View Full Version : Fighting Back At 40,000 Feet:Part 3 – Weapons, Shields and Artillery

10-15-2002, 06:15 PM
Fighting arts article (http://www.fightingarts.com/reading/article.php?id=295)

10-17-2002, 07:55 AM
I really like the part about spitting in the guys face and using a regular everyday maxim magazine or other as a pointed weapon.

10-17-2002, 02:44 PM
I liked the magazine trick too. Hit in the right places it seems like it'd do some damage.

10-17-2002, 02:52 PM
I tried it on a co-worker.

It works.


10-17-2002, 07:40 PM
LOL. Did you just walk up to him and use it?;)

10-19-2002, 03:16 PM
I took his maxim from him in break area, and stabbed him with it.

10-19-2002, 06:07 PM
Good one man. It reminds me of a book I read by G. Gordon Liddy. A pencil as an assassination tool comes to mind when I think of that book.

He also discussed a CIA operations test where the applicants went into a room with a dummy at a desk(It was an office setting with all the trimmings.) and had to take the target out. ( I must mention that Mr. Liddy was not in the CIA, but trained with them.)

Anyway, most of the applicants attacked the target with unarmed techniques. Some tossed objects to the side or used diversion to draw attention away from thier unarmed attacks.

A woman went in the room and expressed an interest in the paperwork on the dummys desk and while he was turned away(Presumably.), she brought the typewriter down on his head to break his neck and cause head trauma.

She was the only one that got perfect marks in the exercise. The point is that she analyzed the environment and came up with the best weapon to use as the situation warranted.

This story is hearsay but the people that tell it are experienced in the intel biz and I see no reason to doubt them.

The point is that Improvised weaponry is ALWAYS desirable to fighting un-armed. Un-armed is LAST resort. A weapon is always better is what is taught in Government and Military circles, and even most serious MA training centers.

Since a lot of us are practioners of fighting arts, we may tend to use unarmed techniques FIRST. They are trained to use them as a last resort. Personally, I am fluid and let the situation dictate what I should do. You cant get an improvised weapon if you are surprised, but that is why unarmed fighting exists.

Looking at the article, I can honestly say that it is good. When I used to live with a couple of my friends and training partners, we would fool around with attacks by surprise, etc. I would be carrying some cases out of my room and one of my roomies would leap out and I would usually just throw the **** box at them while attempting to make them lose balance. It always worked.

Geez, did that make any sense? I tend to ramble. :D