View Full Version : Master Tsai ???

10-30-2002, 04:51 AM
Just saw a program where this guy Master Tsai was being interveiwed.

He seems to teach pressure point fighting purely for self defense.

Does anyone know anything about his style?

He was suggesting the the size of a person is irrelevant and that even small women could take down anyone if they followed his teaching.

10-30-2002, 06:23 AM
would this by any chance be that fat/round japanese guy?
Some show on the discovery channel right?

10-30-2002, 06:48 AM
No, he is talking about the info-mercial with the guy who beats up Danny Bonaducci (aka Danny Partridge from "The Partridge Family").

10-30-2002, 06:51 AM
Yeah thats the guy.

He "beat up" the Partridge Family guy last night.

He's not a little fat Japanese guy, he's slim and Chinese.

Just wondered if anyone knew about his style and how effective it is.

Can anyone beat up anyone with just pressure point fighting techniques???

KC Elbows
10-30-2002, 07:26 AM
Royal Dragon studied with him for a bit. He'll probably answer this before the end of the day.

10-30-2002, 07:33 AM
I studied at one of his branch schools about 11 years ago when I lived in Chicago. I never learned directly from him but I did, on a couple of occasions, see the guy appear to simply touch people and they would yell in pain. Never quite knew what he was doing. I always assumed it was some sort of pressure point application.

Former castleva
10-30-2002, 07:48 AM
Same kind of application to ppfighting can be found from Okinawan karate and of course arts like kyushojitsu (talking of relying on them)
I think that kind of application has many strong and weak points,talking of who can beat whom with,I think this same principle should be adopted to basical vital spot theory.

10-30-2002, 09:27 AM
By the way, his style is Shaolin Chuan Fa. I never saw him in action, but I took classes for a year with his student Sifu Andrew Lee. He was very knowledgeable and was awesome to watch in action.

10-30-2002, 01:51 PM
SG Andrew Lee trained with tsai and his son kenny for a while, but he is no longer in tsai's association (I won't get into all of that as it's not in the scope of this thread), however, both tsai and his son are awesome fighters. his videos and the forms he teaches have always been subject of debate, but NOBODY disputes his effectiveness as a fighter.

10-30-2002, 02:37 PM
I dispute his effectiveness as a fighter. I saw him do applications.

He's sneaky, and quick, but so what. I think he's a punk biatch that gives kung fu a bad name.

I think he's pathetic and I have no reason whatsoever to believe that he is good. I think his tapes are a big waste of money. Come one. Do you beleive he's anything to say, Mike Patterson?

MonkeySlap Too
10-30-2002, 02:53 PM
Johnny Tsai may be a lot of things, but one of them is a pretty good san da coach. His son Kenny did exceptionally well in the Chicago circuit, and was the arch nemesis for one of my classmates.

JT was always polite to me also - even when I stood against him in the big wushu debate in '92. (I was oppossed to introducing modern wushu, he wasn't)

Sure, he's a promoter, made a few bucks on the fringe. Sure his background is a little shakey, and he's made some...unusual claims.

But his son Kenny was tough, and his student Arlene Limas went to the olympics for TKD.

So he can't be all bad.

10-30-2002, 03:08 PM
The true quality of an instructor should shine through his students. Nuf' said! No true martial artist would ever say anything derogatory about any other martial artist. Its ok to have difference of opinion but to dish out unwarranted insults is totally unacceptable.

MonkeySlap Too
10-30-2002, 03:18 PM
Well, being unsulting is not called for period - but honest diagreements are always open for discussion.

I don't beleive anyone should ever be put on a pedestal, but I also beleive students should give the proper respect to thier coaches and be good sportsman.

Unless of course, you are discussing outright frauds like OOM YUNG DOE. They deserve to be treated the way they treat others.

Royal Dragon
10-30-2002, 04:53 PM
My thoughts on Master Tsai,,

I have to say, I liked his classes back in the early 90's. BUT, I have to admit, I studied under his seniors Sifu Percy Brown, Sifu Gia Spencer, and Sifu Chris (Forgot his last name). After he retired, and went back to Taiwan, I went to Mater Steven Abatte, one of his most senior students till my divorce.

All Tsai's seniors were top notch teachers and very skilled at what they did. Sifu Percy Brown was connected to the "Mortal Kombat" moves, and if I remember right, he was in the Third one. I don't think it was ever released, and I don't know what part he played. All I remeber was he was ALWAYS in his MK outfit, and often threw fire during tournaments. He was, and probably still is one of the best and most talented martial artists I have ever seen.

As for what he taught back then, i'm not really sure what we were taught. The sign on the door said "Five Animals" but we were doing some sort of Long Fist system for sure. I was told it was Shaolin Chuan Fa, which could be just about anything.

I belive Master Tsai has two sons, One named Johnny, and the other Kenny. Johnny has just registered on my Kung Fu forum at www.royaldragonusa.net

If you like, go there, and post your questions. I'm sure he will answer.