View Full Version : Wing Chun is no longer the top dog

10-21-2002, 11:30 AM
I was watching the Learning Channel last night and they had a show on the top ten deadly martial arts. Looks like wing chun missed the list LOL!

Check it out:
10. BJJ
9. Kali
8. some wierd energy style where guys get punched in the neck
7. Tae Kwon Do
6. Aikido
5. Ninjitsu
4. Mui Thai
3. can't remember
2. Karate (goju ryu)
1. Kung Fu (shaolin)

I'm going by memory so some of them may be out of order.

10-21-2002, 11:57 AM
that list is kinda wierd, cause whom in their right minds will put TKD over wing chun..

10-21-2002, 12:03 PM
All the guys who got kicked off their horses! :D :rolleyes:

10-21-2002, 12:06 PM
What a dopey list. Here ya go...

10. Hand-2-Hand Kuensao
9. Stick-n-knife Bokendo
8. Sling'n'crossbow Jutsu
7. Gun-Fu
6. Car-Runover People-do
5. Bomb-fu
4. Conventional Warfare Kick@ssdo
3. Chemi-Jutsu
2. Bio-do
1. Nuke Fu
0. Antimatter-splatter-dokuenjutsu*

(still in early development, accidental delivery pending)

10-21-2002, 12:09 PM
What WAS #3? I was reading bedtime stories to my boy during #3 and #4. Anyone remember what it was?

10-21-2002, 12:18 PM
I remember now.

I think the 7 spot was that Isreali self defence art. Kind of looked like Jeet Kune Do

10-21-2002, 12:21 PM
8. some wierd energy style where guys get punched in the neck

you mean Juko Kai? :confused: i'm sure this show must have been on before, copz we tlaked about that ages ago on the main forum...

hey iron body :D

glad to see aikido got some recognition though, its a skill that has helped me many times in the past before i found wing chun :)

israeli art? Krav Manga?


10-21-2002, 12:21 PM
Krav Maga. I have heard it is supposed to be pretty effective but this is mostly from Krav Maga practitioners!

10-21-2002, 12:29 PM

10-21-2002, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by red5angel
Krav Maga. I have heard it is supposed to be pretty effective but this is mostly from Krav Maga practitioners!

Yeah! That's the one ... I just couldn't remember the name.

The show was a rehash of other shows they've had. The Juko Kai was the one where they get kicked in the nuts, punched in the throat, kicked in the chest etc.,

I saw that original show and this guy walks up to a instructor and proceeds to get kicked between the legs. I could have sworn that he was limping when he walked away :D

10-21-2002, 01:06 PM
Krav Manga sounds like some wicked new Isreal/Japan defense comic!!

10-21-2002, 01:37 PM
Check out the link it's quite interesting



10-21-2002, 02:43 PM
Hooray for wing chun- fot not being ona stupid list.

10-21-2002, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by yuanfen
Hooray for wing chun- fot not being ona stupid list.

LOL. I was kinda thinking the same thing.

At the same time, all due respect especially to my Kali/Escrima friends. I'm not one to make light of other people's skills, especially those that involve nasty weapons. :eek:

- Kathy Jo

10-21-2002, 04:45 PM
Yeah I saw that show too. I thought it was interesting that Krav Maga was shown teaching people how to disarm attackers who have guns. Which becons the question - Has anyone else been taught to disarm gun toating attackers? I think it is irresponsible to lead people to beleive that they can actually disarm someone with a gun. Especially when you consider their actions will be slowed down by the dreaded adrinalin dump. If they really beleive in the cr@p their teaching, I would like to see them practice with a paint gun. At least then they would actually pay a price for not getting it correct before their life depends on it. I bet they would get shot 80% (if not 100%) of the time. What do others think about this practice?

10-21-2002, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Gandolf269
I bet they would get shot 80% (if not 100%) of the time. What do others think about this practice?

The surest way to disarm someone with a gun is to shoot them...in the back. :)


Martial Joe
10-21-2002, 05:43 PM
Listing them like that was bull...but it was cool to watch.

10-21-2002, 07:06 PM
OK. It's a stupid list as any list that includes Juko-Kai and ninjitsu would be. But c'mon you guys are just upset because Shoalin/Wushu is there and you're not.:D

Then again I'm upset that Wushu was there too!:mad:

10-21-2002, 07:31 PM
They couldn't say it on TV if it wasn't true, right? :D
Once I saw Tae Kwon Do on the list, it instantly lost credibility.


10-21-2002, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by rogue
OK. It's a stupid list as any list that includes Juko-Kai and ninjitsu would be. But c'mon you guys are just upset because Shoalin/Wushu is there and you're not.:D

Then again I'm upset that Wushu was there too!:mad:
The producers probably think Wing Chun is Shaolin/Wushu.

10-21-2002, 10:57 PM
Very good point Redd I think you may have made a direct hit with that one.

