View Full Version : Workout questions

10-23-2002, 08:42 AM
I've been doing essentially Pavel's PtP workout in the mornings, before breakfast (2 sets, 5 reps, benches and squats) for strength gain. I recently discovered that my job gives me cheap membership in the local gym ($140/year, nice) which is very well-equipped. I've been going over there after work for a cardio-endurance workout; snatches and/or clean and jerks with dumbells, hindu squats, dive-bombers, crunches, pullups, back and front bridges, and 20-30 minutes on the exercise machines (bikes or rowers, generally). Can anyone tell me whether doing the PtP workout in addition to the endurance-cardio is compromising my gains in either? Should I alternate weeks, one week of PtP and one week of cardio-endurance? Or is doing them both at the same time all right, as long as I don't overtrain?

Mr. Bao
10-23-2002, 07:10 PM

You should understand the concept of periodization. It is quite extensive for me to explain, but simply its means knowing how to cycle intensity, loads, and volume, and exercises for short or long term which all depends on your goals.

Basically you have been using Pavel's method 2 sets of 5 reps which great in building strength without bulk. In his book "Power to The People" he does mention periodization but not too much on how to add other goals as well.

He is my suggestion:

Monday/Wednesday/Friday Do Pavel's method, but I have added two other exercises. Don't rest in between new execises, meaning after the second set of Squat go do Dead Lifts.

Do these exercises which are the basic five power lifts.

1. Squat

2. Deadlift

3. Bench,

4. Chin Up

5. Single arm shoulder Press.


Do some form of functional cardiovascular exercises. Kettlebell training, jump roping three min round; do 5 rounds, treadmill using the interval method for 20 to 40 mins, jog-walk-sprint
for 20 to 40 mins, and etc.

Just keep things simple. In Pavel method, I like the flat load cycle personally. Good luck.


10-23-2002, 09:01 PM
Could you describe, or point me to a site that demonstrates, the single arm shoulder press? I'm not familiar with that exercise.

Also, I forgot to mention that Mondays and Wednesdays are the days I train MA, which involves a significant cardiovascular component. I don't know how much that affects your suggestions.

Thanks for the help. Can anyone else chime in with some suggestions?

Ford Prefect
10-24-2002, 07:19 AM
Sure. It won't interfere as long as you do it correctly. In the beginning stages of the PTP Cycle, you are using very light weights. During this stage, you could do some intense endurance work without negatively effecting your PTP. When the weights start to get heavier, you will want to lay off the endurance work and keep it light. It's a pretty easy equation:

When the weights are light, endurance work is heavy.

When the weights are heavy, make your endurance work light.

I experimented with this approach and had good success with it while using a 10 workout (2 week) PTP cycle. Basically, it'd be like week 1 - light weights/intense endurance +++ week 2 - heavy weights/light endurance work +++ repeat...

Kempo Guy
10-24-2002, 07:46 AM

If I were you I'd try what Ford recommends and also try cycling your workouts and see what works best for you. By cycling I mean go on a 4 - 12 week of cycle of PtP, then follow it with a cycle of KB type snatches/clean & jerks etc.

Just some thoughts from the cheapseats.