat. ke ke ke

wushu chik
10-16-2002, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by GeneChing
WC- I haven't talked to Margie since the Xie/Johnny incident. They are on the other side of the building and I haven't had a reason to go over. I imagine her arm is pretty tired now from disciplining John.;) But doesn't it always happen that way? A couple of guys start banging hard and the girls run away.

Gene, i am not even going to touch that last line with a 10 foot pole!! :p

John, tell Gene to beg for a new comp for Margie!! ;)


Xebs - Absolutely NO comment about your one comment!! :cool:

RTB- Some of the things you type make me laugh until i almost pee meself..........

Margie- Good call Chica!! Don't delete the thread! There's no point. And yes, ALL forums are like this, no matter what you try to do!! THANKS FOR THE WARNING ON THAT ONE GENE :D

JEBUS 1000 POSTS?? I really need to get out more!!!


10-16-2002, 06:55 PM
ILL try to get her a new one. Gene could not get himself a new computer if he wanted to let alone Margie. :) The president or the vp are the ones I have that make the financial decsions. They are on it though. She does a lot of work and she is stuck with a piece of machinerey that does not work right. Mine is slow also. I think it is the server. Hey Gene that last line did sound a bit fruity.

10-16-2002, 10:02 PM
margie: actually, the dodge thing was why i've been a bit standoffish. now that i know it's a chevy, well, it's like we've been buddies for years. :D

BUT the pulling the truck feat is less impressive now, because dodges would be more difficult, as they're nothing but dead weight. ;)

10-16-2002, 10:29 PM
Hey Gene,

RE: lunch...either send a PM my way or I'll get off my overworked butt and ring you to see what your schedule is like. I'd love to lunch with ya again!


Don't sweat xie li....he likes to act like a tough guy but he isn't. :D Besides, he better have respect for the military...I know where he lives. :p But seriously, I close with this: "Feel free to insult me, but NEVER EVER insult my beloved Corps!"

F.A.Y.B.A.N. Word to the muthas!

10-16-2002, 10:35 PM
Clutch it like a cornerstone, otherwise it all comes down.

10-17-2002, 09:57 AM
J - You can take the lead on that wet t-shirt contest. Somehow I don't think it will be well received on your side of the warehouse at this time.

KL - Three days!? You must be sweating it out. yuck..

XB - My genetics deprived me of a big butt. But I've been training it by posting here on the forum.

DS - Jello 2 Pudding. Does this have anything to do with those jello cup snacks all the asians were eating last year? Those things were nastier than Silent Asssassin's dried fruit salts.

RTB - He used a rope. In fact, one of my most absurd memories of that day was my frantic search for a rope as the show was going. Everybody thought some one else would bring the rope. Master Tu is hardcore, very hardcore. The truck pull is just one of his moves. He's also one of the best breakers I've seen recently.

MAM - No thread is ever like you want it to be. That's the fun in forums. Glad your still with us. Do you know how to use the PMs?

WC - The "girls run away" was specifically to egg you on. So you saw through that, eh? Good for you. Maybe I'll send someone over to your forum to spam links to our forum all over next...

SLK - My schedule is pretty open for lunch, if you give me enough warning. Let me know. It's been a while and I'd love to catch up.

10-17-2002, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Silumkid
Hey Gene,

RE: lunch...either send a PM my way or I'll get off my overworked butt and ring you to see what your schedule is like. I'd love to lunch with ya again!


Don't sweat xie li....he likes to act like a tough guy but he isn't. :D Besides, he better have respect for the military...I know where he lives. :p But seriously, I close with this: "Feel free to insult me, but NEVER EVER insult my beloved Corps!"

F.A.Y.B.A.N. Word to the muthas!
Anyone can be tough on the net. It is on streets is where it matters.:D Xi wasnt acting tough just making a lot of un-welcome comments. Im over that and I got your pm.
Semper Fidelis till I die :cool:

Ill try to work it out with the higher ups;)

10-17-2002, 12:07 PM
Gene Said:
Jello 2 Pudding. Does this have anything to do with those jello cup snacks all the asians were eating last year? Those things were nastier than Silent Asssassin's dried fruit salts.

Chocolate is where it's at!!!

When I was a little kid I tried Jello for the first time... And Choked. In retrospect I think it was because I tried to "slurp" (http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?martialartsmart+T8JppP+qigongvideos.html) it from the spoon (if you can all picture THAT), of course it went down the wrong way and I choked and Gagged!!!

Years later:
I believe my qigong training would keep me safe from choking on Jello but I've forever lost even the desire to try it...

...except for wrestling, I suppose...

OK, now back to our topic, what was it?

wushu chik
10-17-2002, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by GeneChing
WC - The "girls run away" was specifically to egg you on. So you saw through that, eh? Good for you. Maybe I'll send someone over to your forum to spam links to our forum all over next...

Gene~ Go right ahead! Ironically enough, everyone thats over there is also here!! :D. If you want me to, i'll stick one of MAM's banners on top of MY forum, just so it's fair! ;) And yeah, I kinda figured that was for me.....and yeah, your attempt to be a smartass failed miserably, but hey, that's what happens when you're a hella nice guy. :p


10-17-2002, 12:20 PM
again with the @SS remarks...

must be genitic...

10-17-2002, 01:43 PM

just be thankful that you found rope. else Master Tu would be stuck with Margie's jumper cables. :(

10-17-2002, 02:01 PM
Well i was thinking more of a female's @ss when i wrote that you know...

10-17-2002, 03:23 PM
as Oppossed to say . . . Gene's?

10-17-2002, 03:59 PM
you know Gene......no we just need to get some viewers. ke ke ke

****i have to tell you...i am not sure what to put to have someone respond to this thread....i tried the Got Qi girl approach.....that didn't work. I guess i have to actually write about something.

***I was watching kung pow the other day.....what is the point of that movie? Although....there were some funny points to it. Such as the girl....."oeoeoeowowoeoeo." that was funny. I heard that the movie "the tuxedo" was not all that great either. Being becuase Jennifer love Hewitt was in it.....I figured. She is a beautiful women...but some of the movies she is in....are a little off the wall. But when you are famous....I suppose it does not matter.

****Has anyone tried out the new x-box game "Bruce Lee?" I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet.....so for those of you that have....let me know what you thought of it so I know what is in store for me :D

10-17-2002, 05:05 PM
exactly :D

10-17-2002, 06:22 PM
Johnny****you can try, but it may not work. I think they are considering new setup for computers.....I hope

RTB****you a chevy lover too? Cool.
Not Jumper cables....aaaaaaaooooouuuuuccccchhhhh! ke ke ke(trademark)

Gene***how is your @ss? didnt' use master's tu sticks did ya? ;) kekeke

CHOCOLATE IS GREAT!! Especially Sees candies, oooooo, my favorite. Makes my mouth walta :D

****dont you love this face? :D it is so ****y

10-18-2002, 10:01 AM
The subject of my butt is strictly forbidden to everyone except for Margie and Margie can only discuss it in the context of chocolate sauce and Master Tu's training whip stick. Got it? I'm the adminstrator here so you all better behave! :rolleyes:

BTW, did I mention I was working the Exotic Erotic tomorrow? I was trying to get the got qi gilrs to go with me, but they are not at that level yet.

