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11-03-2002, 07:16 PM
IronFist wrote.
How hard do you guys hit the dummy?
This question surprises me.
How do you transfer energy ? Is my question?
Since I was taught that every strike should be done at full power, the only difference between a knockout and a singing strike, should be the penetration of your energy into the target.
In other words control.
I believe that all strikes should be more than just kinetic energy or brute force.
I believe that concussion striking should be our goal. My definition of concussion striking is, to send a shock wave into the body SO that it will causes damage to the internal organs .(such as the heart, lungs, and brain to name a few.)
So to my way of thinking to control the penetration of YOUR energy should be the most important element of ANY strike.

Yes! IT IS TRUE THAT You must use your whole body to create energy , but truthfully there are many ways to increace your power , but POWER is only half the battle. How do YOU use it???
OR can you use what youve got,to its fullest? if you dont understand energy how can you?!.

11-03-2002, 09:12 PM
How hard do you guys hit the dummy?
This question surprises me.
How do you transfer energy ? Is my question?
Since I was taught that every strike should be done at full power, the only difference between a knockout and a singing strike, should be the penetration of your energy into the target.
In other words control.

Why should every strike be at full power? You need to be sure the direction of your force is going in the right place before you start going full power.

11-03-2002, 09:56 PM
Since I was taught that every strike should be done at full power, the only difference between a knockout and a singing strike, should be the penetration of your energy into the target.

So if every strike is done with full power, but some are done with less penetration of energy. what is the difference between "less than full power" and "full power with less penetration of energy"? I have an idea. What's yours?

if you dont understand energy

Well, let's suppose for a moment I don't ... your explanation of it did nothing to enlighten me further. Andrew S gave a good definition of it on the taiji thread. Does yours come close?

How hard do you guys hit the dummy? The question surprises me.

I've heard the question lots of times, so I'm surprised that as knowedgable and erudite a practitioner as yourself should be surprised.

Would you care to answer it?

11-04-2002, 02:56 AM
Come on guys, I thought this topic was pretty cut and dry.
Concussion (the control of the death of your energies penetration into the target to cause internal damage.) Should be the goal,
otherwise you are doing the same thing that most Karate systems do.

In Bruce Lee's lost interviews, he stated that a Karate punch was like steel bar, but a Gung Fu punch is like a steel ball on a steel chain, when it hits it sounds like a,WANG causing more damage.

Perhaps there is a communication gap here? I was just surprised that no one else even mentioned concussion.

Think of it in modern military terms. Which causes more damage to a human? A concussion grenade or a fragmentation grenade. The answer again is concussion (SHOCK WAVES) cause more damage to humans.

Im waiting to hear your replys.
Sincerely C.A.G.

11-04-2002, 03:37 AM
Personally, I really like causing internal organ damage. The last time I sparred somebody, I dispersed my energy into their lower intestine, causing their sphincter to spasm uncontrollably. It was a huge mess, and took a long time to clean up. But, we all had a good long laugh about my friends "energy enema."

Now, let me tell you about the time I ruptured my sparring partners spleen and pancreas at the same time, and then went on to shatter the dummy from the inside out when I directed my energy into its center. Maybe it was rotten wood or maybe I've just gotten really good at what I call "the hairy palm."

11-04-2002, 04:13 AM
Perhaps there is a communication gap here? I was just surprised that no one else even mentioned concussion.

There does appear to be a communication gap. you appeared to ignore my questions in my response.

It seems you get surprised an awful lot.

Have you ever punched the dummy body full power? How long was your hand in the cast?

How do your training partners like getting thier internal organs concussed, seeing as you hit with full power all the time?

I've been concussed a few times. I wouldn't want to make too much of a habit of it.

In Bruce Lee's lost interviews
That apparently got found again, huh? I read that stuff about twenty years ago.

11-04-2002, 07:02 AM
curtis, email me. maybe i have an answer that you'll like.