10-21-2002, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by Redd

The producers probably think Wing Chun is Shaolin/Wushu.

Or they'd think it's one of those old 80s rock bands.

10-22-2002, 06:30 AM

There's also http://www.kravmaga.com. They list Benny Meng sifu as the local rep in your area, have you had a chance to see any of the Krav Maga classes? How do they compare to WCK? Is it an either/or type of thing, or are there any benefits in the integration?

10-22-2002, 07:21 AM
So the basket of offerings include tkd, wing chun, gee shim, hung fa yi, krav marga.....?

10-22-2002, 07:50 AM
Hi Rene,


There's also http://www.kravmaga.com. They list Benny Meng sifu as the local rep in your area, have you had a chance to see any of the Krav Maga classes? How do they compare to WCK? Is it an either/or type of thing, or are there any benefits in the integration?

I posted that site first of all, then found the International Krav Maga Federation website.

To answer your question I haven't seen it first hand, I guess your second part of that question would be better directed at VTM

I only just now found the locator with all the locations that teach it.

10-22-2002, 08:26 AM
Yuanfan- Different suits for different occaisions? Maybe TKD for sport, Krav Maga for modern urban self-defense? MA is nice in that its robust enough to fill all sorts of different needs for different people. Some people might play golf and do combat handgunning and driving on the side, needing something different to break things up. Personally, though, I like the MA stuff, and am always interested in how others round themselves out in the different facets.

Geezer - Me either, only in J-Lo trailers 8). I have a cousin who learned some in the IDF, and was also a competitive Judo BB, so maybe I'll get a chance to see some more one day.


10-22-2002, 08:34 AM
Me either, only in J-Lo trailers 8).

What's that all about:confused:

I found the history part interesting, on the International Krav Maga website.
I find it interesting that while we were trying to keep the peace in 1945-1948 Palestine, the British may have been on the recieving end of they're prototype versions of this.


10-22-2002, 08:44 AM
Jennifer Lopez (J-Lo) made a movie a while back called "Enough" (http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/enough/) where she plays an abused wife who learns Krav Maga then kicks her hubbies posterior (I think, I never saw the film, just the trailers (ads) for it.


10-22-2002, 09:57 AM
Yeah, her trainer just opened up a school in my area. I know this, because they are advertising on the radio: "Come learn martial arts from the person who taught J-Lo!" :rolleyes:

10-22-2002, 03:01 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by reneritchie
[B]Yuanfan- Different suits for different occaisions? Maybe TKD for sport, Krav Maga for modern urban self-defense? MA is nice in that its robust enough to fill all sorts of different needs for different people. Some people might play golf and do combat handgunning and driving on the side, needing something different to break things up. Personally, though, I like the MA stuff, and am always interested in how others round themselves out in the different facets.

Rene - Good points. My sigung is very well rounded indeed !!! Thats a very admirable quality. He's always willing to learn something new. IMHO that is an important lesson to impart on one's students and grandstudents.
- David

10-22-2002, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by yuanfen
So the basket of offerings include tkd, wing chun, gee shim, hung fa yi, krav marga.....?

Joy - Just curious, what does your academic basket offer?

10-22-2002, 04:39 PM
desertwingchun2 - I firmly believe in being a perpetual student. Life is so grand, there's just so much to learn, to sample, to enjoy. I also believe in life beyond WCK, so if you want to be a competitive power lifter, or a TKD world champ, or the baddest snowboarder on the mountain, it's the same to me as if you just want to practice Bong Sao 24x7. Life is generally better off with balance, and if you can get some balance and stay within the MA umbrella, hey, more power to ya!

Have you done any of the Krav Maga yet? If so, could you share some experiences on its sphere of value? (We don't have any in these parts, but we have some modern oriented stuff like Tony Blauer, who's local, and some ROSS (Russian Martial Arts) folks).


10-22-2002, 04:39 PM
I thought it was interesting that Krav Maga was shown teaching people how to disarm attackers who have guns. Which becons the question - Has anyone else been taught to disarm gun toating attackers? I think it is irresponsible to lead people to beleive that they can actually disarm someone with a gun. Especially when you consider their actions will be slowed down by the dreaded adrinalin dump. If they really beleive in the cr@p their teaching, I would like to see them practice with a paint gun. At least then they would actually pay a price for not getting it correct before their life depends on it. I bet they would get shot 80% (if not 100%) of the time. What do others think about this practice?

On Monday at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, a student in a lecture theatre produced one of several handguns he was carrying and began shooting people at random. Two died and five were injured. The gunman was restrained and disarmed by a student and a lecturer.

The police praised the bravery of two who intervened, saying their actions probably prevented many more deaths (perhaps including their own).

While escape should always be the first aim, if possible, if not resistance should be. Huddling under a desk waiting for your turn to get shot may not be the best option. Maybe all your options suck. Read "Strong on Defense".

