View Full Version : Bored with Bruce Lee This and Bruce Lee that?

11-05-2002, 01:10 PM
Write yourself a limerick!

There once was a young man called Bruce Lee
Whose only wish was to be on TV.
He lived on steroids and some martial arts
Had a few career false-starts
And eventually ran out of Qi.

11-05-2002, 02:19 PM
why is it that 9 times out of 10, when someone says that they're sick of hearing about bruce lee, they're the first ones to have brought up bruce lee in months? short of the JKD forums, he just doesn't come up all that often.

that said, far be it from me to turn down a limerick opportunity:

there once was a skilled gung fu man,
who went by the name lee jun fan.
AKA little dragon,
his career wasn't flaggin',
when he died of a cerebral edema resulting from an allergic reaction to an equalgesic headache medication, but at least he wasn't on the can.

stuart b.

KC Elbows
11-05-2002, 02:34 PM
Apoweyn, that is the worst limerick ever.

Oh, by the way, Bruce Lee this and Bruce Lee that.

11-05-2002, 03:03 PM
my first literary criticism at KFO. [sob]

that cuts deep, KC elbows. i pour my heart and soul (read: complete lack of talent) onto these boards. and this is the thanks i get.

stuart b.

p.s. bruce lee would never have been that harsh.

11-05-2002, 03:09 PM
Oh yes he would! AP,

I've got Bruce on the phone for you AP, and he's mad!!! ;)

I don't understand people's problems either. They bring poor Bruce up to bash him?? This one literally sounded like just sour grapes and jealousy of the poor guy.

Only wish to be on TV? Bruce wanted to create a strong Asian presence in the film world, and stop the belittling of them that was going on in hollywood at the time.

And he did.

That's what he wanted. Get off the martial arts crap already. The guy was way more than that.


11-05-2002, 03:11 PM
I think they should censor the word "Bruce Lee" on this forum

KC Elbows
11-05-2002, 03:12 PM
Ryu this and Ryu that.

Apoweyn, I was harsh. Here I'll give you the good first, then the bad.

THE GOOD: Your limerick showed good familiarity with the medical material you referrenced. It showed strong research skill, and utilized that research throughout the entire piece...

THE BAD: ...piece of crap, that is.:D

11-05-2002, 03:22 PM
"Ryu this and Ryu that".

:D Yeah but this is something we can ALL love and enjoy....


KC Elbows
11-05-2002, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Ryu
"Ryu this and Ryu that".

:D Yeah but this is something we can ALL love and enjoy....


Write a **** limerick, ya slacker.

11-05-2002, 03:36 PM
Out of the garden of truth came Ryu.
A powerful fighter who's dreams he made true.
With a muscular kick, the girls they did pick
to honor their love with his...... :( Uh oh.......

That got kinda dirty didn't it? :(


KC Elbows
11-05-2002, 03:42 PM
Apoweyn's limerick is starting to look like high art.:p :D

MonkeySlap Too
11-05-2002, 04:42 PM
There once was a fighter with elbows,
if you faced him, his fists never ceased,
a rare style of six, he did know
for he was, the one, true KC Masterpiece.

But I like seet baby ray's better as far as store bought sauces go.

Oh yeah. Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee, Ryu, Bruce Lee.

Now I'm done with THAT for a month.

11-05-2002, 05:40 PM

if i remember correctly, you had to go TWO WEEKS writing everything in rhyme form about a year ago. YOU of all people should be contributing the most.



David Jamieson
11-05-2002, 06:04 PM
where did all the rap ganstas go on this forum?



straight blast
11-05-2002, 06:46 PM
Bored with Bruce Lee This and Bruce Lee that?

Not really, no :D

Non limerick..just a poem.

Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee.
Oh to be as good as he.
Bruce Lee.


11-05-2002, 07:31 PM
dont make KC write in limerick :eek::eek:


psycho monk
11-05-2002, 07:57 PM
Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee
How even after death you still are envied,
They all know they love thee ,
And aLL own your movies ,
A pity , a pity to see hate like this,
Bruce Lee , Bruce Lee may you rest in peace.

:D No need for appluase people , this was the ultimate , really people dont applause please , ok well I said applause **** It:cool:

11-05-2002, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
where did all the rap ganstas go on this forum?



didn't they get banned?


Chang Style Novice
11-05-2002, 10:17 PM
Scansion, people, scansion!

Verse has rhyme...AND METER!

11-05-2002, 11:17 PM
i got yer meter right here.


anyhoo, limerick time ...

fists were a painful concept
so lee became quite adept
lee's partner, no wench
and bumcheeks, lee'd clench
and the fist lee would intercept


Chang Style Novice
11-05-2002, 11:27 PM
And you said you had meter.

