View Full Version : Anyone ever break ice?

10-29-2002, 07:37 PM
Not Karate Kid 2 style :D

Like... people use boards and rebreakable boards, but they're expensive!

Couldn't you just get a tray or something and fill it with different levels of water and put it in the freezer? Like 1/2", 1", 1.5" deep, and so on? Then you could take it out once it's frozen and use it for breaking.

I'm sure the breaking properties of ice are different from wood or concrete, but is this idea feasible?

Just wondering.


10-29-2002, 07:42 PM
Yeah man, we used to do that for demos. Looks great when it explodes into shards in the sunshine. However, beware of cuts. I used to break ice with an elbow strike and it would always leave little cuts, like tiny glass gashes, in my elbow. Same with punches, little cuts on the knuckles. With kicks, wear shoes and you're fine, of course.

The cuts are nothing too serious, but it's surprising how many tiny bits of ice get a piece of you during the break. The old inch punch kind of technique results in less cuts, but it's no way as impressive as punching right through something!

Also, start off with nothing more than an inch or two thick at most and test your conditioning. A block of ice several inches thick can be pretty hard. Also, beware of flying chunks of sharp ice. When those puppies blow, especially bigger ones, ice flies everywhere.

10-29-2002, 07:43 PM
I worked as a bartender, and I needed to break huge chunks of ice that had formed.

Sometimes you bleed.

I imagine its pretty easy, but really whats the point? To test it I suppose. Get your power up, when you feel your hands chi'd up, try it out, you'll do better than you think if you relax and use your waist.

That or your hand will hurt like hell. Either way, get the jow handy

10-29-2002, 07:45 PM
Perhaps I'll put a towel over the ice first then to prevent the cuts.


Chang Style Novice
10-29-2002, 08:10 PM
I break ice at bars, too, sometimes.

"Wow, that's a really interesting pendant. What's it mean?"

(sorry, couldn't resist)

10-29-2002, 11:23 PM
Couldn't you wear some gloves then to help protect you? Not like big huge padded gloves, just some light cloth or leather gloves.

10-30-2002, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice

"Wow, that's a really interesting pendant. What's it mean?"

Asking about a chick's pendant is just a subtle way to tellher you've been staring at her cleavage.

Former castleva
10-30-2002, 04:10 AM
Just watch out for probable injuries.

Ford Prefect
10-30-2002, 06:28 AM
Editted: Chang stole my thunder. :(

Chang Style Novice
10-30-2002, 06:42 AM
Father Dog -

Tha'ts the great thing about it! "Interesting pendant" says

a- nice hooters! (Without using the word hooters.)
b- I like your style.
c- I want to hear you talk.

And more besides, all at once. Ladies - mostly - want to feel attractive, sophisticated, and fascinating. And they want you to say it. But if you say it just like that, you sound desperate and boring. Complimenting their clothes or accessories is always a good idea. (edit) Of course, it helps if you're not wearing a pair of ratty jeans and Jagermeister muscle tee when you say it. (end edit)

Ford -

neener neener neener.

Qi dup
10-30-2002, 08:55 AM
Yeah man, I break ice like that all the time in the winter! Usually around 4 inches thick or so. Just take a big swing and break on through. At times I break up to eight inches thick. Sometimes that takes a two swings though. You diffinatly want to wear eye protection when your breakin those big pieces up. Using a towel might not be a bad idea, however I'd probably just tear right through it. I don't think I've ever cut my hands or anything. I just keep a firm grip on my pick axe and let 'er fly!:)