View Full Version : Well I'm an idiot...

11-06-2002, 07:13 PM
And when I try to introduce different opinions and experiences from different people to different people, it blows up in my face.
Plus constantly being the "middle man" trying to show the validity of two parties' thoughts to each other......... usually gets you hated by both parties.

Plus I'm sick of Stacey posting freakin porn.....

I think I may take off a few weeks, months, etc from MA forums all together.
I need a vacation anyway from stuff. :o

Train as realistically as you can, but train for the love of it also...


Shadow Dragon
11-06-2002, 07:18 PM

You are not an idiot, but a fool for thinking that you can have a serious, insightfull discussion about MA on KFO.

:D :p :D :p


11-06-2002, 07:27 PM
I liked the thread. I think it should end before it degenerates into a style vs style thing though.

psycho monk
11-06-2002, 07:52 PM
My thoughts Exactly Shadow Dragon ,

But RYU I must admit you are an idiot for letting those things get to you

11-06-2002, 07:56 PM
I liked the thread too, and I thought most people were very level-headed there. Some were acting kinda dumb, but most were good.
That thread isn't why I have a bad taste in my mouth. I respect a lot of the people on here, and I respect other people on other forums.... so when those two groups start bashing one another, it makes me think I was naive to "share" stuff between them.

and it's not you guys who I was disappointed in.....
(except of course for Stacey :D)

Anyway, seriously, I should take a forum break anyway. Just train JKD and BJJ and not post or read about it for a while. :)


11-06-2002, 07:57 PM
Bite me, Psycho Monk.


11-06-2002, 08:15 PM

I notice you have quite a few posts.
It would probably do you good to get away for a while and focus on your training.
It couldn't hurt. At least I don't think it could.
Anyway, good luck.

11-06-2002, 08:20 PM
Don't be gone too long, Ryu. You're one of the few people on here that is honest and intelligent and actually walks the talk.

Take care bro.

11-06-2002, 09:22 PM

My standard assumption has been:

90% of everyone are idiots.

90% of that 90% thinks they're in the other 10%.

Whenever you try to share anything that's the least bit controversial (or even isn't), there's gonna be a lot of people that don't want to hear what you're saying, and lots more that just try to turn the discussion into their own personal agenda.

If you feel that you need to take time off from the forums to train and deal with non-forum things, I support your decision and wish you luck, but you should know that your posts and your presence will be missed. You lend a knowledgeable, realistic, and well-rounded approach to posts here, and I've always found your contributions to threads be useful and worthwhile. I freely admit that my own training is geared towards sportive competition; I live in a small town and work in Princeton, neither of which are hotbeds of crime, and I tend to automatically avoid situations where combat might occur, so training for the kind of self-defense you train for is not really my bag. For this reason, I realize that I'm not as well-prepared for a real situation as I might be, and I value all of your posts because they reveal to me things that I need to work on, or at least keep in mind, for real situations.

Besides, what will Wendy do without her Chivalric Bully? :D

11-06-2002, 09:25 PM
FatherDog, Didn't I just say that with WAY fewer words?


wushu chik
11-06-2002, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by FatherDog
Besides, what will Wendy do without her Chivalric Bully? :D

D@MN GOOD POINT FatherDog. I've lost Watchman, now RYU? Ok, I'm beginning to wonder about you all....i KNOW it's not me!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE????

In all seriousness....Ryu, I wish you the best of luck, and hope you still keep in touch! You will be missed!! Unlike some of the other dipsh!ts on here, you're not a spaz! Have fun training, and email me a bit....and CHECK YOUR PM before you leave!!!


11-06-2002, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by wushu chik

Unlike some of the other dipsh!ts on here, you're not a spaz!

Now that's some eloquent posting! ;)

11-06-2002, 10:56 PM
the return of the watchman?

mark morrison, eat your heart out.

welcome (back) watchman. :)

11-06-2002, 11:19 PM
But Ryu - who will fill in as our lonesome gentleman?

I know - I'll do it - no - too much work - I'll get someone else - no - too much work - er any volunteers?

Take care Ryu.

11-06-2002, 11:30 PM
so if

90% of everyone are idiots.


90% of that 90% thinks they're in the other 10%.

so about 81% of the people are idiots, 9% are truely wise

and 10% are smart-asss :D

see you later Ryu, you'll be missed.

Yung Apprentice
11-07-2002, 02:45 AM
D@mn. I leave for a while and you all hardly mention. But Ryu may leave, and oh no, stop the forum hold everything UP. I got many posts under my belt and I bet the majority of you don't know me! D@mn you Ryu, D@MN YOU!!!

But seriously dude, good luck in whatever decisions you make. Train hard, but don't stray to far.

KC Elbows
11-07-2002, 07:26 AM
Ryu, sorry if I got a little grumpy on that thread, but I keep running into the same problem, and I have to try to remain patient. Mention something on which kung fu is a tangent to some people from more 'modern' arts, and some of them will get all arrogant and make the whole discussion be about MMA and TMA. On the flip side, bring up discussions that are tangentially about modern arts to some traditionalists, and they will turn it into the same thing.

We cannot control the meathead population of these forums, we can only inject our own qualities.

Keep sharing.:)

11-07-2002, 07:27 AM
Well Ryu, Just so you know a lot of us do enjoy your opinions and threads that you start. You allways to have something useful to say. I hope you don't stay gone for too long. Sometimes it is good to take a break from things for awhile. I do that to, sometimes I don't even look at my computer for a few weeks and then I'll start checking out the forums and sites I like. Oh-well, good luck.

I just had this though, Ryu is probably not even going to read any of this if he left already.

Yung Apprentice,

Hello, welcome to the boards:D

11-07-2002, 07:45 AM
Just leave already Ryu. I'm terribly tired of your closeminded posts and your unwillingness to accept people who do not practice the same style as you.

Former castleva
11-07-2002, 08:08 AM
What a terrible yet extremely effective way to gain attention :D gotta try that out sometimes...

Have fun out there and return in peace.

11-07-2002, 01:17 PM
I wont miss you Ryu, I just am surprised that you Judo guys are such wimps. ;)