View Full Version : Is Hung Gar from Hung Xi Guan (Hung Hei Gun) ?

Shaolin Master
12-13-2000, 11:05 AM
It is interesting to note that the majority of Hung Gar practitioners today stem from the Wong Fei Hong Lineage which is derived from Luk-A-Choy. Noting that Luk A Choy was brother of Hung Hei Gun and though they may have shared ideas the art of one or another may differ.
Now there are many practitioners who practice the Guangdong Hung Kuen (Village Hung Gar or whatever you may call it). Now Funnily enough FuHokSuengYing and NgYingKuen (or Supyingkuen for some) we know were developed later in the timeline (Wong Family and Friends :)). Tit sin kuen was from outside (TitKiuSam).
Anyway in Hung Kuen, there is Tit sin Kuen but it is different....there is no NgYing or Fuhok and in Fact there are three FookFuKuens one being almost the same and the others different.

So there is the intro ...
Please Discuss

Shi Chan Long

Je Lei Sifu
12-14-2000, 06:43 AM
According to legend, myth, reality or what have you, Hung Hei Goon and Luk Ah Choi both studied and learned under Gee Sin Sim See. Luk was the SiDi to Hung, and it is believed that Luk was told by Gee Sin to locate Hung in Fa city where he had open a school. Due to Gee Sin advanced age, he advised Luk to continue further training under Hung. In this situation, Luk would not be considered ToDi of Hung but Sidi.

Although Hung is credited as being the founder of Hung Ga, Luk Ah Choi was probably more famous because of his effort to spread the teachings of Siu Lum and also for being credited for his direct involvement with the Wong Family.

Je Lei Sifu.


The Southern Fist Subdues The Fierce Mountain Tiger

Shaolin Master
12-14-2000, 07:11 AM
I know that!
Maybe the question was deceiving.
I guess one could put it as does that mean that popular Hung Gar (Wong Fei Hung, Lam Tsai Wing, Lam Jo, Dang Fung, Chiu Wai...whatever) is not Hung Hei Gun's in as match as it is Luk-Ah-Choi's Shaolin art instead (Same Teacher background may not mean same art ). And that rather Village (Guangdong) Hung Kuen is more akin to the art Hung Hei Gun left or what ???

Wah Ren Jie
12-14-2000, 08:39 PM
Hung Gar is just a name. As far as Hung Hei Guen or Luk Ah Choy were concerned, what they practiced was Sil Lum. They both learned their gung fu from Gee Sim. As they had the same teacher and Luk Ah Choy completed his training under Hung Hei Guen, their gung fu had to be as similar as could be in the beginning. But with every generation, the art changes somewhat, because everyone adds their own flavor. So many facets of Canton Hung Gar and Village Hung Gar are different but the basics (which is what really counts) are the same. But of course it is different because no two people perform their art the same way. Peace.

Shaolin Master
12-15-2000, 02:27 AM
To throw you off even further.
Fukien Siu Lum and Hung Gar Kuen are different.
Hung Gar Kuen & Hung (Village) Kuen Differ also.
Chee Sim was only one of the teachers of Siu Lum Ji (Even though he was abbott..) at the time and in fact Ng Mui, Bak Mei, Miu Hin, Kang Si, Hu Wei Chen etc...were also teachers so their arts differ from basic concept to final execution.
Therefore how could one proclaim to encompass SiuLum Arts if they contain only a small proportion of them. Essentially Wong Fei Hung's art is Luk-A-Choi's and then Some. Luk-A-Choi's is Chee Sim's Fundamentals, Hung Hei Guns additions and then some. Whereas Hung Hei Guns (Jyu Gu Cha's) maybe something else altogether....village Hung Kuen (NOT HAYSAYFU by the way)...This is the position of the question.

Of course in the end all Hung practioners and Martial artists for that matter are brothers/sisters but it is interesting to note and discuss the possibilities of distinguishing arts from the Luk-Ah-CHoi lineage which seems to be the more well known and practised one outside of China to the Hung Kuen thought to be of Hung Hei Gun's lineage.

No bickering here just discussion

Shi Chan Long