Gene's First
10-18-2002, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by wushu chik
OH, I do have a q for the Got Qi girls......do you ALL work at MAM?? And, isn't Got Qi from another company??

~Wen~ [/B]
I have been away from the forum for several days - the discussion has quite a variety of topics~

To respond to Wen's serious question - No, not all of the Got Qi girls are fortunate enough to work at MAM. :-) Golden handcuffs have me at my high tech job. Perhap's Gene's kwan do can someday rescue me!

10-18-2002, 10:55 AM
you might want to explain Exotic Erotic to those not of the S.F. area eh?

oh and Marg... Did you know See's candy's been getting in trouble for Child Labor abuses in Africa?

was pretty bummed out when I heard... Naughty Naughty...


10-18-2002, 01:54 PM
gf: Take your pick:
a - http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/45-81cs.html
b - http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/45-88.html
c - http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/45-81wu.html

Hint: I recommend b.

ds: I can't explain the Exotic Erotic. I won't even post a link to the website since I'm sure it'll lead to some porn site eventually. Besides, the website doesn't even do it justice. If you're really curious, well, their official website address is a no-brainer. But I've been going for years and have the scars to prove it. :eek:

10-18-2002, 03:01 PM

i'll only take a chevy in truck form. i'll only buy domestic if i want a big truck (like yours). for everything else, i'll take either honda or audi.

10-18-2002, 06:37 PM
RTB****I agree, Chevy's are definitly better as trucks. I had gotten for camping. I love to camp. But now I am thinking of trading it in. For something smaller and cheaper.

Design Sifu***I did not know that. That just bumbed me out too. Can't say that I still wont eat it though. ke ke ke oh.....and I don't think you want to know exactly what the exotic erotic is. Gene explained it to me.....it is a little....well....freaky should i say. ke k ek

Genes First***Where you been? We miss you

Gene***you said that you were going to exotic erotic, you never told me. I would have so went.

******i can talk about genes butt(if it prefers to chocolate)....cool......and whip it sticks...ke ke k ek ke ke***********

10-18-2002, 08:21 PM
hopefully gene's up on his iron bum training.

wushu chik
10-18-2002, 08:22 PM
It's all about the Dodge baby!! There's no topping the NEW Ram!! It's kewl!


10-18-2002, 08:30 PM
Margie, just tell me if you would go out with a nice fellow like me

Would you? (http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/images/wannabe-pimp.jpg)

10-19-2002, 10:35 AM
Xesball***could you handle a lady like me? cheese (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/korean-martial-arts-more-sparring-gear--for-chest-mouth-.html)

10-19-2002, 04:11 PM
:D foxy lady,

Oh yeah i could handle you, call me Marcão please (that is for big Marcos). I bet you still look cute when you're angry so i will be bugging you for a little more :p

All that TKD protection stuff look uncomfortable, maybe i should help you out of those... ;)

10-19-2002, 05:08 PM
Hello, I am back to rescue you all from this thread with a pertinent question!

Where are the weighted vests on www.martialartsmart.com ?

It seems that you do not have any, shame on you! I do want the other weighted wrist bands and leg bands but would it not be so cool to order a weighted vest with those items? :D

Anyway, what I deleted from my previous post was that I own an Art Gallery/Picture Framing business. Since someone wanted to know.

On a final note, I dont blame Johnny at all for getting irritated. The USMC is the single finest, most honorable fighting force(As a whole.) that the world has ever known. I was not a Marine, I was in the Navy, but I have worked with them and even been stationed with them for a month or two when I was in the service.

You will NEVER see them with berets, right Johnny?

David Jamieson
10-20-2002, 07:58 AM

a question about this (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/45-81cs.html) Kwan Do.

How much in Canadian dollars?
How long til it gets to me?
What are other shipping costs I may incur?
Is it ok to ship this cross border?

The only one I've seen here is aluminium (blech) and the others are the wushu steel (again...blech)


10-21-2002, 09:20 AM
kunglek****Hi...how are you? Everything that ships to canada is shipped by ups ground. it takes about 1 week to reach canada. This also depends on Customs(you know how they are). This item is not illegal in canada, therefore it will go through....no problem. And you know...as far as canadian dollars.....I have no idea. Sorry I can't help you there....but I can double check and get back to you.

Xebsball ***you can bug me...it is ok. I actually don't get angry too much.....it just takes way too much more energy to be mad then happy. so I try to avoid that state of mind. And you know....the chest gaurd is actually very comfortable. Thank you anways ;) .

Too All****I was watching this channel on TLC, about martial arts. They were doing a count down on the top 10 martial arts. It was very interesting. Just for fun, can you guess the number 1 spot? TKD was in 7th, ninjitsu came in 3rd, Karate in 2nd. :confused: :D

10-21-2002, 09:23 AM
rtb- I used to practice "sit on my ass" qigong, which Gigi (our publisher here and the big boss) still calls "butt qigong." I had to give up the practice tho, it was making me sick.

kl- Ask any of those shipping questions to Margie. That's her department. Save the kungfu questions for me :cool:

10-21-2002, 10:01 AM
Got qi threads - it's all I answer now. How did I even exist on this forum before got qi? threads?

Leslie was recommending Kung Pow to me - I'll get around to is sometime. And I don't play videogames so I have no opinion on the XBOX, but their ad campaign with us was pretty successful.

As for Tuxedo, it was awful. Jackie himself has said publicly that he "hated it" and only did it work with Spielberg. Check the martial media thread for more. I saw Hewitt's video "bare naked" and it would have been much better if she was...

Gene's First
10-21-2002, 11:28 AM
Good Morning!

Ooohhh - I do like kwan do "b" :-)

So Gene, what are you wearing to the ball??? Anything with chocolate? I thought you said that the last ball had good chocolate...

Hi Margie! Thanks for your nice note! I miss you all too~ I have been so busy with work and school that I haven't had time to play even in cyberspace. How are your martial arts lessons coming?

gotta run---


10-21-2002, 02:24 PM
Ah well at least i tried like, and you know, if you dont give the circus bear some candy he doesnt learn new tricks and stuff sorta thing.


I think i need more pratice thats all.

10-21-2002, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Arioch7
Hello, I am back to rescue you all from this thread with a pertinent question!

Where are the weighted vests on www.martialartsmart.com ?

It seems that you do not have any, shame on you! I do want the other weighted wrist bands and leg bands but would it not be so cool to order a weighted vest with those items? :D

Anyway, what I deleted from my previous post was that I own an Art Gallery/Picture Framing business. Since someone wanted to know.

On a final note, I dont blame Johnny at all for getting irritated. The USMC is the single finest, most honorable fighting force(As a whole.) that the world has ever known. I was not a Marine, I was in the Navy, but I have worked with them and even been stationed with them for a month or two when I was in the service.

You will NEVER see them with berets, right Johnny?
That is correct Arioch7. NOt on my head. Thanks for the compliments and like I said its over with and you cant change everyone.

10-21-2002, 08:31 PM
to all***Never take anything personal!

