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View Full Version : my ground game suck…

10-14-2002, 09:04 AM
so me and my best friend… we have words and we start going at it… u know how best friends are… words get exchanged now its time to play… its all love so strictly grapplin no punches and kicks… I woulda wore him out if that was the case… so we goin at it, tryin to get an advantage... than BAM... i get him with a text book hip toss... knocked the fan over... thankfully i really dont have much in the way of furniture... but thats all i had to work with... just the hip toss... once we was on the ground it was all him... he's tossin me around... than he gets me in this ill azz choke... voice gets all dumb sounding... i had to tap out... how embarassin... i got choked out:mad: ... he does out weigh me by like 40 lbs but still... i'm the trained guy... but the hip toss was on point... did i mention we were both drunk out or minds...

thanks for readin… I only got an hour of sleep last nite and I'm fadin fast…

10-14-2002, 09:24 AM
don't feel bad, EVERYONE who grapples for any length of time gets tapped on multiple occasions. However, see how hardit can be on the ground if you don't know what to do? especially if you are at a weight or strength disadvantage.

10-14-2002, 09:32 AM
I really don’t know how I can fit any amount of time to learn grappling in a real way… he has mopped the floor with me before so this is a continuing thing… I don’t know where he got the choke from but it REALLY REALLY works… but this week he is going to spar with me for real and i'll get pay back than... but its nuts being on the ground with out a clue...

KC Elbows
10-14-2002, 10:05 AM
Well, funny you should put this thread up.

My stepson and I were wrestling around Saturday, I outweigh him by probably 70 lbs, but there are times I'll take it easy and see what he thinks of to get out and get me, but we have very little formal training(i.e. we can shrimp ok, and headlocks, and a few other basic things).

Well, I was joking around, and I went to untie his shoe, and somehow his leg sprung free, shin kicking me directly on the bridge of my nose.


My wife and him stood in absolute shock. I've had my nose broken a bunch of times before, so I go analytical: Can I feel it? Nope, definitely broke the cartiledge. OK, does it feel viciously crooked, like pointed up at my eyebrow? No, can't really tell if it's a little crooked. Am I suddnely getting a runny nose, or is that a river of blood about to come out of my nose? River of blood, definitely a river of blood.

So, I put pressure on the sides of the bridge to stop the flow of bleeding, could immediately feel the bone broken in the bridge, which was pressed back into place from the pressure of my fingers. Nonetheless, I was bleeding profusely, but I made it to the sink, except one drop of blood that made it onto the wall. I'm like "Would someone please wipe that off of the wall before it stains?", but everyone is just staring at me and turning green. Haven't these people heard of cleanliness? Finally, my stepson gets his priorities straight and cleans up the wall quick before I'm forced to do the Baron Von Rashnie Claw.

Well, After ten minutes the bleeding is basically just an occassional drip, and everything's just hunky dorey. The bone punctured the skin a little on the right side of the bridge, so I threw a bandaid over the bridge. I've never looked more like a boxer in my life.

Well, two hours later, it was still an occassional drip, and I had to go to a groundfighting seminar my teacher's brother was running while he was in town. I convinced my stepson to go with, and by the time we were done with warmups, my nose was no longer bleeding.

We worked on getting around the guard, getting into arm bars from a variety of situations, and what to do when you're mounted.

So, while I suck at ground, I have learned that you should leave your opponent's shoelaces alone. Period.

10-14-2002, 10:19 AM
don't mean to laugh at your broken nose, but that's a funny story

MonkeySlap Too
10-14-2002, 10:24 AM
Don't feel bad - I got my head handed to me yesterday by one of my training partners. I got a an idea (never a good sign) that sounded good - but alas that old Judo move ain't what she used to be - and despite succesfully entering a figure four on the ground (but not engageing it, darnit), I got shunted into the gaurd. My escape attempt resulted in a leg lock, followed by a tap and getting me more gatorade before I puked.

I just got pummeled, but after a six week layoff due to a knee injury, I loved every minute of it. All gods chillun should be willing to play.

My stand-up was still good at least, but dang those sombo / catch guys are tricky on the ground...

Former castleva
10-14-2002, 11:09 AM
Keep your noses safe,a blow to bridge of nose often comes out as bleeding,pain and broken bones but if struck right and right on top of it,it may cause fatal infection,crush various facial bones and knock-out&death.
Just a medical sidenote.

10-14-2002, 12:11 PM
Grappling skill comes with lots of practice. You've just got to roll over and over again with different people. Weight advantage goes a long way on the ground if you don't know what to do. People can and do choke people out with just bare strength alone.

The important thing to remember is to watch your neck, and any legs and arms sticking out. For me, position comes before submission. I want to have control before I go for a sub, but sometimes the opportunity can present itself from a variety of angles. Start out learning the basics of grappling. Escape mount, escape headlock, escape cross body, get the guard. Then go on to other skills, get and keep the mount, switch from cross body to kesa gatame, be able to move on the ground swiftly, and economically. Don't waste effort and strength for no reason.
You can get into basic subs after that, armlocks, chokes, leglocks, etc. And after that you can start being able to apply them from different angles, different set ups, fakes, etc.

Or if you don't want to bother with that just learn positional dominance and groundpound him into the ground :D


10-14-2002, 02:39 PM
Sunztu...there are a few ground schools in B more. You can check it out once u're schedule free up...you prob. just need to work on escapes from subs...anti takedown stuff and how to control position. Real easy stuff...flight time is the main thang.