View Full Version : Why do you study Kung Fu(martial arts)

10-27-2002, 04:41 PM
I would simply like to know why you as an individual study Kung Fu. I have come across a number of different reasons why people study kung fu. For example, health purposes, compassion and even carnage addicts and what not. Please tell me why you study kung Fu and the effect it has had on your personality. In addition could you tell me what effect your style of king fu has had on your mentality Thank You.

10-27-2002, 05:46 PM
In no particular order:

- self defence
- health & fitness
- life-long interest
- confidence
- co-ordination
- philosophy

10-27-2002, 05:47 PM
I do it because I enjoy it. I have always had a desire to study MA, and then I wanted to learn to defend myself, but now I do it because I love it.

How has it affected my mentality - it has taught me that no matter how good you are, on any given day there will probably be someone better.

David Jamieson
10-27-2002, 05:50 PM
it feels good to exercise.
it feels good to have confidence at any level.

martial arts practice instills both of these.

I practice because I enjoy practice. I study because of personal interest in it.


10-27-2002, 05:50 PM
Oh yeah - what joedoe said too.

10-27-2002, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
How has it affected my mentality - it has taught me that no matter how good you are, on any given day there will probably be someone better.

And THAT's the person you want to challenge.

10-27-2002, 08:22 PM
I started because my dad was a very good martial artist and got me really interested.

My reasons for sticking with it are:
-It's lots of fun
-Keeps me from being morbidly obese
-wushu girls are hot
-fighting/self defence
-it's something I can use to help others someday
-improves my overall mental health
-it's something I can learn new things in for the rest of my life and can never master completely(though that doesn't mean I can't try ;) )

10-27-2002, 08:32 PM
To make sure that nobody can walk into my life and kick my ass without a WAR on his hands.

10-27-2002, 10:27 PM
I do it for a lot of reasons - but primarily because it is the biggest challenge I can find, both mentally and physically.

There is no end to the series of moves and countermoves you can string toghether.

In MA there are no rules, no moves you cannot do, or attacks you are not allowed to throw.

There is no challenge like trying to control your own psyche in terms of muscle memory, as well as stress management.

Oh yeah - That and I love shiny weapons.



10-28-2002, 12:23 AM
hmmm...i've got so many reasons why I study Kung Fu.
its actually also changed.

when i was a kid i was really happy to find out i was going to learn some choy lee fut. watching too many movies, etc i was the crazy jumping kicking kid at home thinking he was like jet li :P. come to think of it, i'm not actually sure why i liked it so much at the time ah well...boys will be boys.

When i grew older I wanted to pursue kung fu as a fitness thing really. just to take my mind off study and get a bit of a workout. :P

then the more i got into it, the more i enjoyed it and just haven't gone back. the reasons now are (in no particular order of priority):

I luv kung fu
I luv my style and all the things i can learn from it
my sifus are great ppl
my friends at the gwoon - met some really really cool and good ppl there. :)

cha kuen
10-28-2002, 01:16 AM
I read in the book "Chronicles of Tao" that one studies kung fu for a self of accomplishment and confidence so that he can go through and live life with full confidence, not beign afraid to take on anything that comes in his way.

And the fighting is good too. =]

I started kung fu because I wanted to kick some butt. Now I value martial arts much more. It is one of the most beautiful arts in the world and it's as deep as an ocean. Not only is it awesome for fighting, but it's great for internal energy, self expression, spirituality and more.

It also relates to chinese medicine, herbal tea, chinese culture and philosophy.

-cha kuen

10-28-2002, 06:35 AM
Read my .sig. I prefer to feel free.

10-28-2002, 07:29 AM
Because the the voices in my head tell me to.

10-28-2002, 08:24 AM
I have a list of people who have done me wrong in the past, the time of thier ass kicking is on its way.

SanSoo Student
10-28-2002, 08:26 AM
Originally I learned it to kick my friend's ass, but now its just for improving myself (spiritually and mentally), and I like practicing with my friends also.