Genes first***Everything is ok with me. I actually have not been able to start becuase I have to work for the next 3 sat's, so after that is over, i am ready to start. have been doing my stretching meanwhile(ouch) But I know it will be worth it

Gene***What ever you wear, dont forget the 'stupid stick'!!!!ke ke ke

Johnny***have you been working on my new comp? j/k:p

Xesball***if that is trying...you weren't trying hard enough. ke ke ke. I am just joking...don't take that seriously. Besides....that dashing hat.....keep it. I think you can tell alot about a person by the way they dress.

10-22-2002, 09:28 AM
Exotic Erotic - I was going to wear my red silk outfit that they gave me for the 10 Year Anniversary Gala Benefit, but things got busy before I could change into it and after a while it got too late. It was hectic, as always, a lot of things you don't see everyday, some of which you might really want to see more often but a lot of shich you probably don't want to see at all. All I can say is that avoiding getting other people's fluids on me was my nights training. I didn't see any chocolate. I did see a stripper do some interesting things with a lollipop, obviously someone who had never heard of e coli.

That reminds me, that chest guard gives you back protection too. Here's one that isn't so TKD point sparring (sans Margie :( ) http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/spareqproche.html

10-22-2002, 12:49 PM
I thought there woud be soooo much attractive writing tat I would not even view it.

Got chi girls is a got chi little title.

I think it's just ashame that all I can think of M_ArtsMarie is just how good she can look. And how I miss out on such a hopefelly wonderful person by my No_Knowing her.

No info on the X-box game here, now. Have a Great Day!

10-22-2002, 01:43 PM
no_know probably has the most posts on the TC Media forum after me. Check out the squirrel thread, Margie.

And welcome to our forum, the bottom of the heap. :p

KC Elbows
10-22-2002, 01:54 PM
I just discovered this end of the forum myself. I had been looking for a thread about squirrel, and there it was.:D

I better go, though. If I stick around, property values will go way down in this corner of the forum, and then where will Gene, No Know, and the squirrel hide out?

10-22-2002, 01:58 PM
:D Ive no idea what a dashing hat is

10-22-2002, 05:47 PM
It's sort of like a bashing cat - see http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?postid=232195#post232195

10-22-2002, 06:01 PM
:( I feel afraid, of castration

10-22-2002, 06:42 PM
Gene's understanding of squirrel Hsing-I is hibernating.

KC is KonCiderate.

M_ArtsMargie, I was out and went to a videogame store (rent/sell). Five minute limit. Really Nice game that Bruce Lee Quest of the Dragon. Thirty levels. $50.00 or used might be $37.xx. Many enemies. Good to focus the Mind. SwEEEEEEEt scenes while loading. I liked it fair, muchly--it's worthwhile.~

10-23-2002, 09:23 AM
Margie brings that out in men.

Just kidding. :p

10-23-2002, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by GeneChing
Margie brings that out in men.

and you're the one who hired her to deal weapons?

shame on you, gene. :mad:

10-23-2002, 12:33 PM
Be afraid.....be very afraid......Just kidding.

10-23-2002, 12:59 PM
no_know***did you get to play the game? It sounds good so far...my sisters boyfriend is supposed to let me borrow it...so we will see soon and I will let you all know.

Gene****I will check out the squirrel thread. no doubt

:D :D :D

10-23-2002, 02:23 PM


10-23-2002, 05:11 PM
Any guy Not afraid of castration must have ball's of steel!!! (http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?martialartsmart+T8JppP+45-41l.html)


10-23-2002, 08:08 PM
ever watch those traces and faces of death on video? Man....your talking about castration for a guy. Can you imagine castration for a women? You do not want to see that.

Off of that topic now that I most likely grossed you all out. Sorry. I had to put that on the table. :D

I am trading my truck in guys. All though I do cherish those moments........the ***** pull at the anniversary (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/10yr/Body.htm#) ...not to mention the delivery I did at a martial art school. The towing of cars and the Picking up furniture for my mom. But of the best.....camping. Perfect for camping. :( :( :(
I will miss it, but I shall return....only to buy......another chevy! OH YES:D

10-24-2002, 09:04 AM
KC - Come on brother, don't bail on me now. Squirrels are social beasts.

No_Know - I gave away a few Quest games in our quiz. Just gave on away last week. I will be giving a few more away in our next issue.

Margie - We have an open copy here at the office. It's just a few inches from me, right next to the stick. If you want to borrow it for a few ddays, just come on over to our "war" room, the chaotic side of TC.

10-24-2002, 10:13 AM
rtb - Yeah, you better buy from her, or else!

mam - Your letting go of the truck?! Oh man, well, maybe if you throw in the party video you can get a better price for it. ;)

xb - :rolleyes:

ds - What I'd fear more than castration is rust...

10-24-2002, 11:56 AM
Gene Said:
ds - What I'd fear more than castration is rust...

Now that lends new meaning to the term Iron Crotch!!! (http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?martialartsmart+T8JppP+45-85cs.html):rolleyes:

Marg... Trading in the Truck eh? well good luck getting the most out of it... I bet camping was great but it must be the memories huh? Haven't been able to go near that Bumper ever since?

While I haven't seen any of those Faces of death videos... I'm aware of Female circumcision...
My travels in Africa where quite educational... Some tribes wait until a boy is 13 year old and THEN circumcise him!!! In PUBLIC!!! They make a whole party of it...

Some Tribes in Popa-New Gueini take it a step further!!! but I don't want to go into details (http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?martialartsmart+T8JppP+45-74.html)...

10-24-2002, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by GeneChing

xb - :rolleyes:

What are those eyes, disaproval or call for battle, huh?

KC Elbows
10-24-2002, 02:39 PM
OK Gene, I'll stay for a few.

BTW, now's a good time to watch out for squirrels out here. They're on a suicide mission for nuts. Apparently, "Desparate Squirrel snatches the nut" would be a valid name for a technique.:eek:

10-24-2002, 04:33 PM
I should have foreseen that nut snatching would be a topic on a got qi? thread....:rolleyes:

10-24-2002, 04:44 PM
Design Sifu****The truck will soon be no more after 2 more months. :D What you have seen in Africa, I am sure that the videos are just as close, or worse on. You will have to get the video and judge. I couldn't finish it. I was like this guy ---->:eek:

Gene****I wish!:p

xesball****what does this mean?---->:o oh...and this ----->;)

10-24-2002, 04:53 PM
DS - Often I don't understand your links. Do I have to be some kind of divine sage to understand them?

XB - Sorry. I thought :eek: + :D = :rolleyes: I was never very good at math and my calculator is missing it's :eek: key.

MaM - Stick to these videos http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/videos1.html

10-25-2002, 11:18 AM
Gene****sorry. Got carried away. :(
did you get my message through hotmail gene?
ke ke ke
I think it is time.

10-25-2002, 12:52 PM
ok i dont understand, this is the thread with the most replies.....and it has no point!!!!!
u can tell me to shut up but it wont make a difference......some1 realy needs to delete this thread:(
Its just a waste of space, sick of seeing the deeper and meaningful threads be sparsely replied to and all of a sudden some of this crap get 300 replies of people chatting SH*T!
Some threads have been deleted and they have a much thicker base of conversation.... so why let this trash survive?????!!!!!!!

So the got qi girls are coming online......so what!?!?!? jus so u guys can drool alittle more over girls you will NEVER meet?

soul :mad: :mad: :mad:

KC Elbows
10-25-2002, 01:55 PM
No, like nuts, like...you know what I mean.

