View Full Version : knee pains

10-20-2002, 04:19 PM
Alright,whenever I go into a low dragon stance for any amount of time that is more than 5 seconds and try to go back to a horse stance there is a sharp pain in my knees down to my ankles(going along the outside of my leg)and I can't get out of it without pushing up with my hands.What's up with this?Do I just need to strenghthen my knees?If so,what are some exercises to help me with that?

Mr. Bao
10-20-2002, 10:36 PM

Stay away from doing that stance, I don't know what is a dragon stance is, but if you have pain from your knee to your ankle, then you many several problems.

His is a possiblities. You may be had some knee injuires such as torn ACL? perhpas your mencius is torn or thinning? You may your limited range of motion in calf muscles in the front of your shin? You have no problems with ACL or mencius, then try to first stretch the calf muscles or even strengthen them by
doing calf raises. Oh yeah, stretch your feet (your arches).

Do some isometic leg curls. Get into a prone postion and get a partner to hold your legs in different angles as you 'curl'. You partner should resist your curl but that too much. Just enough that each angle. Hold the contraction for 10 sec in each angle. By strengthen your hamstrings you relax your knees. When one muscles contracts, the opposite muscles relaxes.

Stretch the IT band, which runs along the leg in the sides. The IT band is divides your Quads and your Ham, it is located on side of your leg. It is where people like to round house kick people in the leg usually.

Well, I hope this helps. Keep me posted.


10-20-2002, 10:59 PM
wat style u r doing??
hmm look ur stance ,
first give rest to ur legs for couple of days or tilll u feel like it..
no need to hurry

1. ur kness shouldn't go ahead ur toes,
2. the second u feel pain u should stop ...
3. wear something like knee caps
4. after proper warming up with ur legs go with stance training...
5. dont hurry or go LOOOOOW down too much...

pain means conditioning of legs but too much pain means worry
slowly slowly ur pain in legs go aways
hope this helps...keep posting


10-21-2002, 12:02 AM
"You may be had some knee injuires such as torn ACL? perhpas your mencius is torn or thinning?" - Mr. Bao

This guy is totally right, cause it sounds like your leg is locking when you squat down it this stance which is the most common sign of some torn cartilage in your knee. Have you had any knee or ankle issues in the past? Such kind of problems can be pretty serious if unheeded so if it continues you outgha get a doctor's opinion.

I'm currently healing up from a knee injury myself, so let me know if ya figure this one out- good luck to ya-

10-21-2002, 03:52 AM
I've never had any knee problems before. The thing about this is that the stance doesn't hurt,it's just getting out of the stance that's the problem.I take Sil Lum(Shaolin)kung fu and the low dragon stance is where you go from a horse stance down on one leg so that one is bent and the other is straight.That part is easy but whenever I try to go back to horse it starts to hurt.Thanks for the help guys.

10-21-2002, 08:03 AM
So that is like a bow or hill climbing stance?

If so, check your stance -- the knee should not go beyond your toes and make sure your back is straight. Push the knee out too far and you could have trouble getting out of the stance.

I was incorrectly aligned in this stance because I was pushing so hard to get lower into it -- recently a new instructor corrected it -- before then I had lower back and knee pain when doing the stance.

Ford Prefect
10-21-2002, 09:30 AM

Stop it before you hurt yourself. I f'ed up my knee doing hindu squats, and now it gets reaggrivated when I go butt-to-heel on any squatting/crouching type movement.