View Full Version : Sifu Wong Kiew Kit

11-03-2002, 11:39 AM

For those interested in learning Shaolin Wahnam Kungfu and Chi Kung, as taught by the Shaolin Wahnam Institute, and are based in the UK, my Sifu, Sifu Wong Kiew Kit has recently asked me to start teaching public classes in the UK.

Regular Shaolin Wahnam Kung Fu and Chi Kung Classes are available in the Brighton area of the UK as of now.

London and Manchester classes will be starting soon.

Interested applicants should supply their details, including name, age, gender, health issues, martial arts experience, occupation, reason for wishing to learn, location and contact details to myself:

Dan Hartwright


11-03-2002, 03:07 PM
Hey Dan,

You can probably remember me from Segovia a few years back, I was one of the Finnish monkey kungfu thugs. :) These days I'm training Bajiquan with Lu Baochen though, a true master who recently came to Finland. Anyway, just thought I'd say 'hey' and wish you well.


11-03-2002, 03:24 PM
Great to hear from you, but which of the three thugs are you ?

Good to hear you are still training.

11-03-2002, 07:22 PM
I guess you'd recognize me as the smallest of the three.

And yeah, still training. Just getting more intense as the months accumulate.

Anyway, sorry for hijacking the thread! Folks, go train with Dan! :)

11-04-2002, 05:56 AM
Saw your ad in Worthing but just moved from the area.


11-04-2002, 09:33 AM
Scotty, that is a shame.

Where have you moved to ?

There maybe future classes planned near you.

11-05-2002, 05:50 PM
Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit of the Shaolin Wahnam Institute will be teaching a series of 3 Chi Kung courses in Brighton, England over the weekend of December the 7th and 8th 2002.

The courses on offer will be;

1. Generating Energy Flow: To enable students to generate an internal energy flow, which will prevent or overcome illness, promote health and enhance vitality. This is the most fundamental task of Chi Kung.

2. Dan Tian Breathing (Abdominal Breathing): To tap energy from the cosmos and store it at the abdominal energy field, and to enhance mental clarity and spiritual joy.

3. Sinew Metamorphosis: To develop tremendous internal force, attain mental freshness and clarity, and to achieve spiritual joy.

For more information, including booking information, times and costs, please visit http://uk.wahnam.org