11-04-2002, 07:36 AM
my friends who to tae kwon do and karate talk about punching through the target, for example, if they were to hit someone in the head, they imagine the end of their strike being at the back of someones skull

in wing chun, on connecting to the target, we explode into it
this is why when you practice the dummy you watch for the reaction that occurs from your strikes, and can tell if they were a good hit or not. this is the main reason i think the our dummys are free and have the frames they do, and are not fixed/immobile anymore. the wall bag is for learning your structure, and the wooden dummy will really improve your explosive power on contact - for good strikes (if you have the structure).

whose to say which is better? i dont know, but i know a good strike from either will hurt like hell

11-04-2002, 07:39 AM
perhaps i should have explained exploding more - i like the term because i think it sorta gets the feel/essence of what happens on contact. wing chun's jing or something like that :) on contact, with a good lineup, all available muscles can be used, legs, waist, arms, chest, shoulders, wrist. this can 'transfer' a whole lot of 'power' into an opponent, because you have almost a controlled full body twitch, that really accelerates your weapon (palm/fist whatever), and can add a lot of your body mass into the strike. all of this can add up to one helluva hit

Cashier Graham
11-04-2002, 12:14 PM
Why so much power, don't you know if 60 or 70% of your power is enough to hurt someone? Using full power in a strike is like gambling if you screw up then your in the brown stuff. If you use less power then you can keep your balance easier and consequently you're more mobile. My internal organ smashing might not be up to much maybe because I don't understand energy, ooh wait no-one understands it otherwise physics would have a definition, but nethertheless if I hit someone not nesscerally as hard as possible they stay hit and the same goes for me when they tag me right back.

11-04-2002, 12:36 PM
Concussion grenade vs. fragmentation grenade. . . ???

****, I've broken my hands on people, but I've never left fingers inside them. My kung fu must be no good! I must work harder on my detatchable finger technique. . .

Internal organ damage?

What's that sound? Thumping? Kinda rattling? Oh that's it, Wong Sheung Leung spinning in his grave.

The number of logical flaws, factual fallacies, and generally meltdowns in reality testing which seem to be going on here is truly impressive. I don't even know where to begin . . .

Backing away slowly, keeping an eye on Merry in case he thinks sneaking up and delivering an 'energy enema' would be a good turn on his nom de net,


old jong
11-04-2002, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Merryprankster
Personally, I really like causing internal organ damage. The last time I sparred somebody, I dispersed my energy into their lower intestine, causing their sphincter to spasm uncontrollably. It was a huge mess, and took a long time to clean up. But, we all had a good long laugh about my friends "energy enema."

Is this kind of phenomena the origin of these ''mat worms''? :eek:

11-04-2002, 05:09 PM
OK! I guess I will let this topic drop.

But let me finish this train of thought, for those who are INTERESTED.

Energy is created and stored in the body. That energy can be transferred through the body, by the means of striking, or kicking. As this energy enters the opponent it creates a shock wave. If you drive in to be deep into the target, the shock wave will be minimal, causing of pushing driving type of punch. But if the energy enters the body or target and then is quickly remove, the shock created by this energy will continue to bounce around inside the target. All depending on the amount of force applied into the target can cause internal damage to soft tissues, and even compound fractures could result even in hard parts of the body such as bones.

Punching something hard with full power, may be a strange concept to some. Although what I am trying to explain is that the energy created from the punch can be controled. If the punch is at the surface of the target, you will not receive damage to the striking element (such as the hand, palm, fingers ect... ) Fortunately humans are not as hard as wood. But when striking the hardend parts of the human body, (such as the head) you must use a greater care in order to use shock waves. To create the damage desired.

Think about it, if doing a chop choie or a bil jee you penetrate to deeply into the target something will break, (normally your fingers or knuckle ) but if you sting your target you'll get greater effect. The chop choie will penetrate the target more effectively and create more pain, with less effort on your behalf.
What I am trying to say is , there is much to striking than just striking.