Dangit, you brought up squirrels, you crafty *******.:D

I better watch what I say now, or I'm gonna end up in a pickle.


If there's an afterlife, Freud's getting a serious kung fu wedgie.:D

10-25-2002, 02:06 PM
No prob, Gene :D

:o ---> thats singing, btw you have a beautiful voice, ever thought of going pro ;)

;) ---> is what i do to the ladies after i tell them they have a beautiful voice.

10-25-2002, 02:13 PM
:confused: ---> is what Xebs does after being slapped and sent home by the ladies, not knowing what he did to deserve it.

10-25-2002, 02:20 PM
(ewallace is blocking my chi, i'm never gonna score!!!)

:( --> is what i did after i read your post ewallace.

:mad: --> this is what i'll do if i see you walking down the streets one of this days.

10-25-2002, 03:04 PM
Souljah***this thread is to have fun and talk about what ever we want. If you don't like it...there are hundreds of other threads you can view that has "meaningfull conversation" :D

xesball***don't take anything seriously. You are so fun. :D I have something for you--->;)
ke ke ke

ewallace****we don't slap, we ban them. :D lol

10-25-2002, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by M_ArtsMargie
ewallace****we don't slap, we ban them. :D lol

well, that, and she ties your ... package ... to her truck like she saw a few months ago, but this time, it's her in her chevy that's doing the pulling.


10-25-2002, 05:00 PM
So she was just pulling my leg?

xie li wong
10-25-2002, 09:03 PM
Be careful what you say! Or you will be a villian like me!


P.S. thanks for editing your posts to even making me more a villian!

~Gene I'm sorry but this was wrong! and thank you for unbanning me! i will not AKA TROLL AGAIN but I still think that he should not be a Mod! I WILL LEAVE IT AT THAT!!
and thank you again!

10-26-2002, 02:45 AM
just that I see so many threads closed or deleted and this one manages to stay open, if its jus for fun cant you go live in a chat room or suttun?
I know what you mean about being careful cos it seems people in here form alliances and if ur not in one your VERY LONELY :(
But im not here to agree with every1:D

*mummy, mummy, its cold outsite mummy*


10-28-2002, 09:53 AM
RTB****That is right :D

ewallace****I wasn't pulling anyone's legs.

xie li wong****Your not a villian :)

Souljah****This one stays open becuase it is mine :D just kidding'....ke ke ke:D

10-28-2002, 09:56 AM
hmm, would you by anychance be one of these got qi girls then, I cant be bothered to dig through these 23 pages to find out if u are or not sorry:)

10-28-2002, 10:11 AM
I hear way up in the back woods they eats squirrel and bacon sammiches. It's considered a delicacy amongst aspiring got qi? girls as they wait to be discovered.

10-28-2002, 11:09 AM
MAM: Will check my hotmail later today.

SJ: You're as hooked as the rest of us. Every time you post, you support this thread.


EW: pulling something...

XLW: He's on the payroll. He earns his keep here in many other ways that will never leave the company.

10-28-2002, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by M_ArtsMargie

xesball***don't take anything seriously. You are so fun. :D I have something for you--->;)
ke ke ke


and i have the same for you cutie ;)

Originally posted by GeneChing


you too Gene ;) just not in the same way as for Margie.

10-28-2002, 10:31 PM
Man, check out Xebsball and Margie, getting it ON! :D

10-29-2002, 11:55 AM
A little ;) can go a long way, eh XB?

We just wrapped a nice shot with Margie and her sister. Watch for the www.MartialArtsMart.com Nov 2002 update. ;) ;) ;)

10-29-2002, 12:25 PM
Mmm....squirrels. Taste like chicken.

10-29-2002, 03:45 PM
makes you wonder about that club sandwich at jack in the box, eh?

KC Elbows
10-29-2002, 04:30 PM
You mean you didn't know?

Gene's First
10-29-2002, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Souljah
ok i dont understand, this is the thread with the most replies.....and it has no point!!!!!
u can tell me to shut up but it wont make a difference......some1 realy needs to delete this thread:(
Its just a waste of space, sick of seeing the deeper and meaningful threads be sparsely replied to and all of a sudden some of this crap get 300 replies of people chatting SH*T!
Some threads have been deleted and they have a much thicker base of conversation.... so why let this trash survive?????!!!!!!!

So the got qi girls are coming online......so what!?!?!? jus so u guys can drool alittle more over girls you will NEVER meet?

soul :mad: :mad: :mad:

Hello Souljah - If you wish for meaningful conversation with us Got Qi girls, please ask a meaningful question. We are open for intelligent questions or comments, though we can't promise to have the answers to everything. :-)

The Got Qi girls are more than just faces in a magazine - This thread is not only for fun, thought that is super important. It opens an opportunity for sharing of ideas with a diverse crowd. Also, it provides a venue for the Go Qi Girls to meet the public and demonstrate that we have more skills than just posing.

Have a great day! We eagerly await your questions.

10-29-2002, 05:50 PM
like PR skills?


10-30-2002, 06:01 AM
I did play it M_ArtsMargie.

Gene. I No_Know Quest except for a video or Older game series (King's Quest). However, I look forward to whatever it might be. :-)

10-30-2002, 11:02 AM
We should charge for the meaningful conversations. I think the going rate for that kind of service is $.99 a minute.;)

Besides, drooling over girls you will never meet is what the forum is all about.:p

Gene's First
10-30-2002, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by GeneChing
We should charge for the meaningful conversations. I think the going rate for that kind of service is $.99 a minute.;)

Besides, drooling over girls you will never meet is what the forum is all about.:p

Here I am prepared with a bucket and a towel - I have a feeling this crowd will really start drooling once we start some very deep conversations. Anyone see the show on Galileo last night? :-)
Revolving heavenly bodies - Now *That* is something to drool over.

1-900-555-GENE <----This is what will start the ladies drooling!

If anyone has educated opinions on the competitive landscape of the infoimaging industry, please speak up. The comoditization of digital photography is bound to shake out the players not nimble enough to compete in this arena of quick technological change. <Ohhh Baby....this is really getting exciting.>

All in fun,
Gene's First

P.S. I actually visited Galileo's grave in Italy - it was rather interesting.

10-30-2002, 03:58 PM
My dog was named Galileu, but we called him Gaga cos it was easier. He was smart and cool and stuff. He had only one eye due to an accident, i loved that dog.

Gene's First
10-30-2002, 04:40 PM
Hey - That is neat! What a wonderful name for a dog! I was going to name my cat Schrodinger, but it was too long of a name.

:-) Glad to know that there are other martial artists who like science too!

F=ma <---I use this a lot since I have less mass than most martial artists, I focus on acceleration for my force.

Gene's First
10-30-2002, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha
like PR skills?


Yup - like PR skills , after all, flexibility is essential to be a good martial artist. :-)

10-30-2002, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by Gene's First
Hey - That is neat! What a wonderful name for a dog! I was going to name my cat Schrodinger, but it was too long of a name.

:-) Glad to know that there are other martial artists who like science too!

F=ma <---I use this a lot since I have less mass than most martial artists, I focus on acceleration for my force.


I was studying physics at the university (this before getting into any MA) but then i quit it. Now i will try to get into veterinary :cool:
Its kinda funny, isnt it?

