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View Full Version : Been looking at kung fu mpegs

10-29-2002, 09:34 PM
from all over the net and I have to say that regardless of style. The Asian martial arts of Germany and northern Europe are the worst.

And looking at Aikido clips....why is Steven Segal 7th dan? He's smooth for a white guy, but all the Japanese guys in clips I've seen illistrate "Sung"


here are some to get you started.

10-29-2002, 10:14 PM
Why thank you, Stacey!

Steven Seagal is a 7th dan? Ooookay.

Former castleva
10-30-2002, 04:40 AM
Thanks for the site.
Yes,Seagal is.
There have been rumors that heŽd be 8th.dan but that has not been generally accepted.He created his own style of aikido.

Ford Prefect
10-30-2002, 05:51 AM
Well, geez. Maybe you should be in charge of all aikido belt ranks since you seem to be able to judge skill of highly ranked aikido black belts so well. I guess the guys that trained aikido for longer than you've been alive just don't have any idea what abilities a true 7th dan in Aikido should have. That's too funny.

10-30-2002, 09:18 AM
LOL @ Ford Prefect!