View Full Version : Choy Lay Fut 'ten seed techniques'?

sing fu
10-22-2002, 06:18 PM
Does anyone remember 'REAL KUNGFU', the magazine? I was looking through an old copy of it earlier today, and in an article about Chan Yiu Wun there is mention of ten seed techniques .

I'm interested in the Choy Lay Fut style, and would like to get an idea of basic movement. Do these ten seed techniques illustrate the basics, and what are they? Also, could anyone point me to some movie or images of basic Choy Lay Fut movement on the internet?

10-22-2002, 08:27 PM
Go to www.clfma.com website, and look into the Master Series and you can see Master Chen Yong Fa demonstrating some of the basic hands. You can also find some video clips of some of the students from the Sydney school demonstrating some of the forms.

sing fu
10-22-2002, 09:27 PM
Thanks Dutch!

The demonstrations were very impressive. I'm wondering if Choy Lay Fut people are allowed to comment on what the basics of the system are, as well as these 10 seed techniques? Any input would be appreciated.

10-22-2002, 11:11 PM
There was a discussion on the ten seeds in the past couple of weeks. It's on the second page of this forum. Look for the thread titled Pek Choy.

sing fu
10-22-2002, 11:15 PM
Thanks Lice!

10-23-2002, 06:45 AM
Originally posted by sing fu
I'm wondering if Choy Lay Fut people are allowed to comment on what the basics of the system are, as well as these 10 seed techniques? Any input would be appreciated.Stances. In fact, the most fundamental principles taught in the beginning are the stances. After introducing the basic stances, the practitioners are taught how to generate power using the whole body.

sing fu
10-23-2002, 08:02 PM

Thanks for your insight - I'll remember that. The strikes Master Chen was showing in the videos Dutch pointed to showed some remarkable whip-like movements. I'm assuming the change from horse to front uses very quick hip rotation - very impressive.

I'd like to get a better idea of the whole Choy Lay Fut package, but are there any suggestions for a video of, say, comprehensive demonstrations by the Choy Lay Fut school?

10-23-2002, 08:46 PM
You will never find anything to comprehensive video wise on the web. Most schools and sifus prefer you to try a class or watch a class. For more description on the "10 seeds" you can check out the Ng Family CLF Association. The article was written by Sifu Sam Ng and his son, Phil.

The "10 seeds" sometimes vary slightly from lineage to lineage. They are just some of the main techniques within our system but hardly anything complete.


sing fu
10-23-2002, 08:51 PM
Thank you for your words about the 'ten seeds', CLFNole.

I hear what you're saying about videos. I'm resident in a country with no southern kungfu at the moment, and thought if I could purchase a publicly available demonstration video (if one exists), it might give me more of an idea of CLF on the whole before i move to somewhere teaching the southern styles though.

You guys living near a kwoon are so lucky!

10-23-2002, 10:18 PM
Ihear that Sifu Tat Mau Wong's video instructional series is really good. He also has a series by Panther video. Sifu Doc Fai Wong has a series by espy video compnay and some by an older company. There is also a series being offered in the Wing Lam Catalogue, I think its Lee Koon Hung's brother who is doing it.


10-24-2002, 12:05 AM
if anything, i kind of think it would be worth getting a video of Sup Gi Kao Da form to give a simple over view of the style. Allot of the CLF players see this set as the more complete form, which contains most of the sets. My knowledge of CLF is limited, so please dont raid me for this. Some schools might feel different about the style.

The only sup gi video that I have seen sold on the web, is the one by master Li Siu Hung (Lee Koon Hung's brother) at www.leekoonhungkungfu.com. I have not seen the video, but I do know the form. Maybe you could try contact them for more info.

If you want info on the technical workings, history, etc of CLF, then this form is just the place to be. The people here are awsome. Their knowledge is great.
btw what country are you from?

sing fu
10-24-2002, 12:53 AM
Eddie and Eric,

Thanks for your suggestions. I might just check out the video Eddie suggested as I'd like to get an idea of body movement from video rather than self-learn any forms etc.

BTW, I'm in Japan at present. Thanks once again!

monk weed
10-24-2002, 06:16 AM
Sing FU

I have seen both lee siu hungs and doc fai wongs versions of the sup gi kow da set and both are good however very different. I believe doc fai wongs comes from lau buns side and I'm not sure where lee siu hungs comes from. Both are worth getting and will allow you to se the diversitity of the style.

