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View Full Version : yihemen quan and wu hua quan

Rurouni Kenshi
11-02-2002, 02:03 AM
hi there,

So doshin, the 21st succesor of northern shaolin si quanfa was taught mainly two quanfa coming from shaoling:

yihemen quan and wu hua quan.
i wonder if these style still exist in china and if anyone have information on it

Crimson Phoenix
11-02-2002, 05:01 AM
Regarding WuHuaQuan, all I heard about is a style from Henan, also known under the names WuHuaPaoChui or WuHuaPaoQuan or WuHuaBaGuaQuan.

As for YiHeQuan, the name rings a deranging bell in me (a priori, without any further research), since if I remember correctly it was the phony style taught to the Boxers during the eponymic rebellion. Nevertheless, it's very likely that there is not only the fake YiHe teaching you how to bear gunshots with internal energy, but also a very legit and martial style also called YiHe. I have to do some more search on that though, I'm posting that from memory.

That's all I can say for now...

David Jamieson
11-02-2002, 08:00 AM

One of the five main styles of Taijiquan is Wu. Of Wu style there are 2, -Hua and Jian- so, Wu Hua is also Taiji.

perhaps they are all derivatives of each other? evolvements over time? or just plain coincidence.


Rurouni Kenshi
11-03-2002, 01:42 AM
phenix, thanks for your help,
is wuhuapaochi the canon fist boxing from shaoling?
wuhua baquazhang sounds like baqua but shorinji kenpo the style founded by so doshin (successor of shaoling quan) as nothing to do with bagua

kung lek, wu taiji is a name of a family like yang from yang seng fu
(if my spelling is corect)
and there is no comment point in shorinji kenpo and taiji quan

shorinji kenpo is an external style although it include some meditation and breathing technic, the aim is not to direct qi but to relax and empty the mind. advance stage of meditation enlighten the body with qi but still no internal method is taught to use and direct the qi.

for all the story of these style and reasear read the website in the article page


Crimson Phoenix
11-03-2002, 05:22 AM
WuHua arts are from Henan, just like Shaolin, and they are grouped in the same Henan wushu current. So there are definitely shared influences one on another. However, I am not aware if WuHua Pao Chui could be the Shaolin Canon Fists. Pao Chui indeed translates as Canon fists, but in my mind they are two different arts (or maybe brother arts?) I don't know...I'm really not very knwoledgeable about these arts.
As for the Bagua part, don't worry, bagua, the 8 trigrams, are an integral part of the chinese thought, so you can find mention about bagua in many styles (eg: Si Men Bagua-Sei Mun Baat Gwa a southern form, from BakMei if I remember correctly) that have nothing to do with Baguazhang per se.

Kung Lek, hey, thanks for the precision, I was not aware of these two trends in Wu Taijiquan...
I went to bed a little less ignorant thanks to you :-)

Rurouni Kenshi
11-05-2002, 01:53 AM
strange i just notice a description of Yihe quan in a french website
they say that it was created in 1925 by master Wang Xian Zhai
and that it belong to the shaoling tradition.
but i never heard about this master in shorinji kenpo website and the date is contradictory with shorinji kenpo history

any idea?

Crimson Phoenix
11-05-2002, 10:05 AM
uuh...maybe there was a mispelling, because the art Wang created is known as Yiquan or also Dachengquan, but not Yihequan...not that I know of at least, maybe it was a transitory name since Wang never really found a name for his art that would satisfy him...but I haven't heard of that...

Rurouni Kenshi
11-06-2002, 02:45 AM
you re right, that must be a mispelling, Yiquan this boxing came from xing yi quan if im not wrong?

well all this doesnt solve our mistery....