Thank you
sincerely C.A.G.

cha kuen
11-07-2002, 03:48 PM
If you want your body's energy to damage the guys internals you have to use your mind to send the energy. Use your YI (intent) because the mind leads teh energy (chi).

Your body has to be connected first of all from a good relaxed posture and stancework. After that you build your energy/chi. Then you have to know hwo to move the energy around and eventually you learn how to actualy use it.

Not done in your immediate few years,kung fu books (http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewSellersOtherItems&userid=taichimaster06&include=0&since=-1&sort=3&rows=25)

11-08-2002, 02:47 AM
cha kuen

11-08-2002, 04:12 AM
Or, alternately, you're both full of esoteric crap. One of the two.

11-08-2002, 07:40 AM
actually, what cha kuen said was the only smart thing on this thread

11-08-2002, 07:43 AM

I rather like anerlich and AndrewS' comments.

11-08-2002, 10:50 AM

FWIW, Cha's quoting a fairly common Chinese martial arts truism. Yi leads the Qi, Jing follows the Qi path.

It's actually a fairly nice way of explaining things, and holds up pretty well over the years; it's just obtuse and easily misinterpreted.

Another way of phrasing it-

Your mind puts your body in a state where it can hit well.

Each part of this chain- the mind, the body (strength and coordination) and hitting/power release/a good shoot/whatever can be trained and improved. Chinese martial arts have a lot of excellent ways to do this.

Unfortunately, most people get lost in the Chinese.

Check out Tim Cartmell's stuff, you might find it useful. His book on throwing is superb, with a great intro on body usage in CMA in actual understandable English, and if 'Passing the Guard' is up to that standard, it's gonna be a keeper. Shenwu.com

Take it easy,


11-08-2002, 01:31 PM
Ah, see, now you're talking sense. You're actually putting things in context, rather than repeating "sifu says."

I believe us ornery western types would call it "visualization" :D

11-08-2002, 02:22 PM
Hey Merry,

Originally posted by Merryprankster
Ah, see, now you're talking sense. You're actually putting things in context, rather than repeating "sifu says."

I believe us ornery western types would call it "visualization" :D

Yup, but we'd confuse our students by doing that, 'cos they should be using their minds to enage a number of senses- sight, hearing, and kinesthetic.

The kinesthetic stuff is cool 'cos the pathways involved give some good clues to the stuff you should be using to do something well (and the stuff you shouldn't be using).

I have a quite good book on qigong with some martial gongs in it. If memory serves me, the paths qi is supposed to follow in a basic hindu pushup (being described as a martial conditioning exercises) pretty well describes the stuff being used in the process of the motion, and probably helps you become aware of a lot of inobvious stabilizers.

Take it easy,


11-09-2002, 01:56 AM
Energy transfer in WC to me is about relaxed power. Unlike some other systems where tension is revered WC emphasizes relaxed and complete release of the energy from the floor via body alignment and into the opponent with the strike.

Arm muscles are turned on and then off to prevent hyper extension of the elbow and allow for a fully extended and natural ligament induced snap return with minimal need for bicep intervention.

Any energy or tension left in the striker is energy that should/could have been better transferred into the opponent - many schools teach that even the fist should not be too tight - just enough to maintain structure and integrity on impact.

11-09-2002, 12:09 PM
Energy transfer in WC to me is about relaxed power. Unlike some other systems where tension is revered WC emphasizes relaxed and complete release of the energy from the floor via body alignment and into the opponent with the strike.

Arm muscles are turned on and then off to prevent hyper extension of the elbow and allow for a fully extended and natural ligament induced snap return with minimal need for bicep intervention.

Any energy or tension left in the striker is energy that should/could have been better transferred into the opponent - many schools teach that even the fist should not be too tight - just enough to maintain structure and integrity on impact. [/QUOTE]

Relaxed or shoong is a common platform for all inner related training in Chinese Martial art.