10-24-2002, 07:31 AM
I'm not sure but I think I remember someone mentioning that there is CLF in Japan. Even if there isn't there must be some other kung fu in Japan.

Also check out the Chan family's other site for some clips at www.choyleefut.com.au The clips are short but they show some of the flowing moves of CLF especially the Dart Ting Bak Gwa form. cool form.

They show the forms that were performed last new year. It's too bad they don't show the whole sets but all these forms are what good CLF should look like. I like the Level Elbow form it looks very powerful. Especialy the Fut Jeung (Buddha Palm form) very powerful form. Sifu Barry Hale is awesome.

10-24-2002, 08:34 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by sing fu
Does anyone remember 'REAL KUNGFU', the magazine? I was looking through an old copy of it earlier today, and in an article about Chan Yiu Wun there is mention of [B]ten seed techniques .

Did you know Chan Yiu Wun was an opium smoker? Because he studied with his clansman Chan Yiu Chi (Chan Heung's grandson), he was not really doing Choy Lee Fut, so how could he have been talking about the Choy Lee Fut 10 seeds? According to Sifu Chan Kam Fai (is he from the Chan family?) and his teacher Master Tsui Kwong Yuan, only students who can trace their lineage back to Cheong Yim, the founding father of Choy Lee Fut and the GGM, is really doing Choy Lee Fut. Anyone from Chan Heung's line is doing something else, and from Sifu Frank Mac Carthy's hint, this is going to be the coming truth and the newest cat out of the bag from Futsan and KL. So what have you being doing all these years? Have you been Choy Lee Futting lately?
Now I think I can really make it to Fu Pow's "ignore list". Hoo Ray!:D Do you suppose to eat these seeds or smoke them?:D

10-24-2002, 10:57 AM
for CLF in Jaspan you could try enquiring here .
Choy Lee Fut Hung Sing Koon of Japan
39 – 12 Yanagi Cho, Sai Wai Ku, Kawasaki
Kanagawa, Japan
Sifu: Paul Roberts
Email: paulroberts@japan.co.jp

10-24-2002, 12:08 PM
All Green Grass practicianers know smoking seeds will give you a head ache!
:p :p 4:20 makes me:confused:

10-24-2002, 01:10 PM
Now I understand what means Green Grass:)

sing fu
10-24-2002, 05:10 PM
Thanks for all your valuable advice - I appreciate it, and feel I'll be able to act on it in the next few weeks. Could I take this CLF thread a little further and ask whether it was Buk Sing or Hung Sing that Li lu-Ling trained? I have some personal reasons, but would like to learn more about this version of CLF.

10-24-2002, 06:58 PM
I believe Li Lu Ling was a student of Chan Yiu Chi (Chan Hueng's grandson). If I am not mistaken I think he is Sifu Howard Choy's sifu. Sifu Choy is student and part of Sifu Chan Win Fah's group in Australia.


10-24-2002, 07:07 PM
There are two Hung Sing, which one are you reffering to? According to Sifu Chan Kam-Fai, one Hung Sing came down from the "first master" of Choy Lee Fut (Chan Heung), the other came down from the "founding father" of Choy Lee Fut (Jeong Yim). What is the difference between the two? Anyone knows? Li Iu Ling is definitely not Buk Sing because Buk Sing was only an off-shoot of Hung Sing but which one? The real one or the not so real one? Now this is politics for you and you can believe in whatever you like. Anyway, Li studied with Chan Yiu-Chi and is a Sihang of Chan Yiu-Wan. That makes his version the "first master" version and not the "founding father" version. Get it? I rather be Choy Lee Futting!:D

10-25-2002, 04:39 AM
Originally posted by SETANSI
All Green Grass practicianers know smoking seeds will give you a head ache!
:p :p 4:20 makes me:confused:

I do the 10 Seeds 24:7 and that makes me corn-fused all the time.

Have you heard the one about the Green Grass Monk and Cheong Yim in Bak Pai Shan? They got stuck into each other because they can't read and got "to celibate" mixed up with "to celebrate"! :D

sing fu
10-27-2002, 06:54 PM

You've completely lost me - CLF history seems complex! Are there any resources for learning more about the CLF lineage?

