View Full Version : Clip of Russian strength master Pavel Tsatsouline performing his Kettel bell training

Royal Dragon
11-02-2002, 07:22 AM

Chang Style Novice
11-02-2002, 08:59 AM
The 'dishonor' of dieting and aerobics?!?

Uh, whatever, 'comrade.'

Royal Dragon
11-02-2002, 09:16 AM
I though it was funny. :D

11-02-2002, 10:37 AM
I thought it was funny, too :)

"for comrades who like it TOUGH."

11-02-2002, 10:39 AM
you guys know what he's talking about - at least I do. When you're younger and doing something "macho" like playing football, your teammates will laugh and you and probably whoop your arse if you tell them that you are doing dance aerobics. That changes when you get older and mature more though. All that aside, Pavel knows his stuff when it comes to strength training.

Royal Dragon
11-02-2002, 01:51 PM
Dammmm Right he knows his stuff!!!!

Pavel is the MAN!!!!

Chang Style Novice
11-02-2002, 04:51 PM
I'm sure he does know his stuff. But acting like an arrogant, intolerant ignoramus doesn't get you on my good side.

11-02-2002, 05:17 PM
kettlebells 0Wn j00!


Chang Style Novice
11-02-2002, 05:24 PM
And if a Jew owns kettleballs, what then?

Royal Dragon
11-02-2002, 05:29 PM
I don't know, I thnk I'm with Seven Star on this one. Infact, I originally started martial arts to loose weight so "I" wouldn't have to suffer the "The 'dishonor' of dieting and aerobics"

He's Russian, and does not have the grasp of English's nuances. "Dishonor" is probaly his interpritation of "Embarssment".

Still, he speaks the truth about that. In most circles, Areobics is a "Chick" thing, and only wussy Fa.aggy guys or guys looking to Hit on the Chicks in the class do that.

Real men fight, or lift weights, run, football, wrestle, Box etc. But Areobics??? Come on, that's only for the "girly boys!!!":D :eek:

Qi dup
11-02-2002, 08:44 PM
When I downloaded it I just got some file called, "v103.rm" :confused: I don't know, maybe I did something wrong. Well, just the same, has anyone here used any of Povel's programs? how would you rate them?

Royal Dragon
11-02-2002, 08:56 PM
Try playing the file

11-03-2002, 05:54 AM
Originally posted by Qi dup
When I downloaded it I just got some file called, "v103.rm" :confused: I don't know, maybe I did something wrong. Well, just the same, has anyone here used any of Povel's programs? how would you rate them?

you will need Real player (www.real.com) to view the file. If you dont already have it installed.


African Tiger
11-03-2002, 12:17 PM
that was the most f.a.g.gedy-ist thing I have ever had the displeasure of downloading. :rolleyes:

Funny that the guy has more hair on his chest than Chuck Norris in Return of the Dragon, with roughly 1/3 the muscle or martial arts ability.

Anbody can lift a gallon jug of milk or a fat housecat over their heads and call themselves a workout guru nowdays. What is this world coming to? :mad:

Chang Style Novice
11-03-2002, 12:26 PM
Okay, I'll bite. What's wrong with a hairy chest?

yers truly,

Royal Dragon
11-03-2002, 01:37 PM
African Tiger,

I never said Pavel's video was Fa.ggy, I said I agre with his opinion that doing girly areobics is fa,ggy.

I actually like the guy. His video represents a bit of a cultural and language inbalance, but Pavel seems to know his stuff quite well.

I have been lurking on his forum for quite some time now, and he has a good solid following. Russian Kettel Bell training has enough possiblity for me to take a serious intrest in it. I plan to buy his book, and make a set of Kettle bells when I have the time.

A freind of mine comes from a long line of KB trainers, and he is monster strong. I think there is quite alot to it.

Also, how can you judge his martial ability?? When did I or anyone else say he was a martial artist? And what difference does THAT have on his knowledge of KB training or it's effectiveness?

I know plenty of weight lifters that have no martial skill either, but does that mean weight lifting is ineffective?? :rolleyes:

11-03-2002, 03:03 PM
1) Kettle bell workouts are extremely hard and swinging milk containers, cats, or db's is not the same thing. KB training plays a huge function in the training programs of many Russian military units and SAMBO clubs.

2) Pavel lifts regular weights as well and is insanely strong compared to most people even though he is not big.

3) The Marine officer training program at Quantico has invited Pavel to give seminars on more than one occasion on kb and conventional strength training.

Pavel is however a fitness instructor using the marketting technique of being a colorful character in order to draw attention to his deep pool of fitness knowledge. He plays the role of the "Soviet proletarian warrior". I can understand if the character does not suit you, but I would suggest not dismissing him without looking beyond the schtick.

Royal Dragon
11-03-2002, 03:22 PM
I Love his "Schtick"!!!

Oh.... wait.... never mind, that didn't sound too good.

11-03-2002, 04:21 PM
RD, let's not try to force it on people. If they are interested they can check it out on their own. If not, then don't worry about it.

Some people want to believe that squats are bad for your knees, and some people want to believe that kettlebells are ***gy. Who cares? They're the ones missing out. Just consider it an advantage that you have that they don't.

As for Pavel, how many of you here who weigh 180 can also deadlift over 500 lbs?

...or are deadlifts too bad for your lower back :rolleyes:
