View Full Version : Jook Lum and Chu Gar

urban tea
10-19-2002, 03:08 AM
Not looking to start a war.

When looking at the hand forms, how do these two styles differ?

Not looking to start a war.

10-19-2002, 05:59 PM

cha kuen
10-20-2002, 03:44 AM
Anyone know any good books on southern mantis?

10-20-2002, 08:54 AM
cha kuen will sell us one?

urban tea
10-20-2002, 06:30 PM
northern mantis,

I did not ask which style is better nor did i ask about lineage.

I'm just asking about a description of difference in the hand forms. No names of sifus needed or lineage.

I never believe that one style is better than the other. So taking all this into consideration, if you call me a troll then you are one too.

10-20-2002, 07:46 PM
There is no "standardization" and it really doesn't matter, because if
your teacher (or someone better than you) does NOT "touch your hands"
and "feed you" sensitivity, power and root, then ALL of the handforms
will be useless as regard to getting the "art" of the systems. Forms might
get you in shape, but there is no substition for "one on one" teaching
in the Southern Praying Mantis system.

10-20-2002, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by urban tea
northern mantis,

I did not ask which style is better nor did i ask about lineage.

I'm just asking about a description of difference in the hand forms. No names of sifus needed or lineage.

I never believe that one style is better than the other. So taking all this into consideration, if you call me a troll then you are one too.

lol take it easy.Obviously you missed the seracasm with the smiley face. Relax I was just joking with you. I'm sorry if you got the wrong impression. I hang around the main forum too much and forget that other forums are more serious. :D :cool:

urban tea
10-20-2002, 08:34 PM

Thanks for the lecture about how forms are useless without learning the fighting principles behind them. I already knew that. I never said that forms are the only thing you need to get good or somewhat good at kung fu...

Northern mantis,

okay. =]


So can anyone answer the original question?

10-21-2002, 06:04 AM

I did not mean to "lecture" you, but the question is unanswerable.

You want to compare Chu Gar and Jook Lum? Fine...WHOSE JL do want to compare it to?

Gin Foon Mark, Milton Chin, Norman Chin, Louie Jack Man, Poo Yee, Steven Richards...all "Masters" of JL and all teach different variations of basically the same thing, except Poo Yee, who has taken the four or five JL forms and expanded them into over twenty.

You might want to limit your comparison to two individual "masters" at a time.

Several practicioners may "look" like they are making the same motion, but you touch hands with them, sand feel thier generation of ging and sensitivity, the question is moot.

Harry Gow
10-22-2002, 12:34 AM
Hi Bong,
Right on point!! That's why rocket science calculations could not be mixed into TCMA.
Try to stir-fry KFC in Sweet and sour sauce!!
Lets make it taste like real Chinese food!!! What a joke!!!

Many guys wanted to change the picture after all these years, but the human feel, ging, chi and sensitivity are just far beyond modern science to answer (for now!!!).

I have seen too much stuff in my days to know that something cannot be explained (for now). Many old masters still amaze me with their stuffs.
P.S, Ip Shui with his throat gung and iron body. Seeing is believing huh!!!
Wong Yuk Gong's student Grand master Liu Sung with his da sik sao, Poo Yee and Gin Foon Mark,,,,,,,,,,,the list goes on and on......

Hey Urban Tea,
Please don't compare SPM styles, we are all brothers from the same root!!! every Southern mantis stylist I've seen is awesome in their own right. We just do things a bit different from each other.

Gwua Lo such as Steven Richards and Paul Whitrod are simply awesome in their kung fu. They have even gone through the troubles writing books about it.

If you want to know more, go and get yourself a plane ticket and meet them. The answer isn¡¦t HERE!!!

H. Gow

10-22-2002, 06:54 AM
Hey Gow,

You met Richards and Whitrod, you crossed hands with them guys?

10-23-2002, 09:45 PM
HowARE you Harry?

Long time no see. Here its the 21st Century and STILL people just throw good money
after bad looking for form after form after form! How sad. :-(

Speaking of throwing, how's your Suai-chiao these days?

Have you seen the Old Bald Master lately? :-)

I saw "the Great One" huffing his way up Mott Street the other day. He must have
been late for a "private lesson"! :-)

See you soon!

10-24-2002, 02:52 PM
Thought not.... Ha Ha Ha

Magic Mantids who can 'feeeellll' without even touching what another Mantid has got or can do...

Go get on over and see 'em Man!!!!

10-25-2002, 08:00 PM
how do jook lum and chu gar different?

do they have the same forms? is there any difference?

are their theories and principles any different?

what training methods do they use compared to other nan tong long styles...

not people... systems...

how is the progression

Not which is better or worse, not people...

but "what is the difference bewteen jook lum and chu gar" there must be some .. or why would there be 2 system...

i am interested also in the poster's original question....

how do jook lum and chu gar differ and what are some content of each art.

thanking you