10-31-2002, 10:16 AM
We're giving away 9 prizes in the next issue (Jan/Feb 2003) including 4 Bruce Lee Xbox games. Good luck.

KC Elbows
10-31-2002, 10:29 AM
Gene, Got Qi girls, you will be happy to know that I asked for a subscription to KFQG and a shirt off of www.martialartsmart.com for X-Mas. Your jobs are just that much safer.

10-31-2002, 10:46 AM
Bucket and towel, eh? Now I remember when I showed you my copy of the Heart of Jackie and gave you a towel. You jumped back like a scared kitten, but once you opened that book, well, let's just say I needed to get another towel.

(For those of you who have never seen it, Heart of Jackie was a little hardbound book that came with his music CD. It had pics of Jackie in all these teen beat style heartthrob poses - stuff like Jackin in the shower from behind, Jackie wearing ONLY a t-shirt, Jackie lying in the surf with his pants undone. You got to remember that Jackie is a major heartthrob, especially to Japanese girls. One even killed herself for Jackie and a few others tried. Japanese girls have a lot to cope with I guess.)

10-31-2002, 11:22 AM
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Now I hope you've been a good boy so Santa brings you what you desire...

10-31-2002, 11:37 AM
:) Just wanted to give everyone a smile with the hello. And say Happy Halloween to all.

Gene***you little devil:D !

Genes First****Thank you. The Got Qi Crew has got to stay together. :)

Serpent****ke ke ke :p

Xesball****not funny at all. It is normal for people to start doing one thing, and then all of a sudden switch.

10-31-2002, 11:40 AM
WOW****Thanks alot KC Elbows. You are now the man who set an example to everyone! You Go!

KC Elbows
10-31-2002, 01:14 PM
"Now I hope you've been a good boy so Santa brings you what you desire..."

You haven't read my posts closely, have you?:D

Fortunately, Santa in this case is my lovely wife, and she goes more for badness anyway.:eek: :eek:

10-31-2002, 03:19 PM
Don't let the cat out of the bag.

10-31-2002, 03:21 PM
And I do read you posts. Yours are some of my favs. If santa busts us for naughty posts, well, I guess I won't be getting my pony for Xmas.:(

KC Elbows
10-31-2002, 03:31 PM
"And I do read you posts. Yours are some of my favs. If santa busts us for naughty posts, well, I guess I won't be getting my pony for Xmas."

To quote Lenny Bruce in the Lone Ranger Sketch:

"Whaddya need the horse for?"

And thanks for the compliment. Sometimes I worry that I bring the off topic ratio too high, but hey, I'm the lone tai hui guy here, and there's only so long I can talk to myself about that, so I start causing trouble.

Margie, do you guys still have the GotQi key chains around there that look like boxing gloves? I'm seriously obsessed with getting another one of those things, my cat never had so much fun. She did some serious kung fu on those puppies. I'm willing to send all the change in my penny jar, I think there's some in there. Gene won't hook me up, I think he's bogarting them for himself.:D

Has KFQG ever done a fiction section?

10-31-2002, 03:36 PM
With your kind of online time, you should be one of our moderators.

To answer your question, we don't do fiction. We did run a comic strip that started out as sort of a historical/mythological thing, but the evolved into fiction. It was the longest running comic strip in a martial arts mag, but we eventually let it go.

Frankly, most martial artists can't even write non-fiction articles, so to ask for decent fiction is a bit too much. And I don't think it's what our readers are looking for anyway.

KC Elbows
10-31-2002, 04:23 PM

Actually, my work system is often on KFO. We're in a lull here, but I can't leave my desk at the same time, so I have to find things to occupy myself. Generally, it's writing, researching, and forum hopping. It's somewhat maddening, as I'm a bit of a workaholic. It's a weird situation, where I'm needed, but because I do a good job, I'm not needed this month, but if anything happened, they'd need me right away. Frankly, it's driving me batty. I've been stealing other people's projects, but I've been doing this work for a long time, so it really doesn't occupy my time. What's really sad is at least once a week, they need me to stay late and do nothing, in case something happens. Corporate insanity. Why'd I ever leave construction?

Yeah, I can definitely see what you're saying about the fiction thing. I started working on stories for Cyberkwoon, and ended up with three when I only meant to write one. I'm not sure what I was thinking, as it's a pretty small market, but hey, it was fun.

If the moderator thing was one of those subtle hints I always miss, I'm gonna miss it. I'm really thinking about going back into construction, I might have a job lined out that would continue all through winter, and I very rarely get online at home, so I'd hate to take something up only to drop it in a short time.

Gene's First
10-31-2002, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Xebsball


I was studying physics at the university (this before getting into any MA) but then i quit it. Now i will try to get into veterinary :cool:
Its kinda funny, isnt it?

A veterinary degree will complement kung fu animal styles very well. Just think, most masters were skilled in healing arts as well as martial arts, so your studies in and out of the university are great complements. Fantastic!

As for you Gene - no fair bringing up Jackie in the conversation! You still need to take me along when you interview him someday!!!! Shaking his hand was the best experience!

Hi Margie - Goooo Got Qi Girls! :-) :cool:

Happy Halloween to all!


10-31-2002, 05:49 PM
You've actually asked him more questions then I ever have. I met him once very fleetingly at the SF premeire of Rumble, but that's it.

11-02-2002, 02:58 PM
If we could get Jackie Chan, that would be.....great...!!!!!!:D

Royal Dragon
11-03-2002, 07:21 PM
I have nothing to say, but I'm sure this is going to be the longest thread in KFM's history, and I just wanted it documented that I was part of it.

You may carry on now......................;)

11-03-2002, 07:42 PM
Be a part of history? I'll drink to that!

11-04-2002, 02:06 AM
I really don't have say about this thread, but I thought I contribute anyway, so I can be part of the longest thread ever and guess what, I have no idea how this relevant to Kungfu! Best of all, I have no idea what is going on in this thread, from girls to cats and dogs..but, hey it's cool everyones enjoying it and I think that is the most important thing.

11-04-2002, 02:36 AM
hey its not the longest thread ever, do a search on Li Lian Jie and have a look at THAT thread! :cool: don't read all at once or you will grow 10 years older :D


Gene's First
11-04-2002, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by jungle-mania
I really don't have say about this thread, but I thought I contribute anyway, so I can be part of the longest thread ever and guess what, I have no idea how this relevant to Kungfu! Best of all, I have no idea what is going on in this thread, from girls to cats and dogs..but, hey it's cool everyones enjoying it and I think that is the most important thing.

At a high level of abstraction, this thread encapsulates modern day martial artist social views. The psychographics of martial artists are characterized by the seemingly random topics discussed on this thread. In other words, we are a strange breed~ with many interests and talents.

Long live the Got Qi Girls thread!

11-05-2002, 10:40 AM
You'd be surprised at how many submissions we get for this sort of thing. It's seldom successful. I mean, name a good work of martial fiction? Movies don't count. But don't let that discourage you. You'll have to direct me to some of your writing. I'd love to check it out.

11-05-2002, 11:41 AM
Jet is older. Some of our got qi girls weren't even born when Jet won his first tournament.