To say it is about relax power is too general. How to transfer that is the question.

11-09-2002, 12:11 PM
FWIW, Cha's quoting a fairly common Chinese martial arts truism. Yi leads the Qi, Jing follows the Qi path.

There are millions of people read the above in TaiJi, YeeChuang, XingYee, Shaolin.......

But, the question is why can't they implement it?

11-09-2002, 12:22 PM
Either they had bad teachers who known the sayings but cant show anyone how to do it, OR they are cr@p.

11-09-2002, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by S.Teebas
Either they had bad teachers who known the sayings but cant show anyone how to do it, OR they are cr@p.

In your view how is the fajing being implemented?

11-09-2002, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Hendrik
FWIW, Cha's quoting a fairly common Chinese martial arts truism. Yi leads the Qi, Jing follows the Qi path.

There are millions of people read the above in TaiJi, YeeChuang, XingYee, Shaolin.......

But, the question is why can't they implement it?

Hendrick- I think that to an extent this describes all motion whether performed well or poorly. Intent to move readies the paths in the body to move and motion occurs. There are some ways of moving better/more efficiently. These can be learned in a very Darwinian manner (i.e. watch Jordan on the court, Marciano in the ring) or by very deliberate transmission of specific motion chains for specific skills (neijia body usage, Hakka body usage, Wing Chun, Shaolin, Aikido, etc.). Most people don't get either of those things- the experience or the instruction- in sufficient quantity to be worthwhile.

That's my guess, what's yours?


11-09-2002, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by Hendrik

To say it is about relax power is too general. How to transfer that is the question.

I thought I said a bit more than 'just relaxed' Hendrik. Aligning the body, using WC structure (which I assume WC people know) - using all body joints together and fully releasing this energy by turning off the muscles when max power is generated - allowing full transfer into the opponent is what I was getting at.

Tension is the enemy - it inhibits the ability to release energy - this is where the student must begin, and most students need to focus on this aspect in order to lose the dead energy that is physically and emotionally stiff and inhibiting to improve in all WC endeavors including energy transfer.

11-09-2002, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by AndrewS

Hendrick- I think that to an extent this describes all motion whether performed well or poorly. Intent to move readies the paths in the body to move and motion occurs. There are some ways of moving better/more efficiently. These can be learned in a very Darwinian manner (i.e. watch Jordan on the court, Marciano in the ring) or by very deliberate transmission of specific motion chains for specific skills (neijia body usage, Hakka body usage, Wing Chun, Shaolin, Aikido, etc.). Most people don't get either of those things- the experience or the instruction- in sufficient quantity to be worthwhile.

That's my guess, what's yours?


My view is that there are basic specific components which was not identified either purposely or unintentionally.
eventhough the general was published.
And it is the "weight" of these specific components which differentiate different styles.....

when one clearlly understand the basic "elements" and their "weight" of how they put together.
one knows what it is as in Chemistry....

That is why our ancestors had us train in "the essential training in the specifics" or Siu Lien Tau. LOL :D

He who is clear with the specifics can take apart and synthesis others.
One can take others shape because one knows others componets and weight....
but others can't do that to one because one constantly changes the shape/components/wieghts.. with one's mind. nothing fix...
That is the ultimate. LOL

" Application has no limitation in shape.
Tee (Application) and Yoong (body) is "one"." ----- 12 zhuang.

Welcome to Matrix part 3.
Toto this is Silicon valley ain't Shaolin anymore. :cool:

11-09-2002, 02:55 PM
Andrew S- :If memory serves me, the paths qi is supposed to follow in a basic hindu pushup (being described as a martial conditioning exercises) pretty well describes the stuff being used in the process of the motion, and probably helps you become aware of a lot of inobvious stabilizers.
You are probably talking about the "dand"- the motion parallels
the yoga motion called "surya namaskar" greeting the sun.
Gotch the catch as catch can great also recomends the "Hindu
squat" which is the "baithak". In the details of those two you end up exercising practically every major joint and muscle without too much tension if done right. The old timers (I have seen them)
did hundreds and hundreds of them- naturally more dands than baithaks...the later takes more energy over time.

