View Full Version : Morrissey/ SMITHS

fiercest tiger
10-13-2002, 10:26 PM
Hey did anyone from OZ see morrissey last night at Enmore Theater?

The smiths where my child hood band with the cult, danzig, hunters and many others. But i must say morrissey was great and this topic has nothing to do with kung fu at all!:)


07-12-2004, 06:52 AM
I was a fan from the mid to late 80s as well. Just when I thought things were getting boring in music The Smiths came along...along with Clan Of Xymox, Sisters Of Mercy, and Peter Murphy.

07-12-2004, 06:57 AM
I was hoping they had died in a plane accident or something.

Chang Style Novice
07-12-2004, 07:03 AM
Mid to late 80s was beginning of the gilded age of rap to me. Run DMC, LL Cool J, Slick Rick, EPMD, Eric B and Rakim, Beastie Boys, Public Enemy, MC Lyte, Stetsasonic, Fat Boys, Boogie Down Productions.

Also US punk was at it's peak with Husker Du, X, Replacements, Black Flag, Fishbone, Bad Brains, Minor Threat, Meat Puppets, Minutemen (and later, fIREHOSE)...

Who had time for a bunch of crybabies like the Smiths and the Cure?;)

07-12-2004, 07:06 AM
Who had time for a bunch of crybabies like the Smiths and the Cure? Pfffsh. Conformist.

Chang Style Novice
07-12-2004, 07:07 AM
Go buy some more eye makeup and hairspray.

(admires self in mirror with 5 inch high top fade, dookie gold chains.)

07-12-2004, 07:22 AM
When I first heard the Smiths, I disliked them, no, hated them. But it was really due to the people I knew who listened to them. I was living part-time in Brooklyn Heights, and these friends of my girlfriend's roomate were these artsy-****sy, pretentious Bohemian types. The always listened to the Smiths, and turned their noses up at rock, punk, Dali-they were into Willem DeKooning-abstract impressionism. Music/art snobs.
But later-years later, I was listening to The Smiths, and I realized they had very good instrumentation, and their lyrics and way of singing had a sense of humor. I honestly think they don't take themselves nearly as seriously as their fans do. Kind of how Frank Zappa had all this talent, yet chose to play incredibly intricate, yet comical music.

Ming Yue
07-12-2004, 08:47 AM
I saw the Smiths live at a multi band gig called "day on the green" at the Oakland Coliseum.

Morrisey draped his sad sack self over the stage monitors and whined into the microphone for a half an hour. Someone threw a hotdog at him and he got miffed and walked off the stage.


also saw a nice double bill at The Farm in San Francisco back in yon day - Flipper and Bad Brains. That kicked ass, my ears were ringing for days.

07-12-2004, 08:57 AM
Someone threw a hotdog at him

awesome, I'd have thrown the whole pack.

Chang Style Novice
07-12-2004, 09:00 AM
F'real. I saw Joey Ramone take a beer can to the face and just flip the audience off in that direction and interject an impromptu 'fu(k you' into the lyrics of "Rock n Roll High School." The crowd went nuts!

Actually, in the interest of accuracy, I have to admit I forget what song it was. It coulda been "Rock n Roll High School," though.

07-12-2004, 09:03 AM
one hot dog at a time.....

Ming Yue
07-12-2004, 09:20 AM
I saw the Red Hot Chili Peppers in a little bitty dive bar in SF. Maybe 50 people there. A couple had just gotten married in the bar before the show. People were throwing cake everywhere. Flea slipped on some frosting and almost landed on his butt. In response he proceeded to pee into the audience.

The Willow Sword
07-12-2004, 09:28 AM
" from the ice age to the stone age there's one thing i have discovered"....
Some girls are bigger than others,,,Some girls are bigger than others,,,,Some girls mothers are bigger than other girls mothers".

" .......and if a double decker buuuus,kills the both of ussss, to die by your side such a heavenly way to dieeeee. and if a ten ton truuuuck crashes in to usssss,, to die by your side well the pleasure the privaledge is mine"

" sweetnessss sweetnesss i was only joking when i said id like to Smash every tooth in your head,,ohhhhohhhhh sweetness sweetness i was only joking when i said by rights you shoudl be bludgeoned in you beeeed"

ah the wise and timeless words od Morrisey,,my favorite english ***.


07-12-2004, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by Ming Yue
I saw the Red Hot Chili Peppers in a little bitty dive bar in SF. Maybe 50 people there. A couple had just gotten married in the bar before the show. People were throwing cake everywhere. Flea slipped on some frosting and almost landed on his butt. In response he proceeded to pee into the audience.

Flea is the boy! I saw RHCP in 96 in Chicago. That's pretty cool that you saw them so long ago before they got big.

