View Full Version : Trip to Chicago

10-28-2002, 09:34 AM
In the next few months I should be going to Chicago. Something I have been trying to find out is what options are there for carrying a weapon? I have pretty much rulled out a gun due to the strict laws.

So what size knife is legal to carry concealed? It seems like someon told me 3", does straight or folder matter?

I thought about taking a walking stick like the fiber glass one from Cold Steel.

I usually carry my gun but not to places like Chicago.

Any ideas......?

MonkeySlap Too
10-28-2002, 09:47 AM
A 3" folder is legal. Fixed blades are not.

You cannot carry a concealed firearm, and, If I remember, handuns are illegal period in Chicago.

Chicago is pretty safe, despite the occasional news stories - just stay way out of the worst neighborhoods.

Capsicum pepper pouches are very useful, as are 'kubotan' key chains.

You can always carry some arnis sticks and claim you are a drummer...but it better stick if something happens :).

In cold weather - Judo or Shuai Chiao are the MA of choice.

10-28-2002, 10:02 AM
Dang, no fixed blade. So is a 3" folder the max blade lenght?

Yeah, most people I have talked to say Chicago is pretty safe, some say it's not. What areas are not safe in general? I would like to visit China town too, it is a must see for me.

I thought about pepper spray or a stun gun. I usually don't worry too much but my wife will be with me and it's better safe than sorry.

Really, when you boil it down I feel safest just knowing how to defend myself, maybe I'm just paranoid, I've sem some crappy things happen that would have been different if the person was more preparred. I'm supprised they don't ban self defense in Chicago then people would be almost totaly defensless.

Oh well, I am really looking forward to visiting, I hear it can be a lot of fun.

10-28-2002, 11:00 AM
You're driving, right? What the heck are you worried about? The important piece of advice I could give you is, don't get lost and have a breakdown south of Chinatown. Any place you're actually planning to visit is going to be pretty safe. If you're out drinking till 3am on Clark Street, you might get rolled by a gang of H.omo's, be prepared to wake up covered in Pink Triangles and an Equality sign taped to your butt.


10-28-2002, 11:07 AM
just don't get lost in the south side...

10-28-2002, 11:07 AM
:eek: My bed time will be early and I'm staying off Clark street that's for sure.

Actualy driving is one of the times I want to be ready to defend myself. If you've ever broken down in a rough place or got lost in a part of town you really don't want to be in, you know what I mean.

Really I've heard the main part of Chicago (That I'll likly be in) is pretty safe. The unknow situation is what I worry about.

10-28-2002, 11:59 AM
I read on the blade forum that the legal blade length for a folder in chicago is only 2.5''. You might want to verify what it is before you go.

10-28-2002, 01:55 PM
2.5", dang I might cut someone in half with that:(

MonkeySlap Too
10-28-2002, 02:34 PM
Well, I haven't lived there in years. Have you considered carrying a brick or a baseball bat?

Royal Dragon
10-28-2002, 07:46 PM
South side?? That's bad, but I'd avoid the West side too, and niehborhoods east of Naraganssett and South of North ave. But by Paulaski, I'd worry about as far North as Belmont all the way to Down town. The extreme South side is a wealthy Black neighbor hood, and i have never heard of anything bad going on there.
There are some really bad spots down Cermak the closer you get to the Lake.
Oh, and although Midway itself is OK, don't be caught North of it at night if your a "White guy". Trust me on this one!!

Basically, be wary of any nieghbor hood that has rundown buildings, trash all over, bars on windows, especially on residential houses and apartments, and has LOTS of peopel just hanging out or walking around with no aparent direction or destination, especially on the side streets. Bad nieghbor hoods have lots of old beat up rusty cars with scarrry looking people driving them too. Often, these cars have about 10 people in them, because only one of them can afford a car.

Generally avoivd the areas where people are carying Guns out in the open. They get away with it because the Cops are afraid to go there. (Grand and Hamlin at 1:00 Am is a perfect example).

Also, when you get to the area with burned out buildings along Chicago avenue (Just west if Independance) that have store fronts or appartment buildings with signs advertising illegal gambling out front, don't go there after about 4:00 Pm either.

If you go to the United center, don't go more than a block West of it, or North for that matter. Only fully armed millitary units should go there, and even THEY would be shot at.

Other than that, have fun and enjoy the wonderful windy city!!!

10-29-2002, 08:20 AM
And if you are of a more pale decent as am I, if you are forced off the highway and accidentally end up in front of the Robert Taylor projects, this is not the time to obey traffic lights. Trust me, they will attempt to "acquire" your vehicle. And your shoes too.

10-29-2002, 11:04 AM
Hehe, thanks for the tips guys.

Royal Dragon,

Me thinks you may be a wee bit sarcastic :D

10-29-2002, 01:24 PM
That's funny, I was with my friend in a car and took the wrong way to get to Chinatown from Hyde Park, and passed the Robert Taylor projects at night. I stopped at the light, but believe me I was ready to step on the gas fast. You get to Chinatown from the highway, usually, or State Street from the NORTH. Not from the SOUTH, that's where the infamous RT projects are. Anyway you'll be fine. Unless you are run over by a gang of old ladies at the art museum, you may wake up with "AARP" stickers pasted all over your bodies.

10-29-2002, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by fa_jing
That's funny, I was with my friend in a car and took the wrong way to get to Chinatown from Hyde Park, and passed the Robert Taylor projects at night. I stopped at the light, but believe me I was ready to step on the gas fast. You get to Chinatown from the highway, usually, or State Street from the NORTH. Not from the SOUTH, that's where the infamous RT projects are. Anyway you'll be fine. Unless you are run over by a gang of old ladies at the art museum, you may wake up with "AARP" stickers pasted all over your bodies.

That's it, I'm taking the fully armored Humvee with the .50 BMG mount..... Oh wait, no guns, dang.