11-09-2002, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by YungChun

I thought I said a bit more than 'just relaxed' Hendrik. Aligning the body, using WC structure (which I assume WC people know) - using all body joints together and fully releasing this energy by turning off the muscles when max power is generated - allowing full transfer into the opponent is what I was getting at.

Relax is not enough.

Aligning is good but how are these all above accelerate?

Think about it. It doesn't work without the acceleration components.

Even if you have strong Qi cultivate I bat you that you still have to use something in the material domain to convert and accelerate...

WC structure it is just a name. same with all names. It is not a principle. Thereby, it can be anything if the basic components and "weight" of the components are not specified.

Tension is the enemy - it inhibits the ability to release energy - this is where the student must begin, and most students need to focus on this aspect in order to lose the dead energy that is physically and emotionally stiff and inhibiting to improve in all WC endeavors including energy transfer.

Tension is a part of Elastricity (spelling?)
Relax and Tension is a Ying and a yang; they exist naturaly in the Energy Based domain. It will be absurd to try to get rid of one or another. what one tries to get rid is the "excesive" not Tension or relax.

Matrix part 3. How the technology was developed.
---- back to the past and identified the sixth elements.


11-09-2002, 03:04 PM
MP-In the old Indian martial arts- "mustee"or "musti"or "musthi"were the fistic arts including vajra musti- lightning fists which attacked vital points. Grappling was "kusthi". In ancient times you mastered(in some North Indian styles)both musthi and kusthi ( a different parallel for pankration) for the full martial(non sport) training plus weapons.There were many different styles and South Indian styles...some still survive
like kalaripayattu.

11-09-2002, 03:08 PM

PLus they did many supplementary exercises- the equivalent
of chi gong to make-chi/prana- energy in modern lingo flow smoothly throughout the body to the extremities.

11-09-2002, 03:09 PM
grin (spelling?) the root chakra to stir up the energy....
Then see how the energy transfer. LOL

But, first principle. stiff spine makes rigid mind. Give up the Shao Lin original Wooden dummy type of YJKYM or SLT. :D

11-09-2002, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Hendrik

Tension is a part of Elastricity (spelling?)
Relax and Tension is a Ying and a yang; they exist naturaly in the Energy Based domain.

Huh? I think your in over your head. A rather large oversight here: Relaxation may well be Yin and CONTRACTION may well be Yang but tension is when one muscle group works against an opposing group causing dead energy - an overload of Yang - which cannot release - that which is inflexible is dead - that which you seek you cannot find - he who speaks cannot listen. TOYOM :P

11-09-2002, 04:17 PM
grin (spelling?) the root chakra to stir up the energy....
Then see how the energy transfer. LOL

((Without the muladhara the snake doesnt move)))

But, first principle. stiff spine makes rigid mind. Give up the Shao Lin original Wooden dummy type of YJKYM or SLT.

((Pr0perly done- the yjkym is not dead))

11-09-2002, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by YungChun

Huh? I think your in over your head. A rather large oversight here: Relaxation may well be Yin and CONTRACTION may well be Yang but tension is when one muscle group works against an opposing group causing dead energy - an overload of Yang - which cannot release - that which is inflexible is dead - that which you seek you cannot find - he who speaks cannot listen. TOYOM :P

Relaxing and Tensing are what I mean if you like to be specific in words.

one time you mention there are 8 ways for fajing.
so what is that 8 ways?

11-09-2002, 05:32 PM
[grin (spelling?) the root chakra to stir up the energy....
Then see how the energy transfer. LOL

((Without the muladhara the snake doesnt move)))

Sure. that's why just relax, yee.... are not enough.

But, first principle. stiff spine makes rigid mind. Give up the Shao Lin original Wooden dummy type of YJKYM or SLT.

