View Full Version : What is this card game?

10-17-2002, 01:21 PM
There's a card game I used to have on my old computer, but it only worked with win 3.1 and lower. It's some Asian game. The program was called Flower Card but I doubt that's what the actual game is called. It was fun as hell tho and if I can find an actual set of cards like that I would buy them in a second. I'm having trouble remembering what the game was like or what was on the cards (yeah I know that doesn't help at all does it).

But if anyone knows what this game is, or what the rules are, or where I can find some cards, let me know!

If I remember any more I'll post it.

Oh yeah, is there a way to get programs to work on Win 95+ that aren't supposed to? Like when I run it it will just end in DOS with some error message. Stupid 32-bit Windows :D


10-17-2002, 02:38 PM
I dunno about your dumb card game.

You have about as much of a chance to run your old **** as you do working your lower abs.

Actually, you can do it, but since you wont tell me what windows you have, Im not sharing........and its not easy exactly, neways.

Get linux, ill teach you some sheit.

10-17-2002, 04:10 PM
Ok I have WinME now and the one that it owrks on is Win 3.1.

Teach meeeee


10-17-2002, 06:04 PM

Is it like this?

10-17-2002, 11:15 PM
Those cards look familiar. Let me download it and see if it's the same game (different version of course than the one I used to have).

But I think it's the same one. Thanks a lot for the link, Lice!!!




10-18-2002, 02:36 PM
Yeah, that's the game. Thanks dude.