Maybe gun disarms are high risk, but if you have a 5% chance of surviving a gunman with an attempted disarm, and 0% if you don't, what then?

10-22-2002, 06:31 PM
Rene - No I haven't done any of the Krav Maga training. At our kwoon it is not part of the curriculum. I believe there is a school here in Phoenix but, I haven't taken part. I guess it's that balance thing kid ,wc, job and social stuff keep me plenty busy.

10-22-2002, 06:52 PM
active non-participant

Registered: Aug 2002
Location: Chandler, Arizona


Joy - Just curious, what does your academic basket offer?

Curious question!
Apparently quite unrelated to wing chun!
Sorry- you missed the center!

10-22-2002, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by anerlich
On Monday at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, a student in a lecture theatre produced one of several handguns he was carrying and began shooting people at random. Two died and five were injured. ............Maybe gun disarms are high risk, but if you have a 5% chance of surviving a gunman with an attempted disarm, and 0% if you don't, what then? anerlich,
We've certainly heard about that ordeal here in Canada. A terrible, terrible situation that's for sure. Between bombings in Bali and snipers in MD, the world is definitely getting to be a more dangerous place, or so it seems. I have a lot of trouble trying to figure out how anyone can justify these types of actions. It's just insanity.

My thoughts and prayers are with all those who are grieving the lost of a loved one. So sad, such a waste. :(


10-22-2002, 06:55 PM
active non-participant

Registered: Aug 2002
Location: Chandler, Arizona


Joy - Just curious, what does your academic basket offer?

Curious question!
Apparently quite unrelated to wing chun!
Sorry- you missed the center!

10-22-2002, 08:52 PM

Well said. It seems too many people want to try to solve their problems with violence and the death of many innocents. And that the price that someone who disagrees with us religiously or philosophically should pay is death.

We've had a few serial killers in quiet country towns, and murders and abductions in the outback of late. Nowhere is safe.

Let's hope we don't ALL have to learn our gun disarms.

10-22-2002, 08:56 PM
I'm sorry to hear about the shooting down under. My prayers go out to the victims and their families.

I agree that unusual actions call for unusual reactions. If you think there is a good chance you are going to be shot, then WTF, it's better to go out fighting and give yourself at least some chance of survival. But, most armed robberies don't end in shootings, so in that type of situation you may be increasing the chance of getting shot if you resist. I do feel that to be trained is better than not being trained, which is why I suggested training with paint guns. That way you will realize that being unsuccesfull at disarming an assailant can have devistating results. (those things can leave a nasty welt and bruise). Sort of like training against knives with a magic marker.

10-22-2002, 09:05 PM

I think the paint gun thing would be a good idea. But have you ever been SHOT by one at close range? It HURTS!

Situations where a criminal has you at gunpoint are fraught with risk and danger. If you give the guy your money and car keys but he still wants to keep you around ... you're probably better off running or resisting.

Read "Strong on Defense". It talks about stuff like this from a guy that's been there.

10-22-2002, 09:41 PM
[i]Originally posted by yuanfen [/i

>>Curious question!
>>Apparently quite unrelated to wing chun!
>>Sorry- you missed the center! [/B]

Joy- At what point did your discussions on giant shrimp from puerto penasco have to do with wing chun?
What did I miss?
Shall I not ask any questions of you? you seem to get so bitter, just like those tecates sin limon. simon?

10-22-2002, 10:01 PM
Joy- At what point did your discussions on giant shrimp from puerto penasco have to do with wing chun?
What did I miss
The thread independent of me was already discussing the virtues of salmon, chilean bass, crappie- fish happens. You may have missed the context.
Bitter? Nah. You must be talking about someone else.

10-22-2002, 10:20 PM

I know what your saying about running or resisting. But you have to have a special mind set in order to be successfull. And I don't think that most people have that, and showing them the moves to disarm a assailant can gives them a false sense of security. It goes back to the saying that, if you pull a gun on someone you better be ready to use it. And if you attempt to grab a gun from someone then you better be ready to kill them.

On running - Zig Zag, just don't zig when you should zag. :D

10-24-2002, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by anerlich
It seems too many people want to try to solve their problems with violence and the death of many innocents. And that the price that someone who disagrees with us religiously or philosophically should pay is death. anerlich,
True. They seem to forget, or really don't care, that violence just breeds more violence and the cycle of escalation continues. Nothing is solved. Where will it all end?

It doesn't bode well for the future of mankind.


10-28-2002, 07:40 AM
Hi everyone,

The list they compiled mainly contains general categories of
martial arts as far as I'm concerned, so I don't feel bad that
wing chun was not included.

There are many branches of TKD, Karate, Kung fu etc, but they
couldn't all be covered in one short documentary.

P.S. In Jennifer Lopez' movie "Enough", I heard her say in an
interview that she uses Krav Maga to defend herself.