View Full Version : Neck and back?

10-19-2002, 10:32 AM
What are some body weight exercises for your back and neck?

10-19-2002, 04:00 PM
Deadlift and headstand are excellent as well as pullups and any rowing motion done correctly.

Mr. Bao
10-19-2002, 05:13 PM

You might want to consider your goals in training your neck and back. How is your dynamic and static posture? Do you know how to set your back in neutral? If you are interested in knowing how to improve your neck and back research a man named Paul Chek. Read some of his articles on corrective exercises.


10-19-2002, 10:44 PM
Please treat most neck and back excerises with caution,as in don't jerk or throw yourself around.

Some excersies that I currently do in a warm up for neck is
resistence (place hand on forehead and push forward,resist with hand)do this for side and turning.
in the sit up position place hands across chest and just raise towards chest x 50 ,repeat with turning head and side to side
Backarch and Bridge
I see these as good preventative and strenghting excersisces for the neck.
hope thats usefull