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View Full Version : Pretty nice WT video!

10-14-2002, 04:25 AM
Saw this post on McDojo.com

WingTsun Video here .. let me know if you guys dig it.

You need QuickTime to view it just a small download which you can get here - http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/

Here is the video

I like it :)

hakka mui
10-14-2002, 04:59 AM
hey I can understand why it's on McDojo.com

a very good example of McWingChun

don't like it as it gives people the wrong impression of wing chun though

old jong
10-14-2002, 05:34 AM
Ah!...The chain punches in the back of the head!...;)

10-14-2002, 05:54 AM
Originally posted by hakka mui
hey I can understand why it's on McDojo.com

a very good example of McWingChun

don't like it as it gives people the wrong impression of wing chun though

Fair enough. Go into a little detail though - why do you think it's McWingChun?

Of course keep in mind that it's a "show" of course they arent attacking full force and it's probably staged - and on the flipside the WT guy isn't hitting full force and is just marking etc.

or better yet tell me what you would have done different how would you like to let people know what Wing Chun is, Full-Contact sparring, just the motions or what?

Not liking how they do business is one thing, saying that they are McWingChun is another.

10-14-2002, 07:11 AM
Theres that crazy chain punching again.

Can someone in this guys lineage or organization answer me this? If the guy is on the ground, and closer to your feet why would you bend over to punch him? Cant your legs deliver more power anyway?

10-14-2002, 07:27 AM
I always like watching demonstrations. And while I recognize that is what it is, again:

1. The grappling demos SUCK. On the other hand, I'm just going to have to get used to this :)
1a. That ankle trip demonstrated is going to be about a 98% failure rate. Might be good to distract the guy while you get up.

2. I noticed on a slow down portion--does WC/WT/VT/whatever it's called this week teach you to keep your chin up and thrust out like that? That looks like knockout city to me, but I am not a WC guy, so I'm just asking the question.

old jong
10-14-2002, 07:35 AM
Originally posted by Merryprankster

2. I noticed on a slow down portion--does WC/WT/VT/whatever it's called this week teach you to keep your chin up and thrust out like that? That looks like knockout city to me, but I am not a WC guy, so I'm just asking the question.

This segment was brought to you by W.T.!....;)
I also noticed this chin up part...No, we are not supposed to do this.Maybe he got that from a Mario Sperry tape?...;)

10-14-2002, 07:42 AM
The thing that really jumps out at me, is that this guy is physically man-handling the opponents, and even the students in the class. He's a big guy, and throws these people around like rag dolls.

As a demo, it was interesting to watch. Thanks for passing it along.


10-14-2002, 08:09 AM
"Control. Kicking might require stepping back"

I would think you should be able to kick without having to step back more often then not. It just doesnt seem like a good idea, or an efficient way of doing it.

10-14-2002, 08:58 AM
Hey Merry,

the chin up and thrust out? On the punch? Yes, that head/spine motion is taught/used in a couple of places. My understanding of it, is that it's used to buy some power, and is sometimes used in conjunction with the hands to slip punches backwards while still going in- similar body motion to what Ali used to use. Think about the back when doing a deadlift and you start to see where the motion comes from (and get an idea of the muscle chain involved).

That was a good little demo, with a great choice in music (PWEI *rocks*). That's all it was, a demo- big flashy, fast stuff that you can see from the back of the room and makes the people who know nothing go *oooooh*. It did it's job well, and, IMHO, the guy has nice fluid body motion. Oooh, he chain punched the back of the head, or pulled something flash off- great, I've seen NHB guys pick kneebars off of controlled thai kicks to the head when showing off. I mark out for that bigtime, but I know that's not how they fight, just a sweet little thing they polish in case something presents itself.



10-14-2002, 09:04 AM
Thanks for the insight. I personally think you really only see chin up and out like that from really fast guys who know they have the reflexes to sucker the guy in and do it. Like RJJ for instance....

danny james1
10-14-2002, 09:07 AM
while the other guy is on the floor it makes sense to me, to pin him down with your knee and control him while you finish him off with accurate chain punches.

10-14-2002, 09:36 AM
Hey Merry,

I'm presuming the head alignment you're talking about is on the way in, things seeming to come back a bit, or are you referring to the chin not being tucked with head down and forward as a boxer would keep their head?

If it's the former- again, I agree that without contact, it's a risky mechanic, still risky with contact, but safer. Personally, I keep the head neutral (which I'm discovering requires some dynamic neck usage in motion), and will bring things back to slip a hook in conjunction with hand usage. Because Wing Chun in general keeps the head back there's some vulnerability to hooks, especially if you aren't able to read someone well on the fly. Even so, with practice, you cut a shorter arc when tracking someone's body if you're lined up from crown of the head to center of the back foot, and train like hell to pull off your mechanics under fire, working this against both leads, jab/hook, hook of the jab, jab/cross/hook, long hooks, shorthooks while closing, and with someone trying to pop out and hook from a clinch on you.

What didn't you like about the grappling?



10-14-2002, 09:41 AM
My head is pretty neutral when I box too. But I was specifically referring to this one part where the video slowed down and I saw that his head was back almost like a thai boxer defending the clinch--or a kangaroo when they box! And I just thought that seemed odd to me.

As far as the grappling, it's just the typical head down, bum-rush tackle crap and that bugs the daylight out of me. They show what looks like trained punches--it wouldn't kill them to learn to shoot just for demonstration! :) Or to attempt a proper bodylock for that matter! :D

10-14-2002, 11:05 AM
Hey Merry,

I know what you mean about the bad grappling. I've been the incompetent grappler getting pounded on for a couple of little things. Yeah, that shoot after the tackle is poor. My shoot sucks, but I do try to always keep the shoulders above the hips and the back straight then arch through- thats was just something which looked kinda like a shoot. Hey, you use who you have for demos. I went back through the clip- ya know, I've got no clue why the h*ll he's doing that with his head. He may have a decent reason or it may be a personal affectation, I don't know which.

I think the www.ebmas.net site has last year's Dragonfest clips up on it. Marti does a fairly nice shoot on Jannis on that if you want a look.



10-14-2002, 11:13 AM
I think that videoclip was a good one, trying to attack with hands against someone lying down and from that angle is a bit stupid move tough, and it’s a but brutal to punch someone in the neck. But other vice it’s a good clip. Like wtinfo said how would you display Wing Chun if you where going to do it your self.

10-14-2002, 12:07 PM
MP- If you were to look at most WT/EBMAS demonstration clips you will find that atleast in their demonstrations, that head back thing is pretty common.

10-17-2002, 03:16 PM
I think the head is held back due to the weight being 100% on the back leg.

Kungfu boy
10-18-2002, 01:18 AM
Ahem Merry! I totally agree with you on the grappling gripe. Of coarse the demo was just to show off Wing Chun, and not quality grappling. If they'd gone more in depth with the grappling I'd like to see a few things change. At one point it seemed as though the guy on bottom was setting up an armbar off of one of the incoming punches (before the chain). That happens a lot in Vale Tudo matches, anyway. Also, the guy on bottom should have at least tried some kind of ground escape, at one point he isn't even pinned!
and Andrew, as for good form on take downs- believe it or not but just standard classic wrestling has some strong shoots that I'd recommend if you need polishing.