((Pr0perly done- the yjkym is not dead))

Sure. but then how is a proper done YJKYM?

11-09-2002, 05:53 PM
Sure. but then how is a proper done YJKYM?(Hendrik)

Now that would be a long essay and an even longer
cantankerous thread! My football team Oklahoma just lost -
to a Texas(A&M) team of all things! I have to relearn how to be detached...from the fall of the mighty.

11-09-2002, 08:08 PM
Hendrik Says:

In your view how is the fajing being implemented?

Define fajing. I’m familiar with correct feeling and intent (thinking), and force.

but others can't do that to one because one constantly changes the shape/components/wieghts.. with one's mind. nothing fix...
That is the ultimate. LOL

I agree that shapes change, but a strong mind can stabilise thinking - essential.

11-10-2002, 12:34 AM
"Define fajing. '

Issuing force.

"I’m familiar with correct feeling and intent (thinking), and force. "

How is the mechanics?

"a strong mind can stabilise thinking - essential."

A strong mind can't move a tea spoon. A pinky can do it effortlessly. Thus, it can't be translated as little idea. :D

11-10-2002, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by yuanfen
Sure. but then how is a proper done YJKYM?(Hendrik)

Now that would be a long essay and an even longer
cantankerous thread! My football team Oklahoma just lost -
to a Texas(A&M) team of all things! I have to relearn how to be detached...from the fall of the mighty.

to be honest, I always question how can the body/mind/qi be proper when one smokes opium.

11-10-2002, 01:09 AM
to be honest, I always question how can the body/mind/qi be proper when one smokes opium.--Hendrik

**You need time to collect yourself, and keep your eyes off the key hole of Yip Man's room. In other words, surround yourself with the resources that help you understand the spiritual dimensions of your life experience.

11-10-2002, 12:23 PM
Define fajing. '

Issuing force.

mass x acceleration = force

"I’m familiar with correct feeling and intent (thinking), and force. "

How is the mechanics?

Too much to write here (at work)

"a strong mind can stabilise thinking - essential."

A strong mind can't move a tea spoon. A pinky can do it effortlessly. Thus, it can't be translated as little idea.

It all originates in thought, work with a strong foundation.

11-10-2002, 02:32 PM
to be honest, I always question how can the body/mind/qi be proper when one smokes opium(Hendrik)

Hendrik- no one is perfect but his ygkym was as good a martial ygkym that there is and it shows in his best students.
If it wern't for him lots of folks including myself woulndt be in wing chun.(Joy)

11-10-2002, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by yuanfen
to be honest, I always question how can the body/mind/qi be proper when one smokes opium(Hendrik)

Hendrik- no one is perfect but his ygkym was as good a martial ygkym that there is and it shows in his best students.
If it wern't for him lots of folks including myself woulndt be in wing chun.(Joy)

It is not about any single person.
If we look closely, China at 1850 time were filled with opium.
The ShangHai's Triad head man himself was a heavy opium smoker. One can read these from his interviewed with the press at that time.

So, there were issues about the "picture" of us today thinking about what happen at that time.

And, that also might link to why some "internaL" stuffs were broken in the process of transmitting.

I think we all have to admit that if the Qi or Prana or the Kundalini energy was not attained by the sifu himself.
Then, there were a 90% chance that the energy path would lost within a generation eventhough the sigung might have it.

And as we can see in the Wong Fei-Hung movies that sometimes martial artists got trap into the opium addicting also. It is not a pretty picture to look into it. But , there are alots of reality we have to accept (without blaming) because it exists. We certainly can learn something from it.

11-10-2002, 03:21 PM
"mass x acceleration = force"

True things are simple if it is a bullet.
But then, the body is not a rigid bullet
and how is qi/Yee..... related. In addition, what and how to accelerate?

"It all originates in thought, work with a strong foundation. "

Chinese history has told lots of account on full of ideas but no tangible methodology of implementation.