Well put Gene's first. I couldn't have put it better myself.:)

11-05-2002, 03:59 PM
I have no idea what is going on in this thread, from girls to cats and dogs..

My dog is great fun for practicing footwork (http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?martialartsmart+T8JppP+martial-arts-shoes.html)

11-05-2002, 04:13 PM
Gene's First/Gene,

could it be that this thread is an embodiment of the doaist in all of us? the random, accepting and flowing nature of this thread -- how it changes with each new stimulus and we in turn adapt to it -- is an example of this?

11-05-2002, 04:24 PM
It's all about staying in the moment.

Design Sifu has got to get the award for the most obtuse www.martialartsmart.com plugs. Must be that dog mind.

11-05-2002, 04:54 PM
Well isn't the question...

Does a dog have Buddha (http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?martialartsmart+T8JppP+7013.html) Nature?

David Jamieson
11-05-2002, 06:07 PM
you guys should have watches that say "qi" on the face.

so when people ask "got qi"? you can say:

"yes, it's 12:45"


11-05-2002, 11:20 PM

we all know it's a better marketing tool for lighters.

11-06-2002, 11:06 AM
When I wear my got qi? shirt, people always ask me "what's kwee?" I generally reply that it's IQ backwards. Leaves them wondering if they should feel stupid or not...

David Jamieson
11-06-2002, 09:33 PM
I would've said "a small flightless bird found in new zealand" if someone asked me what kwee was. :D


11-06-2002, 09:39 PM
That's keewee, Kung Lek.

:rolleyes: Ignorance!


11-06-2002, 09:53 PM
I thought it was kiwi, dude.

11-06-2002, 10:10 PM
Yeah... it is... you kinda missed the joke there I think...


11-06-2002, 10:14 PM
thats not fair :p

11-08-2002, 11:06 AM
I thought kiwis were those green strawberries-turned-inside-out with brown fuzz all over them.

Actually you have no idea how many people call our magazine Kungfu Kwee-gong. Or Kwi-gong. That's kinda Star Wars, eh? Well if Yoda can do wushu barrel rolls, I'd take it over a fuzzy fruit.

Maybe we should change our name - again - What do you all think?

11-08-2002, 12:07 PM
NO WAY Gene!!!;)

11-08-2002, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by GeneChing
Maybe we should change our name - again - What do you all think?

How about 'kung froo froo'? Always have a pink cover with little flowers along the edges?

You could really test the determination of your readership that way.

11-08-2002, 02:15 PM
and we could have articles like "knitting and the martial arts." life would be good. :D

Gene's First
11-08-2002, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha
and we could have articles like "knitting and the martial arts." life would be good. :D

Gene - Does the catalog carry the Knitting Needle versus Double Denture Sparring Set for Seniors video?

You guys crack me up! hee hee

11-08-2002, 11:40 PM
does anyone make adult undergarments with an insert for a cup?

11-09-2002, 04:11 PM
I know a place that does. ke ke ke......well, actually I heard of somewhere

11-10-2002, 12:03 PM
problems arise when someone gets kicked below the belt, and instead of <THOCK>, you hear <SQUISH>.

now there's a reason for a timeout.

11-11-2002, 10:08 PM
I've acquired a taste for asparagus - what is happening to me?

11-12-2002, 12:07 AM
you're either an old fàrt, or you're just messed in the head.

11-12-2002, 10:09 AM
I think the big question is, can you smell asparagus pee or do you lack those receptors in your nose?

11-12-2002, 11:00 AM
...and the subject was, um, oh nevermind.

Would one of you ladies tell me if this really helps? http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/femsoutsup14.html

These do:

11-12-2002, 11:14 AM
I've taken a few fairly hard kicks to the groin and feel no need to own a cup. Other women in the class have said that it it hurts and they want a female cup.

It does hurt but so does a blow to another area. It won't put me on the floor in a fetal postition like it will a guy.

I really don't know what these women are on about.

wushu chik
11-12-2002, 12:02 PM
It's because they aren't wearing their Wonder Woman underwear, and don't believe in the force. :D You gotta BELIEVE it will work, otherwise, it's not gonna happen.

I've taken some kicks to the groin, and yeah it hurts...but NOTHING like a guys!! I don't wear a female cup either. Those other girls in your class must be weenies!!


11-12-2002, 08:30 PM

I always get that part wrong.

wushu chik
11-12-2002, 09:57 PM
It's okay! Most people do get that part wrong. It's a common misconception among people! They think just because they have the Wonder Woman underwear, it'll work!! Ironically, those that have the force, well, they think ANY underwear will work...but unforutnately for them...they're wrong. It's only the Superhero underroos that work! Why do you think they wore them on Charlies Angels?? Come on, that's gotta stand for SOMETHING!!!



11-12-2002, 10:05 PM
I once wore satin Daffy Duck boxer shorts - I think that explains a whole lot. :D

wushu chik
11-12-2002, 10:09 PM


11-12-2002, 10:14 PM
I go commando. What does that tell you?

(Not when I train, mind you!)

wushu chik
11-12-2002, 10:21 PM
TMFI Serpent................

I'm gonna have NIGHTMARES now...thanks a lot!


11-12-2002, 10:23 PM
Yeah, that's right... you call 'em nightmares now! Basically, you'll be dreaming of me with no daks on! ;)

wushu chik
11-12-2002, 10:25 PM

Just keep thinkin' that Lover Boy!


11-12-2002, 10:28 PM

She called me lover boy!

(Don't be jealous, eulerfan! ;) )


11-12-2002, 10:36 PM

Now I'm going to have to fight Wushu Chick. Look at her, she's got a friggin lasso and everything. This is gonna suck.

11-12-2002, 10:38 PM
You can do it, girl! Positive attitude!

Besides, you don't have to fight. I'm man enough for both of you! (I seem to remember you saying something similar to me once! ;) )

11-12-2002, 10:46 PM
Okay, we need to be careful. This might be how hippie communes get started.

11-12-2002, 10:54 PM
You think? Hey, I could think of worse arrangements!

Let's ask Gene. He's the stinkinest hippy I know.

What do you think, Gene?

11-12-2002, 11:14 PM
Okay. I'm thinking I could raise the chickens, you can grow the pot, wushu chick can make the tie dyed shirts to sell in the local town, Xesball can come up with the conspiracy theories.

If anybody else wants in, that's cool as long as you inderstand that it's all about love, sharing and kicking a$$.

11-13-2002, 10:09 AM
You all wouldn't last a day in a hippie commune. One good dose of granola and it would blow out all those toxic mucoids lying dormant in your colons and you'd have nothing to be grumpy about. Once you're unplugged, you'd probably lack the desire to post here anymore. :p

p.s. I'm thinking of trying to get the got qi? girls to pose in that female protector and a got qi shirt? What do you all think?

11-13-2002, 10:12 AM
That's it. If it will dull my rage, I'm not gonna do it.

11-13-2002, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by eulerfan
That's it. If it will dull my rage, I'm not gonna do it.

Dude, Gene doesn't know what he's talking about. Pot turns you into a raging killing machine! Haven't you ever seen "Reefer Madness"?


11-13-2002, 02:06 PM
Well, of course. Everybody knows that.:rolleyes:

The vikings used to smoke, like, three bowls apeice before going into battle. It just made them freak out and want the taste of blood.