10-28-2002, 08:33 AM
I belive I can speak for jo jo here real hung sing comes from the lineage of Chueng Hung Sing and the Fut San Hung Sing Gwoon :D
for more real History on Choi Lay Fut Check out

Any one eles have a line to draw in the sand ?
Buck sing will take all comers

Jo X after reading your joke your new name on the form should be
Extra Hom Sup:rolleyes:

10-29-2002, 06:07 AM
If you want me to see the history of CLF in a different light, please give me some evidence and facts, your fists will not change my mind.


10-29-2002, 02:49 PM
what i think they mean by first master is that chan heung is recognized by the hung sing branch as one of jeong yims teachers but not as the founder of choy lee fut-who we have always believed was jeong yim.

jeong yim is the founder of the choy lee fut and if this were not true the why doesn't chan yong fa come out and confront the hung sing and buk sing elders in a controlled setting for a serious discussion. isn't he the great grandson of chan heung-founder of choy lee fut? so have him persuade us into believing into the chan version of things.

i must tell you the truth, the chan family is holding less and more less weight on the historical side of things. first you claim there were no mentions of the ggm in the chan family manual and many sifu had researched this manual, even the great doc fai wong claims to have a complete copy of this secret chan family manual and not even he has discovered the new shocking revelation that monk choy fook was actually the green grass monk.

first didn't monk choy fook have a nickname of scar-headed monk because he escaped the temple with his head on fire?
but not one document that has ever mentioned ggm has ever claimed that the ggm had a scar on his head. so what i am saying is that once he never existed in the eyes of the chan clan, and now since their has been this big upsurge of interest in the ggm
the chan family has changed their story and claims they have found a passage that points out ggm as monk choy fook. wow, you guys are really digging deep to hold on to what little fame you have left. but with this new discovery you have only lost respect from the other 2 branches.

you guys will go to any length to ensure that you will have a bright future---look at what some students did in the chan family village, they installed a stone tablet with a so-called translation of the s0-called true choy lee fut history. well, they other two branches undoubtly think you are full of bs.

you say that we (hung sing /buk sing) are trying to change history but in fact we are only telling our side of what was taught to us by our elders who lived thru it all. eyewitness accounts are far more important to us than some creating history with a pen.

and oh, a while back there was a discussion about tong sek and i said he died around the 1950's and you guys acted like i was crazy. well there are actually 2 tong seks, one chan and one hung sing.

have fun when the general launches the new info on his web site in a bout a week.

love and kisses

10-29-2002, 03:05 PM
joseph, you are a true chan family member!!!!! ha hahahahah!

their (my) fists will never change your mind, but documents will?
anyone can re-produce documents and with the technology we have today, we can probably even clone the green grass monk.
look at what you guys did with chan heungs portrait?! the general hit it right on the money and he proved that the chan heung portrait was based on the photo of his son koon pak.
but you guys still have nothing to say about this.

so give us time, we are working on new documents and will be having a big info release party. you will be invited. hey, the chan clan is family to.....right hung sing people?

remember "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me"? hung sing and buk sing people are the "sticks and stones" and if you ever come out of your hiding place you will know the difference between the chan clan and the hung sing and buk sing clans first hand>


10-29-2002, 04:09 PM
See you around Frank. Welcome to the Fu-Pow's ignore list.

sing fu
10-29-2002, 06:39 PM

Looks like I asked a really dumb, trolly question here - sorry gentlemen. Ok, from what my little understanding of what everyone here is saying, there is dispute that jeong yim should be recognised as (a) the teacher of chan heung, or (b) the founder of CLF.

Different parties claim (a) or (b), is that right? Just to play devils advocate, all forms of CLF recognise both men as contributing to the creation of CLF though, right?

10-30-2002, 07:14 AM
You are giving us the impression that the Chan clan and the Hung Sing clan and the Buk Sing clan are having big fights over history. Apart from you and I in this forum and Dave Lacey in his website (also caused by what happened here), I have yet to see any evidence to back up your assertion. Do you really think the CLF world is that small and the CLF people are that stupid? I hate to tell you my friend, you and I and Dave are little corks in the wheel and this little forum is nothing more than a place to have a go at each other by a bunch of airbags, so lighten up my friend and put on a smile.

Peace and see you in the big info release party where Chan Heung will be done like a dinner by no other than Frank your friendly neighbourhood Hung Sing man!

JoX:) :D

10-30-2002, 07:18 AM
How come I am not in your "ignore list"? You really know how to hurt a guy!

JoX:eek: :confused: :D :)