11-10-2002, 04:58 PM
Hendrik- one doesnt have to look at the past. Tobacco has effectively replaced opium in the new slavery and addiction in many parts of Asia- and the world. Some of the big tobacco companies make more money abroad and in the US.
Its a very sad thing to see many a Chinese master irrespective of style teach chi gung and then puff away till the side effects of smoking do their statistically predictable damage. You can add the alcohol/wine factors for some.
((BTW many of the ships with opium cargo headed for Canton
were loaded on the docks in Calcutta- my home town in Brit.
shopkeeping days.))

11-10-2002, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by yuanfen

Its a very sad thing to see many a Chinese master irrespective of style teach chi gung and then puff away till the side effects of smoking do their statistically predictable damage. You can add the alcohol/wine factors for some.
((BTW many of the ships with opium cargo headed for Canton
were loaded on the docks in Calcutta- my home town in Brit.
shopkeeping days.))


You know, we might think we are strong now in the time of peace.
But then, who to say what will we do if we were born at those time... it is always easy to say something later.

I took that opium is attractive not only because of the English
but lots of Chinese would also don't want to face the reality of Qing dynasty going down which nothing one can do about it.
So, some choose to close the heart get high to forget the pain.......

In your language, As when the support of the first chakra shut down the second, the fourthand the sixth also close down. anger, Sex, illusion......

I hope these three chakras are open again and functioning well for SLT. These are the three location I found YJKYM and SLT get into problem. IF these Chakras are not open, the Transfer of energy will be only negative if there are any because the person is not in balance.

11-10-2002, 09:47 PM
True things are simple if it is a bullet.
But then, the body is not a rigid bullet
and how is qi/Yee..... related. In addition, what and how to accelerate?

Yes we are not rigid like a bullet, nor are we shinny like a bullet, nor are we little like a bullet. The part of the equasion to focus on is on the MASS. Step on the scales and you will see you have have one component (weight/mass its all relative aslong as we are on earth right) ;)

As for what to accelerate... accelerate the mass (just like the formula says). You can work out where the best place to do this from... can't reveal all on the net! :)

Chinese history has told lots of account on full of ideas but no tangible methodology of implementation.

What are you talking about? Your teacher teaches you how to do it.

11-10-2002, 11:01 PM
quote:Chinese history has told lots of account on full of ideas but no tangible methodology of implementation.--Hendrik

--What are you talking about? Your teacher teaches you how to do it.--Steebas


I guess Hendrik is still inside of his box. But then, there is still a question. Does he know what his teacher taught him?

11-10-2002, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Hendrik
I took that opium is attractive not only because of the English
but lots of Chinese would also don't want to face the reality of Qing dynasty going down which nothing one can do about it.
So, some choose to close the heart get high to forget the pain.......

In your language, As when the support of the first chakra shut down the second, the fourthand the sixth also close down. anger, Sex, illusion......

If I have to give up opium, anger, sex, and illusion, then what's left?

I'm going to have another beer and smoke a joint while I meditate on that. :) The main reason I need Wing Chun is so I'm safe doing all that stuff.


11-10-2002, 11:43 PM
As for what to accelerate... accelerate the mass (just like the formula says). You can work out where the best place to do this from... can't reveal all on the net! :)

LOL . See. LOL

What are you talking about? Your teacher teaches you how to do it.

As I mention above, ton's of Yee, Qi...Fajing writing. but then who has really got it? The mechanics, the process, ......

some experts couldn't even figure out whether one needs to tuck in or tuck out the butt while doing YJKYM with reason.

This is what I am talking about.
before the issue such as the basic tuck in tuck out stuffs clear out the question needs to be asked are there energy? rather then talking about tranfering energy.

Nothing to do with my teacher. Better to leave other alone and focus in technical discussion.

11-10-2002, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Grendel

If I have to give up opium, anger, sex, and illusion, then what's left?

Heaven or Hell is one's own choice.