10-28-2002, 09:15 AM
I study MA because I'm a loser.:p

10-28-2002, 11:21 AM
I originally did it to keep off the streets and away from a life of crime. That marginally worked. Now I do it for a living. In my best moments, it's a spiritual practice, but in my best moments, everything is a spiritual practice.

MonkeySlap Too
10-28-2002, 11:24 AM
Originally I did it for self defense. I still do, but the need has been significantly reduced in my day-to-day life. Health figures into it. At various times the competitive aspect (both myself and others) was enjoyable. Probably because of martial arts, I find that MA types are more fun to hang out with - and it gives you a chance to associate with people from all walks of life that you might not otherwise get to know.

I guess health figures in as self defense against ageing...

10-28-2002, 11:36 AM
I do it for the spiritual cleansing and enlightenment. I always feel closer to nature and more at peace with myself and the universe after practice. Just the other day I was so enlightened I could actually feel myself floating away on a cloud of ethereal light. It was a calming, centering experience.

I definitely like the harmonious attitude I cultivate with my training brothers and my fellow man. Without MA, it's quite possible I'd be a heathen, spiritless, uncultured, western brute with no appreciation at all for the more important matters of the mind and heart.

I feel at inner peace and an amazing kinship with the trees of the forest and the butterflies that float on gossamer wings.

10-28-2002, 12:28 PM
wow thats quite a change MP :D

i started training coz i was bullied, then as i got older i liked to compete, now i just train to study and understand (improve) my skill... i have done various skills in the past (shotokan karate, western boxing, muay thai, a little judo, shorinji kempo, aikido) and now i do only wing chun as it fits my ideas and body pretty well (just wish i could do it :p). also i do qigong for my health.


10-30-2002, 11:51 AM
Could you please all do me the honour of telling why you study your particular style and if you think your particular style has an effect on you as a person and why.

10-30-2002, 12:46 PM
I study in the hopes that someday, having trained mind and body to the highest peak possible, I might be worthy to be a moderator on a board like this. :p That's ambition for you!

Gold Horse Dragon
10-30-2002, 12:48 PM
Hi There,

I first entered chinese martial arts for spiritual reasons and to have the ability to defend myself without having to seriously hurt someone. I first started in Kuntao/Shaolin Kempo and shortly after and concurently Hak Fu Pai and Southern Five Animals. My main art is Hak Fu Pai (southern Black Tiger System) (not Fu Jow Pai). It is a well rounded and very effective system to keep one in shape and for self-defense. Hak Fu Pai has both non-lethal and lethal techniques. I was really lucky to be able to learn this system which I have done now for 27 years. While in law enforcement, my art stood me excellently in combat in the criminal world and two life and death fights on the street against armed attackers where I did not have a weapon. My art allowed me to defend and overcome these attackers without having to seriously injure them.


Ford Prefect
10-30-2002, 12:51 PM
I study for the same reason as Merry Prankster except my butterflies fly. They don't float.

straight blast
10-30-2002, 05:24 PM
I do it because I find it absolutely fascinating. I can just train all day long due to the fact that I love every part of it. Doing Wing Chun really appeals to my analytical, scientific side while also challenging me physically not to use my size and strength which has given me an edge in other styles.

I have always liked the philosophy behind them too. As I discussed with my trainer at the gym this morning the 3 best things in life are:

(1) Sex
(2) Kung Fu
(3) Weights

And that's about it ;)

10-30-2002, 06:20 PM
I do it for the fighting. For the way it benefits lives, but mostly for the sweet counters. I like sparring and I even like getting thrown or taken out by sweet techniques. I like counters that go onto other counters. I like the reality of it, the fast paces, smooth movement. Hitting the ground full force and rolling out of it like cotton.

Why else? Not being sick while training, ability to have sex as long as you want, deepening mind/body connection, efficency in everthing.