Ming Yue
07-12-2004, 10:45 AM
I was dating the guy who ran the soundboard at the bar, so I was backstage. Those guys partied HARD.

07-12-2004, 10:59 AM
Those guys partied HARD

too bad they can't play hard anymore. Might as well listen to morissey these days.

07-12-2004, 11:00 AM
Red hot chille peppers are my all time fav's i love the older
funk albums ,,Flea is Rad he's the reason I took up Bass guitar

since were on the music topic

anyone like Elliot Smith? if so YOu have to check out
Nick Drake he's a music god ,He's been dead for over 25years and just now he's staring to get more fame

He was on this volks wagon comericial and now tons of people are buying up his cd


07-12-2004, 01:36 PM
I used to love the smiths. Their music was very comforting to me. But once I graduated college and got my parents off my back, I really didn't feel much of a need for it honestly.

Chang Style Novice
07-12-2004, 02:15 PM
Red5 is correct. In my world, the Chilis broke up after BSSM.

And Fishbone crushed them at their own game anyway.

Chang Style Novice
07-12-2004, 02:32 PM

Album of the week at babbletron is Miles Davis' funk-skronk masterpiece "On the Corner." Download and burn it now. Your ears and ass will thank you.

07-12-2004, 03:09 PM
And Fishbone crushed them at their own game anyway

I got to party with these guys twice way back then and they would put RHCP in the ground!!

07-12-2004, 03:13 PM
Rhcp are way better than fish bone

almost every album they make there is always 2 or 3
plus songs that make it on the radio

they been doing that for 15 plus years

fish bone cant hang with there fame
or talent

fish bone may be good but the chillis have stood the test of time

Chang Style Novice
07-12-2004, 03:19 PM
Fame and hit records/=quality music.

If you ever get the chance, ask Flea how much he loves Fishbone. And listen to some Fishbone before you mouth off about their quality relative to RHCP anyway. It's clear you've never heard any, since you can't even get the name right.

I recommend everything up to Give a Monkey a Brain..., but especially Truth and Soul and The Reality of My Surroundings.

07-12-2004, 03:25 PM
I second CSN's recommendations... oh yeah, and advice. RHCP are in it for the money now brother, ballad band all the way. Being loved by weepy girls and kids who think they know what punk is doesn't equal talent or a good sound. Otherwise Avril Lavigne is kicking everyones ass )personally I think I'd like to kick hers.....) I'd fight her. I think I could take her too.

07-12-2004, 03:41 PM
Chang thanks a million for the mile davis link

it's awesome ,, I have heard some of fish bone
and everyone has there own taste so i 'm not going to say that any band is better than another

rchp evolves with time and there always ahead of there game though i like the older Heroin based stuff better ,, I respect your opiinoin

Miles davis and Louis arm strong was a huge influence
on FLea along with Bootsy Collins and yeah he likes fish bone and sly

rchp are not sell outs they play what they like

they dont just push songs to full fill a contract
like the new Korn music and alot of other ****ty bands

thanks again for the miles davis it's refreshing
I Like bootsy collins alot too
my heart has always been where the funk is
excuse my spelling i'm half drunk i think

Ming Yue
07-12-2004, 04:10 PM
Truth and Soul was my favorite CD for a long time. I played the hell outta that. can you sing out.. in the pouring rain..

RHCP may still make some radio flavored toe tappin stuff, but I think we've seen the best of them, and it was a while ago.

When you're creative, having a strong style can be a big problem in terms of longevity. Come along and redefine a genre, and you're doomed to be washing out in a few years, unless you're good enough to warp your style into the next big thing (or warp the next big thing into your style, like those Miles Davis clips).

That's why the lasting greats are few and far between.

07-12-2004, 04:19 PM
I agree our music now has a huge void
in need of some new flavor

Thats why i been on the constant search for new musical stimulation

Nick drake is cool you should check him out

all those 1 hit wonder main stream bands are going to have a rude awakeing when there all tossed to the side ,, all this war vibes should force talented muscians into growth they should have stuff to write about Now

I wish rchp would just go back and make a new cd of just some classic old dirty Liquidly funk

07-12-2004, 06:03 PM
So how many of you RHCP fans saw "Point Break"?

oh and those lyrics you posted are hysterical. You can't write stuff like that and take yourself seriously, frankly, I love it wheb a band has good chops and plays their arses off, but have a sense of humor. I forgot the band, but they did a song about a girl with "Issues" anyone know what I'm talkin bout?

Chang Style Novice
07-12-2004, 09:22 PM
Flea only cites Miles and Pops as influences because his first instrument was trumpet. There's basically nothing in their sound that is owed to either of them. Well, maybe some of Miles' funk stuff, but they got that more directly from Sly and the Family Stone and Stevie Wonder and James Brown and the Meters and such like anyway - you know, the guys who influenced Miles in that direction.