But, he's saying that granola affords you some manner of serenity or something. I'll have none of that.

11-13-2002, 02:13 PM
The vikings used to smoke, like, three bowls apeice before going into battle. It just made them freak out and want the taste of blood.

No No No... they would eat those funny mushroom you can't buy (http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?martialartsmart+T8JppP+index.html) in stores!!!

11-13-2002, 02:41 PM
nonono. the vikings lived on the outskirts of europe. by definition, that means they were meth-heads.

11-13-2002, 03:49 PM
Bruce Lee was a hippie. Ever see the pic with him and Sharon Tate? But hands down, being bunged up will make you more irritable so if that's your goal, stay away from the granola.

11-13-2002, 04:57 PM
Keep the pot, lose the granola. Stoned raging hippy commune here we come!

Sounds good to me. You still in, eulerfan?

11-13-2002, 06:24 PM
What's UP (http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?martialartsmart+T8JppP+prjt001.html) with all this bung hole talk!?!?

11-13-2002, 06:34 PM
What? Are you trying to out-Gene Gene?

You'd better come along to the commune dude, you need to get all this capitalist agenda out of your head!

11-13-2002, 06:57 PM
I thought you where asking if I'm trying to OUT (http://http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?martialartsmart+T8JppP+prjt002.html) Gene . . .

rather than out gene (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=257) GENE...

you know... he has been seen in San Fransisco more than once. . . ;)

Besides... I lived in Berkeley for like 5 years... is THAT Hippee-Commun-ist enough?

wushu chik
11-13-2002, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by eulerfan

Now I'm going to have to fight Wushu Chick. Look at her, she's got a friggin lasso and everything. This is gonna suck.

You know....this is one of the times i REALLY miss Watchman and Ryu! My Chivalrous men, where could they be.

Eulerfan...no worries chica.....I woudn't ever harm a fellow superhero! I'll send you a lasso too!! That way, you'll be just as powerful, uh, but without the crown. You can't have a crown, because I am QUEEN. So, other than that, you're set!!

And one last thing...i do NOT wear tie dye...it clashes with my eyes...and we just CAN NOT have that!!!


11-13-2002, 07:45 PM
Design. If you were going to out Gene, this would be the perfect thread. "Talk to the Got Qi? girls!" ;)

Wushu, you're one dangerous lady, but your coveting of that crown will be your downfall! Come on, bleach those jeans and have a toke on this!

11-13-2002, 09:02 PM
Okay Serpent. I'm in. We'll have to outlaw tie dye if we are to woo Wen.

Wen, thanks for letting me off the hook. ;)

11-13-2002, 09:05 PM
OK, OK. A granola free, tie-dye free hippy commune.


Who's in? Me and eulerfan can start an introductory love-in. Come and join us!

Or should that be join us and....

I'll stop there.

11-13-2002, 09:18 PM
Dude, you went too far, you're going to scare everybody off. You have to ease people into the idea of a love in. Start with tea and bicuits. A little conversation about current events. "Hmm, does anybody else find it hot in here?"

It's all about finesse.

11-13-2002, 09:23 PM
Son, i lost track of what goes on in this thread, all i know is i came and left without no nuthin. Its the fate of all who walk this roads.

11-13-2002, 10:32 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm totally in love with eulerfan!

Xebsball, if you read really carefully and agree to join the commune (especially if you bring along some tea and biscuits) I think we could all be happy again! ;)

Man, does anybody else find it hot in here?

*loosens collar*

Volcano Admim
11-13-2002, 11:14 PM
Well, young persons, show me directions for the naked volleyball area

11-13-2002, 11:20 PM
Ok, i'm in!! :D

I'm bringing the cheapest ice-tea and 3 years expired cookies :cool:

Do i get to make out with anyone this time :confused:

11-14-2002, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by Xebsball

I'm bringing the cheapest ice-tea and 3 years expired cookies :cool:

It's all good. The tea and cookies are pretense. The worse they taste, the more likely people will be to abandon them for other activities.

11-14-2002, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by Serpent
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm totally in love with eulerfan!

And I'm a hottie, too! Really, you'd be amazed.

Sorry. I know that's annoying. It's just been so long. If I don't keep reminding myself of that, I'll fall into a deep, everlasting funk and start buying cats in bulk. :mad:

11-14-2002, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by eulerfan
Sorry. I know that's annoying. It's just been so long. If I don't keep reminding myself of that, I'll fall into a deep, everlasting funk and start buying cats in bulk. :mad:

Hey, you do martial arts, and enjoy Tool, Bill Hicks, and Doug Stanhope. If you're even vaguely attractive, the fact that it's "been so long" just solidifies my theory that living in Texas has a horrible effect on either men's minds or vision.

No offense to ewallace, CSN, or any of our other natives, of course.... ;)

11-14-2002, 11:13 AM
double post

11-14-2002, 11:15 AM
Thanks for the encouragement. :)

It's not that. It's entirely my fault. I'm not really putting myself out there. My friends have to drag me out kicking and screaming.

"Take off those jeans. Your kung fu doesn't scare me. If you don't put on the black dress I will beat you down!"

Bill Hicks was a texan, ya know.

11-14-2002, 02:37 PM
with a last name like hicks, what do you expect?

(my girlfriend's gonna kill me for that).


speaking of girlfriend, she's about the only one who can get me out of my house. bad thing -- she lives 2500 miles away, so it doesn't happen often enough. :o

11-14-2002, 03:03 PM
properly pronounced "teHas" I've was told when I stopped there while taking a greyhound to Arizona (from N.Y.)

anyway, if the commune is located in Texas it WILL be hot... I recomend one of these (http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?martialartsmart+T8JppP+kf10fan.html) or these. (http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?martialartsmart+T8JppP+45-07b.html)

However the organic garden would be a tough row to hoe...

how about we have the commune somewhere in Northern California?
. . . with all the others I suppose . . . :p

11-14-2002, 03:04 PM
Many parts are edible. Granola is good. Keeps you regular. You can't have a commune without granola. Did that scare off all the got qi girls?


Somehow I knew you all would scare off the got qi girls. Do you know how hard it is to catch fresh got qi girls. Now design sifu and I gotta go our and lay fresh traps, and you know given where we live, all we're going to catch is hippie chicks and the occasional cross dresser.

11-14-2002, 03:29 PM
My Dog eats Pinecones... she loves 'em!!!

as for setting traps to refresh our Got Qi girl stables...just don't ask what we use for bait!!! (http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?martialartsmart+T8JppP+gift.html)

11-14-2002, 03:48 PM
Just how many Texans does it take to change a lightbulb anyway?

11-14-2002, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by eulerfan

And I'm a hottie, too! Really, you'd be amazed.

Sorry. I know that's annoying. It's just been so long. If I don't keep reminding myself of that, I'll fall into a deep, everlasting funk and start buying cats in bulk. :mad:

Arrgghh! The tyranny of distance! Oh, the humanity! (Any chance of a pic!? ;) )

eulerfan, if you did put yourself out there, you'd be swamped. No one with your tastes and brains could stay single for long anyway, and if you're a hottie too like you claim to be... DAYUM!

*goes back to counting pennies from the change jar*

*mutters* there must be some way to get a cheap flight to Texas!