SHAME! Proper limerick meter is like this:

There once was a man name of Bruce
Who's thought kungfu should be more loose
He thought to impress
That classical mess
Had little or maybe no use.


bah-DAH-bum bah-DAH-bum bah-DAH
bah-DAH-bum bah-DAH-bum bah-DAH
bah-DAH-bum bah-DAH
bah-DAH-bum bah-DAH
bah-DAH-bum bah-DAH-bum bah-DAH

It's really very simple. And still, most of you schlubs can't even get the number of syllables right, to say nothing of correct stress.

Ford Prefect
11-06-2002, 06:18 AM
I liked your second one better Chang.

KC Elbows
11-06-2002, 07:06 AM
if i remember correctly, you had to go TWO WEEKS writing everything in rhyme form about a year ago. YOU of all people should be contributing the most."

I'm serving much the same function as the mean British judge from 'American Idol'. And to that end:

Chang Style


There are many here(Ryu, Sevenstar) who would say that you no longer have in you the posting of a great work, that your heyday has come and gone. For a while, I feared that never again would you bring into being a 300 post thread about nothing.


I've been watching you, Chang Style, and I thought...I was sure there was a little bit...a little ember from that old spark of yours. However, they(Ryu, Sevenstar) disagreed, they would point to your posts and use them against you, and I wondered if they were right.


but this limerick, is clearly the old Chang Style back again. Your rhyme was good, your meter strong, the topic matter was clear and fit your needs. I felt that you played it safe a bit too much, but still, it was a strong showing, and I would imagine they(Ryu, Sevenstar) are eating their words right now, because you have that star quality that this forum is all about.

Congratulations. You go, girl.:D

Chang Style Novice
11-06-2002, 07:14 AM
If only I felt a little better today. The attached illustration gives an idea about my hopes for the future in light of last night's events.

KC Elbows
11-06-2002, 07:18 AM
Don't you feel glad you voted? I know I do.;)

11-06-2002, 07:27 AM
Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee
He could whoop your butt & make you pee.

Who else could be better than he
He is the one who created JKD.

Went to bed with a hore
The next day Bruce was no more.

11-06-2002, 07:32 AM
KC elbows,

Originally posted by KC Elbows
Ryu this and Ryu that.

Apoweyn, I was harsh. Here I'll give you the good first, then the bad.

THE GOOD: Your limerick showed good familiarity with the medical material you referrenced. It showed strong research skill, and utilized that research throughout the entire piece...

THE BAD: ...piece of crap, that is.:D

always glad to start my work day out with an embarrassing loud guffaw. cheers.

stuart b.

11-06-2002, 08:09 AM

Originally posted by Ryu
Oh yes he would! AP,

I've got Bruce on the phone for you AP, and he's mad!!! ;)

he's mad about the 'can' thing, right?

i blame elvis. i went to graceland once, and spent most of the tour thinking, "hmm... was this the crapper he died on?"

terrible, i know. but i was young and had no moral compass.


I don't understand people's problems either. They bring poor Bruce up to bash him?? This one literally sounded like just sour grapes and jealousy of the poor guy.

Only wish to be on TV? Bruce wanted to create a strong Asian presence in the film world, and stop the belittling of them that was going on in hollywood at the time.

agreed. i'm not a big bruce lee fan myself. in fact, honestly, i find him a bit irritating. but i think that's the trick. not to view him as some sort of icon. but as a person. a person who did some very significant things. and absolutely did not pass away on the can.

crap, i did it again. seeya in hell.

stuart b.

Former castleva
11-06-2002, 11:11 AM
There once was a man name of Bruce
Who's thought kungfu should be more loose
He thought to impress
That classical mess
Had little or maybe no use.

11-06-2002, 11:40 AM
There once was a man named Bruce
Who in the US wanted to turn Kung Fu loose
If not for this cat
We wouldn't be where we're at
Cuz all the other China men
Wanted to keep Kung Fu in Ho Chi Minh

I know, Ho Chi Minh is in Vietnam, but you get the point, I couldn't think of a Chinese city that rhymed with men. And for all you Bruce Lee bashers, this s--- is the truth. Besides, put him in a tournament with all the other Movie Stars and he'd kick their butts...including Jet Li.

11-07-2002, 08:50 AM

Originally posted by Sleemie
There once was a man named Bruce
Who in the US wanted to turn Kung Fu loose
If not for this cat
We wouldn't be where we're at
Cuz all the other China men
Wanted to keep Kung Fu in Ho Chi Minh

I know, Ho Chi Minh is in Vietnam, but you get the point, I couldn't think of a Chinese city that rhymed with men. And for all you Bruce Lee bashers, this s--- is the truth. Besides, put him in a tournament with all the other Movie Stars and he'd kick their butts...including Jet Li.

doubts about the premise aside, i'd have gone with 'tienanmen.'