I'm going to have another beer and smoke a joint while I meditate on that. :) The main reason I need Wing Chun is so I'm safe doing all that stuff.


If so, then, Shao Lin is just a Cult Gang. and WCK is for commit suicide. :D

11-11-2002, 12:27 AM
--If so Shao Lin is just a Cult Gang. and WCK is for commit suicide.--Hendrik

If you have nothing good to say about Shoalin. Then, take a walk around the place where you live. Stay there and enjoy yourself.

11-11-2002, 01:01 AM
--some expect couldn't even figure out whether one needs to tuck in or tuck out the butt while doing YJKYM with reason.--Hendrik

**Who are these so-called *some expect* in your book? Are you talking about yourself or other people?

--This is what I am talking about.
before the issue such as the basic tuck in tuck out stuffs clear out the question needs to be asked are there energy? rather then talking about tranfering energy.--Hendrik

**In spite of all your problems and confusion, but do you really know what are you talking about?

--Nothing to do with my teacher. Better to leave other alone and focus in technical discussion.--Hendrik

**You often talk about other teachers, but not your teacher. Why???
So, to begin with, you should make an effort to examine your own experience, in order to see what it contains that is of value in helping yourself.

11-11-2002, 08:00 AM
Does anybody here ever use a double end bag? Just curious. The relaxation that seems to be so vital is a must have quality when you work this item.

I personally can't believe how complicated this conversation has gotten. More to the point, I don't understand WHY. Depth and complication aren't the same thing... taste some mushroom dark soy and taste some light soy... the mushroom dark soy has more depth but is not any more complicated in its flavor components.

11-11-2002, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by Rolling_Hand

**You often talk about other teachers, but not your teacher. Why???
So, to begin with, you should make an effort to examine your own experience, in order to see what it contains that is of value in helping yourself.

why hiding behind the fake name? LOL.

11-11-2002, 08:46 AM
We've discussed f=ma several times on the WCML and it always seems to boil down to the non-physics folks, who have some lay or common (mis)understanding of it find it helpful and the people with the physics degrees point out how it does not apply to martial arts. (For example, objects in negative accelleration, be they fists or cars, can still cause considerable damage, making speed at impact a greater factor than acceleration, which still does not touch on very relevant factors such as qualities of the target, and structure of the impacting weapon, to name but a few).

Hendrik/Joy - While perhaps the most famous WCK teachers of early 20th century Foshan were relatively small, slight people not always in the best of health, there were others who were younger, stronger, and in better health condition. Since people like Yuen Kay-San and Yip Man, even in their elder years, in their lesser health, still seemed highly applicable even in face of these younger, stronger, healthier men, may hint that rather than lose something, they were forced by lack of physical attributes to delve deep into other facets of the art, and realize what could be accomplished there with.

MP - As usual, well said.


11-11-2002, 02:29 PM

Yes, I use a double end bag. It's very hard to work effectively with it if you can't or won't let your spine and stance flex and move. AS IMHO it is to fight effectively.

11-11-2002, 02:50 PM
Terminolgy fails me MP and Anerlich. I may know the bag but not the name- what is the double ended bag--- the horizontal things for uppecuts etc- or the tied down and up on both ends balls
and vertical things?

11-11-2002, 04:39 PM

I've trained with the double ended bag, mostly doing rounds of chain punches, rather than trying to hit combinations. It's a fun toy for developing focus with your punches and some visual reflexes. For some of the power transfer stuff that people are mucking about here, the thing can be a little too live, so I think I actually wind up hitting it differently than I would were I trying to land shots. One of the ideas with 'energy transfer' is to make the collision as inelastic as possible with little kinetic energy being used to move the target, and more being dispersed inside it. An example of this is to hit a hanging 25lb bag at full power without moving the thing much. On a long bag, it's the type of shot that makes the bag jump up a little rather than swing away and leaves a nice divot in the bag.


I'm partying with you when I make it up north.