11-14-2002, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Serpent
eulerfan, if you did put yourself out there, you'd be swamped. No one with your tastes and brains could stay single for long anyway, and if you're a hottie too like you claim to be... DAYUM!

Danger. Will Robinson. Danger!!

*waves arms in air*

11-14-2002, 04:56 PM
Did you all miss me yet? The Got Qi Girl is back!

I see that the thread is doing good with out the got qi girls. Great. I am so glad.

I have been busy so I have not had time to post. Checking out now and you guys seem to be doing great. Talking about alot of :confused: different things:) .

****Oh.....can I come to the party?:D

11-14-2002, 05:08 PM
Of course we missed you!

Now, how do I get qi exactly?

11-14-2002, 05:13 PM
You know the place is just not the same without ya...

and as for Taoboy's question...

Now, how do I get qi exactly?
that's easy!!!! (http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?martialartsmart+T8JppP+19341.html)
;) :cool: ;)

11-14-2002, 05:18 PM
And this got qi (http://store6.yimg.com/I/martialartsmart_1701_57123064)

Thanks guys.....I miss all of you guys too:D

Enjoying the day so far I hope!

11-14-2002, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by M_ArtsMargie
And this got qi (http://store6.yimg.com/I/martialartsmart_1701_57123064)

Thanks guys.....I miss all of you guys too:D

Enjoying the day so far I hope!

So, it's all about the $$$ then?

This reminds me of something Bick Hicks once said....

11-14-2002, 05:24 PM
That GOT Qi Girls is Gene's digitial equivilant to Frankenstein's Monster!!!
:eek: :eek: :eek:

11-14-2002, 05:24 PM
no way....you asked for qi....but you know what I think? I think you already have that. Me, I myself think that i have bad qi. My computer keeps breaking down.:( It's the bad qi or something

11-14-2002, 05:40 PM
Of course you can join the party, Margie! ;)

Is it just me or is it very hot in here?


11-14-2002, 05:47 PM
30 pages of talking 'bout got qi girls - can't get any hotter.

It's gettin' hot in here (so hot)
So take off all your clothes
I am gettin' so hot (uh uh uh uh)
I wanna take my clothes off

11-14-2002, 05:53 PM
Hey back off Serpent, I found Margie first :mad:
You prevert trying to score em two ladies!!

So... how you doin Margie ;)

11-14-2002, 05:59 PM
Fair's fair! I'm in love with eulerfan anyway, so Xebsball can woo Margie.

Meanwhile Gene is getting nekkid! This is turning out brilliantly!


Volcano Admim
11-14-2002, 06:28 PM
Well, youngs ones, does it means Gene will play volleyball with me

11-14-2002, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by eulerfan
Thanks for the encouragement. :)

It's not that. It's entirely my fault. I'm not really putting myself out there. My friends have to drag me out kicking and screaming.

I kinda know what you mean. I have really bad hearing, so it's really, really difficult for me to talk to people in bars or clubs; any background noise at all and I wind up having to ask people to repeat themselves constantly. It's tough to suave when every other sentence consists of "Sorry, what?" :(

I hang out with my friends on weekends, and play games and watch movies with them. Other than that, all I do is work and train. So basically, I have to hope that a cute girl either starts taking classes at my gym, or starts working at my department at Princeton. I'm not sure which one is more of a pipe dream :D

Bill Hicks was a texan, ya know.

Of course. The Just A Ride/Relentless DVD is out in the UK now, ya know? Mine's on order. :D

11-14-2002, 07:58 PM
*waits for film to develop*

Many shots for next issue in article titled "Gene and the Got Qi Girls Get Funky"...

11-14-2002, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Serpent

Arrgghh! The tyranny of distance! Oh, the humanity! (Any chance of a pic!? ;) )

eulerfan, if you did put yourself out there, you'd be swamped. No one with your tastes and brains could stay single for long anyway, and if you're a hottie too like you claim to be... DAYUM!

*goes back to counting pennies from the change jar*

*mutters* there must be some way to get a cheap flight to Texas!

Give me an ego boost like that and I couldn't possibly refuse you a picture. Now, keep in mind this was taken with a digital camera so cheap it came free with this computer. My right eye doesn't ACTUALLY try to migrate to the back of my head. It's an illusion.

11-14-2002, 09:28 PM
Wow, you really are a hottie!


11-14-2002, 09:31 PM
*takes guitar to street corner, lays out hat and sign "Raising Money For Trip To Texas"*

Maamaaaaaa, take this baaa-aaadge from meeee
I can't uuuuse it aaanny mooorrre!

(This could take me a while!)


11-14-2002, 09:36 PM
I could have carried a baby to term. It's been that long. So, keep at it. Seriously. Try Jeff Buckley songs, those are amazing. They'll rake in the dough.

11-14-2002, 09:42 PM
Honestly, though. Can't you sort of tell from that picture that I do Tai Chi? From what it's done to my posture. Sort of upright but slouching at the same time.

11-14-2002, 09:43 PM
*clears throat*

So i'll wait for you... and i'll burn
Will I ever see your sweet return
Oh will I ever learn

Oh lover, you should've come over
'Cause it's not too late


11-14-2002, 09:44 PM
That's called powerfully relaxed, euler! ;)

11-14-2002, 09:54 PM
all my blood for the richness of her laughter

I love that you chose that song. That one or so real. The guitar in 'so real' sounds the way my stomache feels when I want something I know I can never have.

If you ever want to know how I feel when I think of space travel, pop that cd in your stereo and play the fifth song.

11-14-2002, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by eulerfan
The guitar in 'so real' sounds the way my stomache feels when I want something I know I can never have.

That's a brilliant description!

11-14-2002, 10:03 PM
LOL, son, you really are getting it ON

11-14-2002, 10:09 PM
Uh oh. Has it come to that already? Do we need a private room?

11-14-2002, 10:13 PM


I forgot there were other people here!

11-14-2002, 10:16 PM
I'm starting to feel nauseous guys.

11-14-2002, 10:17 PM
Nah dont mind me, i use a real small font so its like im not even here

Like this over here, now could you eulerfan turn a little to the left so i get a better angle... hold on...

11-14-2002, 10:18 PM
sorry, sorry, excuse me, pardon me. It's just, well, I'm not going to say it again.

11-14-2002, 10:18 PM
twenty nine pearls in your kiss
a singing smile
coffee smell and lilac skin
your flame in me...

Try that Serp! ;)

11-14-2002, 10:21 PM
hmmm yeah.... thats fiiiiiiine..... now could you lean forward a little bit... ok...

11-14-2002, 10:31 PM
Pouty? Shall I do pouty?

11-14-2002, 10:34 PM
Oooh yeah! Pleeeease do pouty!

Maybe this'll help:

twenty nine pearls in your kiss
a singing smile
coffee smell and lilac skin
your flame in me...

(Thanks Taoboy! ;) )

11-14-2002, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Xebsball
Nah dont mind me, i use a real small font so its like im not even here


11-14-2002, 10:49 PM
Here's pouty.

Christ, I need some prudence.

11-14-2002, 10:53 PM

*passes out cold on the floor*

11-14-2002, 10:55 PM
****! shes FINE!! :D

11-14-2002, 10:58 PM
:D :cool: :D