View Full Version : Hello All,,,Just saying "Hi"

The Willow Sword
11-07-2002, 06:11 PM
I decided to take a break for a while since as always this forum gets to me and when i start getting too riteous and pi$$ed off, I lose some respect from the peeps here(the important ones anyway). But i am back and wanted to say hi to everyone. I will be making my Journey to Montreal Quebec to see the holiday season in another country and to meet a neat lady i met via online(been chatting and talking with her for a few months now).
My training is slow as is the transition from fall to winter here in Tejas(we never get a proper seasonal change) drinking more and more green tea and finding more varieties to slurp down. As far as the qigong and the hsing i is going my fists are turning into palms. it seems as though everything i do now focuses on the palm. the fist seems too easy these days. Trying a more "Internal approach".

Hope all of you are doing well. To my brothers and critics:

Hope this holiday season finds you and yours in good company good food and above all,,,good spirits.

Many respects,,,The Willow Sword


11-07-2002, 10:35 PM
well saying as no one else has i'll say it: hi and wb willow sword :)


Qi dup
11-07-2002, 10:52 PM
Hey yo! yeah man, stick around you always have something good to say, I like that.

Former castleva
11-08-2002, 03:59 AM
Keep up the good kind of work.
BTW,did you use to joke? :)

Anyway,welcome back.

11-08-2002, 09:56 AM
Hope you stay safe in your travels. Always nice to see your name poppin' up on the boards. :)

The Willow Sword
11-08-2002, 10:20 AM
FC: yeah i still joke or to some "a joke" ;)

wushu chik
11-09-2002, 02:53 PM
Are you back AGAIN??? It was so peaceful and quiet....there goes the neighborhood.....


11-10-2002, 11:53 AM
I'm not here neaither :D

The Willow Sword
11-12-2002, 01:09 PM
My little scorpion tail,,,how are you?

11-12-2002, 01:16 PM
First your here in Austin then you there in Taos.. then your back now you going to another country... when will the maddness end man..

ps be careful on the Internet endevour... and don't get too cold in Quebec:D

11-12-2002, 01:49 PM
I know someone who married a girl he met online…she was from China…he brought her into Canada and from there the U.S. They got married about one month later! Shortly after the wedding he lost his job and the two of them live with his parents. She doesn’t work. Beware!

I have tried several Green Teas and my favorite (right now) is Tazo China Green Tips. You can buy it at Starbucks Coffee of all places. Very yummy! Dragon Well from the Republic of Tea is also very good.

Thanks for the good wishes. Here’s wishing you the same!


wushu chik
11-12-2002, 02:18 PM
That's DRAGON...nong. Anyway...I am well, getting lots of stuff done. Packing and stuff for me move!! Anyway, hope you have fun in Cannuck! Should be a blast....ha ha ha haha ahaha ha.....uh.....


The Willow Sword
11-16-2002, 10:00 AM
Thanks Wen. I WILL have fun in the land of the Cannucks.

Godzilla: I was just drinking that tea earlier. I also like the Republic of teas. They have a few varieties that are awesome to glug down. try this website for some great varieties(organic) www.longevitycafe.com

GGL: The madness will NEVER end. bwahahahaaaaaa:p

Many Respects,,, The Willow Sword